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Tuttle Dictionary Martial Arts Korea, China & Japan. Daniel KoganЧитать онлайн книгу.

Tuttle Dictionary Martial Arts Korea, China & Japan - Daniel Kogan

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(M) [Style] see Baat Muhn Kyuhn

      bam jumeok (K) [Taekwondo] protruding-knuckle fist

      banchik (K) [Common Usage] foul, illegal technique in sparring competition

      banchik ha da (K) [Common Usage] to violate a rule in sparring competition

      bandae (K) [Common Usage] counter, opposite, reverse

      bandae banghyang (K) [Common Usage] opposite direction

      bandae dollyeo chagi (K) [Taekwondo] reverse turning kick

      bandae dollyeo georeo chagi (K) [Taekwondo] reverse turning hook kick

      bandae jireugi (K) [Taekwondo] reverse punch

      bandal chagi (K) [Taekwondo] half-moon kick, crescent kick

      bandal jireugi (K) [Taekwondo] half-moon punch, crescent punch

      bandal son (K) [Taekwondo] half-moon hand, crescent hand, arc hand

      ban deng (M) [Weapon] a wooden bench that can be used for attacking, trapping, or blocking

      bang (M) [Common Usage] arm

      Bang Bo (C) [Chat Sing Tohng Lohng] (lit. Crushing Step) a hand form

      bangeo (K) [Common Usage] defense

      bangeo chagi (K) [Common Usage] defensive kick

      bangeo gisul (K) [Common Usage] defensive technique

      bangeo ha da (K) [Common Usage] to defend, to protect

      bangeo ja (K) [Common Usage] defender

      bangeo jase (K) [Kuk Sool] defensive posture

      bang geom sul (K) [Kuk Sool, Hapkido] sword-defense technique

      bang gweon sul (K) [Kuk Sool, Hapkido] punch-defense technique

      banghyang baggugi (K) [Common Usage] change of direction

      banghyang byeon gyeong (K) [Common Usage] change of direction

      bang jok sul (K) [Common Usage] kick-defense technique

      bang pae (K) [Common Usage] shield

      bang tusul (K) [Hapkido] throw-defense technique

      bangyeok (K) [Common Usage] counterattack, counter technique

      bangyeok ha da (K) [Common Usage] to counterattack

      ban jayu daeryeon (K) [Taekwondo] semi-free sparring

      banjeol gwansu (K) [Taekwondo, Tang Soo Do] bent-knuckle spearhand

      bankoku choki (J) [Weapon] a concealed weapon consisting of a metal ring with protruding knobs or spikes; taught in the Edo-period Emmei-ryu and Nagao-ryu schools

      bantam geup (K) [Taekwondo] bantamweight class in sparring competition

      ban xia (M) [Medicine] a plant stem used in Chinese herbal medicine

      banzai (J) [Common Usage] (lit. Ten Thousand Years) used as a cheer, much like "hooray!" in English

      banzuke (J) [Sumo] Ranking list of the rikishi for each basho. Each rikishi is listed in order of rank, the highest ranks written in large characters at the top of the page and the lowest ranks in tiny ones at the bottom.

      bao (M) [Common Usage] 1 leopard, panther 2 bag

      bao gao (M) [Common Usage] to announce, to tell

      bao jian (M) [Weapon] double-edged sword

      bao wei (M) [Common Usage] to surround, to encompass

      barai (J) [Judo, Karate] see harai

      baro (K) [Common Usage] 1 a command to "return" 2 straight

      baro jireugi (K) [Taekwondo] straight punch, lunge punch

      Bart Cham Dao (C) [Wihng Cheun] see Baat Cham Dou

      Ba Shan Fan (M) [Style] see Fan Zi

      basho (J) [Sumo] an official sumo tournament held six times a year in different parts of Japan; it lasts for fifteen days

      basho teate (J) [Sumo] a monetary reward or allowance given to rikishi for appearing at official tournaments

      Ba Shyh Chuan (M) [Xingyiquan] see Ba Xu Quan

      Bassai (J) [Karate] see Passai

      batang son (K) [Taekwondo] palm heel

      batang son teok chigi (K) [Taekwondo] palm strike to the jaw

      Bat Cham Dao (C) [Wihng Cheun] see Baat Cham Dou

      batdari gama dolligi (K) [Ssi Rum] outside leg-wrapping and turning technique

      batdari geolgi (K) [Ssi Rum] outside leg-hooking technique

      batdari hurigi (K) [Ssi Rum] outside leg-sweeping technique

      bat fuhk chuhng (C) [Common Usage] seewaihbui

      bat gung pihng (C) [Common Usage] unfair, unjust, injustice

      bat haau (C) [Common Usage] disrespectful

      batjang dari (K) [Tae Kyon] ankle-level kick to the outside

      batjul (K) [Common Usage] rope

      batjul sul (K) [Common Usage] rope technique

      bat moon (C) [Taai Gihk Kyuhn] see baat muh

      batsai jase (K) [Tang Soo Do] cross posture

      batto-jutsu (J) [Style] the art of drawing and cutting with a sword; also referred to as iai-jutsu or bakken

      batto tai (J) [Common Usage] (lit. Sword Squadron) a branch of the Japanese police during the Meiji era equivalent to the modern-day riot police

      bat yih (C) [Common Usage] not righteous, unjust

      ba wang ju ding (M) [Hong Jia] see ba wohng queui ding

      bawi milgi (K) [Taekwondo] push-boulder movement

      ba wohng queui ding (C) [Huhng Ga] (lit. King Raising his Talisman) a two-handed block above the head with the hands in the kiuh sau position and the elbows slightly bent

      ba xian guo hai (M) [Baguazhang] (lit. The Eight Immortals Crossing the Seas) A technique used to intercept attacks and to advance. The arms are swung in a small circular motion in front of the body while stepping forward; also known as xuan feng chang or "whirlwind palm."

      Ba Xu Quan (M) [Xingyiquan] (lit. Eight Posture Sequence) a hand form

      Bbachaei hyeong (K) [Tang Soo Do] form named after a karate form composed of 104 movements

      bbaegi (K) [Hapkido] release technique

      bbalgan (K) [Common Usage] red

      bbalgan ddi (K) [Common Usage] red belt

      bbalgan saek (K) [Common Usage] red color

      bballi (K) [Common Usage] fast

      bbeot gi (K) [Common Usage] extension of a limb

      bbi da (K) [Common Usage] to sprain

      bbim (K) [Common Usage] sprain

      bbyam (K) [Common Usage] cheek

      bbyeo (K) [Common Usage] bone

      bbyeo ga bureoji da (K) [Common Usage] to break a bone

      bbyeo hwasal chuk (K) [Kung Do] arrowhead made of bone

      bei (C) [Common Usage] forearm

      bei (M) [Common Usage] north

      Bei Chao Dai (M) [Common Usage] Northern Imperial dynasties; consisting of the Northern Wei, Qi, Zhou, and the Western and Eastern Wei, these dynasties ruled China from A.D. 386 to 581

      bei choi (C) [Common Usage] competition

      bei choi hyun (C) [Common Usage] ring of competition, arena

      bei ci (M) [Medicine] a shell that is ground into a powder and used in Chinese herbal

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