Impostures. al-ḤarīrīЧитать онлайн книгу.
stir crowd
kelter order
coves people
push crowd
whiffle yelp or cry out in pain
old sharp a knowing old fellow
tats rags
peepers eyes
tatty-tog a sweat cloth
rammer arm
hen woman
bracket-mug very ugly face
mouse speak in a low voice
scrip writing paper
scratch write
gun examine
flat one unacquainted with the tricks and devices of rogues
bene good
plump rich
stiff a letter or printed paper
Old Shoe good luck
gapeseed anything that makes people stop, look, or listen
glibe writing
Old Poger the Devil
made me swim for my swag cheated me of my share
lenten starving
panny home
pap-lap baby
tip us a rag give us a dollar
rooked cheated
curlers who sweat the bag swindlers who put gold pieces into a bag, shake them, and gather the dust
bilked cheated
burners gamblers who prey on bumpkins
goose-cap fool
square it get one’s living honestly
turn stag become an informer
kinchin child
scran food
flatter-trap mouth
kimbaw beaten
my regulars my share
scrapp a planned act of roguery
heave peters off a drag steal boxes off a wagon
squeaker child
whindle moan
tap steal
rum-bit cheated
coves people
lace beat
snap arrest
smoky suspicious, curious
get him down close find out all about him
rover thought
nouse-box head
trot old woman
dawb bribe
dookin mort fortune-teller
post pay
no go no avail
gripe-fist miser
cant give
nix nothing
hare it return
transpear approach
maudling crying
mouthing crying
skinning cheating
dunnakin it can’t be helped
come off rye buck turn out well
bully times good times
Nickey the Devil
you bat an insult directed at a woman
glimstick candlestick
tace candle
strammel straw
fakement a written or printed paper
spanish silver coin
jack small coin
teston coin with a head on it
chant talk, inform
keep your wid shut be silent
spud base coin
mizzle be off
kirjalis Bring it on!
hard cole gold or silver money
Oliver the moon
cackle to blab
word-pecker a wit or punster
ramp to tear something away from someone
grabble seize
tumble to suspect (of being someone)
chaff banter
got him down fine know all his antecedents
brothers of the coif lawyers
jobation reproof
autum bawler’s patter sermon
breakup dispersing of people from theaters, lecture rooms, churches, etc.
seavey sense, knowledge
scavoir cunning, knowledge
copped to rights caught fair and square
chant name
tommey bread
chalk spot
yam eat
pannam bread
pipe follow, trail
flapper hand
cutty-eyed looking askance, looking suspicious
tray three
beaters boots
crib house
flick some pannam and kaffar cut some bread and cheese
no one with us but pilgarlic we are alone
staunch who can be trusted with a secret
Jew’s-eye a pleasant sight
bustled confused, puzzled
agog anxious, impatient
flash knowing
groper blind man
walk your boots be off
daisyville the country
pad the hoof walk the street
dusty dangerous
donbite street
stampers shoes
potato-trap mouth
yam eat
gab talk
tooth-music hearty chewing
queer lamp blind or squinting eye
bene cove good fellow