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Tuttle Dictionary Martial Arts Korea, China & Japan. Daniel KoganЧитать онлайн книгу.

Tuttle Dictionary Martial Arts Korea, China & Japan - Daniel Kogan

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of Wihng Cheun

      chen hua (M) [Common Usage] see chahm fa

      Chen Pin San (M) [Master] a prominent master of Chen taijiquan and a sixteenth-generation disciple

      chen qiao chuan zhang (M) [Hong Jia] see chahm kiuh chyun jeung

      Chen Shen Ru (M) [Master] a prominent master of Chen taijiquan and an eleventh-generation disciple

      Chen taijiquan (M) [Style] An internal style originating in Henan Province in northern China founded by the Chen family in the village of Chenjiagou. Said by some to be the original style of taijiquan, it is characterized by graceful and soft movements as well as forceful movements with bursts of strength.

      Chen Tang (M) [Master] a prominent master of Chen taijiquan and a fifth-generation disciple

      Chen Ting Nian (M) [Master] a prominent master of Chen taijiquan and a sixteenth-generation disciple

      Chen Wei Ming (M) [Master] a prominent master of Yang Taijiquan

      Chen Xiang (M) [Master] see Chahn Heung

      chen xiang (M) [Medicine] a plant used in Chinese herbal medicine to treat asthma

      chen xiang guai (M) [Weapons] weapons usually used in pairs resembling the Okinawan tonfa

      cheokchu (K) [Common Usage] spine

      cheokgolbu (K) [Hapkido] area of the arm between the elbow and wrist, which is used as a striking surface

      cheolhak (K) [Common Usage] philosophy

      cheolhak ja (K) [Common Usage] philosopher

      cheon (K) [Common Usage] heavens, sky

      cheoncheonhi (K) [Common Usage] slowly

      cheoncheonhi ha da (K) [Common Usage] to slow down, to do slowly

      cheong (K) [Common Usage] blue

      cheong ddi (K) [Common Usage] blue belt

      cheon gi (K) [Common Usage] internal energy from the sky or heavens

      cheong jang geup (K) [Ssi Rum] 75.1-kilogram to 80-kilogram adult weight class of amateur competition

      cheong saek (K) [Common Usage] blue color

      cheon gweon pumse (K) [Taekwondo] seventh-degree form

      cheonha jangsa (K) [Ssi Rum] championship title meaning "strongest man under heaven"

      Cheon Ji hyeong (K) [Taekwondo] see Chon Ji hyung

      cheuhng (C) [Common Usage] long in length

      cheuhng keuih (C) [Common Usage] see chang ju

      cheuhng kiuh dahng (C) [Weapon] horse bench

      Cheuhng Kyuhn (C) [Style] see Changquan

      cheuih (C) [Common Usage] fist

      cheuk bang nakbeop (K) [Hapkido, Kuk Sool] side-falling technique

      cheung (C) [Weapon] spear

      cheung gon (C) [Common Usage] (lit. Spear Pole) a staff that has a spear head attached to one end

      cheung jim (C) [Common Usage] (lit. Spear Point) the tip of a spear head

      cheung tauh (C) [Common Usage] spear head

      cheun jit (C) [Common Usage] Spring festival

      cheun tin (C) [Common Usage] see chun tian

      cheut ga (C) [Common Usage] to become a monk or nun

      cheut lihk (C) [Common Usage] to make an effort

      cheut maaih (C) [Common Usage] to betray; betrayed

      cheut saih (C) [Common Usage] to be born; birth

      cheut sang (C) [Common Usage] see cheut saih

      cheyuk gwan (K) [Common Usage] gymnasium

      chi (M) [Common Usage] to eat

      Chibana Choshin (O) [Master] a master of Shuri-te, student of Itosu Anko, and founding president of the All Okinawa Karate-Do Federation; he named the "Kobayashi" lineage of Shorin-ryu

      Chiba Shusaku (J) [Master] founderofthe Hokushinltto-ryu

      chiburi (J) [Iaido] a movement found in virtually all iai kata; it is a large swinging motion intended to remove the blood of a fallen opponent from the sword blade

      chi daan sau (C) [Wihng Cheun] single-arm clinging

      chi dan sau (C) [Wihng Cheun] see chi daan sau

      Chi Do Kwan (K) [Style] a Taekwondo school founded by Yon Kue Pyan in 1946

      chidori ashi (J) [Bu-jutsu] a type of stepping movement in which one foot crosses over the other

      chigiriki (J) [Weapon] a staff with a weighted chain attached to one end used in the Araki-ryu and Kiraku-ryu

      chigusa (J) [Weapon] hard steel used in Japanese blades

      chi gwun (C) [Wihng Cheun] pole clinging

      chih (C) [Common Usage] to resemble, to be like

      chihn (C) [Common Usage] 1 front, in front of 2 a Chinese measurement used in weighing herbal medicines

      chihng faht (C) [Common Usage] to punish

      chihn san (C) [Common Usage] the area of a broadsword that starts from the tip to the middle of the blade

      chih pah lahp jing (C) [Baahk Meih] A ready position in the Baahk Meih Pah form. While in a standing position, the trident is held in the right hand behind the back with the point of the weapon facing the ground.

      chih shao (M) [Medicine] red peony root; a light red root used to invigorate blood flow

      chii kara (Ok) [Common Usage] (lit. From the Chii) Chii is equivalent to the Japanese ki and the Chinese qi. Chii kara should not be confused with chikara. Although they sound similar, they are two completely different ways of understanding the physical ability a budoka generates. The Japanese term chikara, meaning strength, refers to the physical power of a person whereas the Okinawan chii kara refers to the internal energy (ki).

      chiisai (J) [Common Usage] small

      chijireugi (K) [Taekwondo] uppercut punch

      chikai (J) [Common Usage] close, nearby

      chika ma (J) [Common Usage] a close-range position in which either opponent can attack without stepping forward

      chikara (J) [Common Usage] strength, power

      chikara gami (J) [Sumo] (lit. Strength Paper) a small piece of white paper used by a rikishi to wipe his mouth after rinsing it out with chikara mizu before a match

      chikara ishi (O) [Karate] a stone with a handle drilled into it used as a weight training device, mainly for the wrists, shoulders, and forearms

      chikara mizu (J) [Sumo] (lit. Strength Water) water used by rikishi to rinse the mouth in symbolic purification prior to a bout

      chikayoru (J) [Common Usage] to shorten the distance between yourself and someone else

      chikujo-jutsu (J) [Bu-jutsu] the art of fortification, both for permanent and field structures

      chi kung (M) [Common Usage] see qigong

      Chikurin-ha Heiki-ryu (J) [Kyudo] a classical school of kyudo

      chikuto (J) [Kendo] see shinai

      chi kwun (C) [Wihng Cheun] see chi gwun

      chil (K) [Common Usage] seven

      childan (K) [Common Usage] seventh-degree black belt

      chil geup (K) [Common Usage] seventh rank under black belt

      chilsip (K) [Common Usage] seventy

      Chi Lung Feng (M) [Master] see Ji Long Feng

      chim (K) [Common Usage] acupuncture needle

      chimei (J)

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