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The Third. Covid liberalism. Almaz BraevЧитать онлайн книгу.

The Third. Covid liberalism - Almaz Braev

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will not find idealists among the older sons. Even among the urban intelligentsia, the elders behave as if they are ancestors dressed in modern costumes. All their thoughts are directed exclusively to reproduction. Like any prolific rabble, these older sons wander the wilds of neighborhoods in search of a certain favorite. The only idea that they understand and that the poets have thrown at them is love, if by love you can see something more than reproduction (with preliminary dances of the male around the female with sighs, insomnia and stumbling). Older sons are adherents of the old order. And this very love, in fact, old reproduction, they understand as order. Only as an order of age-old reproduction (as it turned out now with verses) And the state should help them in this, and they should help the state.

      The younger ones are not like that. In addition to being the very poets who invented love poetry, they are also knights without inheritance. These are road tramps in constant search of a feat and of course they are the Crusaders. Who, if not these youngest, these alien bastards that filled the Holy Land, could respond to the idea of the release of the Empty tomb? They are the same. The eldest in the family is one, and there are many younger ones. The younger ones are fortune hunters among the lowest, from robbers to pirates, but all the younger knights in the world need an idea, otherwise they will not move anywhere. The idea in the younger ones is like future glory.

      Similarly, all the younger ones in Russia at the beginning of the 20th century were captured and subjugated by Marxism.

      What do we know about Marxism?

      That it is like love and sexual intercourse available to all in the world. Everyone, regardless of age, gender, or financial status, can engage in, implement it, to introduce the Marxism to life. Both a nobleman like Lenin and the son of the shoemaker Vissarion – simultaneously and alternately. Both revolutionaries are not eldest sons. Therefore, they were drawn to feats for the name of global social justice.

      Actually, for this very justice, Marxism was liked by the people, few people understood anything about fundamental Marxism. And who among the Bolshevik and non-Bolshevik knights of the Marxists understood Marxism?

      People liked Marxism precisely because it was a large land-hungry crowd of younger sons, and in addition to them daughters of all ages who married these younger ones or were still brides.



      What is it that in Germany there were fewer children in the family than in Russia?

      What is this question about? We do not want to distract from the fact that in Germany the party of the Nazis, that is, the extreme right, prevailed, and in Russia the party on the contrary, the extreme left, for social justice. Why did the Germans see justice in their national (ethnic) superiority, and the Russians in equality, well, at least equalizing material properties. If we pay less attention to the General poverty and backwardness of Russia, we can see in the detachment of Russian revolutionaries a large number of foreigners, and even more interesting – Jews. As we have already found out, the eldest son of any nation will always be conservative, for the existing order. Do what you want, but like his father, he will be retrograde. And only the Jews, as well as the nomads of today, do not understand who of the son is what age. We will assume that this is a great addition to the revolutionary detachment of internationalists, and even the most intellectual and ideological. Although Karl Marx himself said that of all the interests of this world, Jews are closer only to money. As we can see, this is not the case. In any case, there is some surprising about the revolutionary generation.

      Moreover, though Germany was behind in the market from other major European powers, but it was much surpassed Russia in the degree of industrialization. The concentration of the remids, an independent thinking elite according to the revkon, was also significant (urbanization).

      If we consider in the prism of tradition, Germany was 1/3 traditional, and Russia 4/5. The crowd of zerefs and zeremids huge masses roamed the cities and there mastered not by choice. The most important reason for such migration, driven also from above, as always in Russia was the crisis. And all over the world the main catalyst for both the crisis and the crowd of «ideological» people is the crisis. The crisis is like disinheriting all people all at once, so that it is even more clear within the topic of older and younger sons.

      Have you noticed how the so-called conditional elite of society degrades during the famine? If you have not seen hunger, then at least during the distribution of products on the cards. That’s nothing. If the crowd of citizens is stable and stands in one place. But if the so-called elite also migrates from the former Soviet republics to Russia, that is, it is like peasants fleeing collectivization, it turns into these freshest citizens. With this migration, the entire past elite of prominent citizens in their former place turns into «eldest sons» in the new place. Are these the last of remids transform to zeremids and even zerefs? They degrade for a whole generation. They have nothing to pass on to their children. They all turn into a national concern of the patriots. So that you can understand how the nation of Goethe, Schiller, and Bach turned into conditional savages (from the point of view of left-wing humanists). If the entire group of the former elite is ruined, humiliated, lowered, then they become Nazis, quite naturally.

      And in Russia.

      If there are only two important megacities in the state, and the population remains almost traditional, then this is the time of younger sons who are hungry for justice.



      So, in order to the ideas of the people’s state to be at the top or dominating, it is necessary to have a certain number of conditional older brothers. Younger brothers get the upper hand when this absolute authority is not present. All the old city elite, all these doctors, teachers, lawyers and officials are once again turning into supporters of a hard hand, authoritarianism, do not recognize any tramps from the street, no proletarians with their equalization and social justice fake. Everything that these ragamuffins shouted under the direction of their leaders, all these slogans painted on marching banners, all this was a lie, hypocrisy from the point of view of the urban elite. The traditional perception of caste has not disappeared anywhere. It took a slightly different form. All civil servants and intellectuals turn into conservatives at once. But not in the form of those retrogrades that want to return the feudal castes, no one has yet gone mad to reverse the history of the Revival of feudalism with its rigid castes is possible only with little urbanization at all. Only for nomads is possible. For urbanized peoples, such a revival of history is de facto impossible. The past elite in the form of remids wants to stop this farce of legal equality, even at the cost of curtailing their rights. After all, the Republic is always a Horde of all the younger brothers. It was their democracy, their endless chatter, their permissiveness that led to the crisis. In fact, they violated the law of social hierarchy and led to anarchy. If it is not the elder brother who rules, or even the father, but the younger ones who want authority, this will inevitably lead any family to ruin. If you gather the will of all the younger ones in the Republican Parliament, you will get a violation of tradition within the entire society. This is how all the old intelligentsia turns into supporters of autocracy, dictatorship, and then Nazism, if there is a need to unite everyone with one idea from teachers to lumpmen.

      But wait, because in Germany in the 30s, the Communist party also marched cheerfully on squares and streets. In the ranks of the KPD and under the hand of the Communist leader, Telman were a million workers. How did they differ from the Republican younger brothers? Why were they for an even more left-wing social Republic? At least in words in their slogans of the dictatorship of the proletariat.

      Everyone who stands for the Republic is a younger brother by definition. It is inferior to others in Patriarchal law. In turn, the one who is inferior in age to all

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