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Alpine Ski Mountaineering Vol 1 - Western Alps. Bill O'ConnorЧитать онлайн книгу.

Alpine Ski Mountaineering Vol 1 - Western Alps - Bill O'Connor

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easily triggered went undetected.

       Failure to identify dangerous accumulations of wind slab or appreciate the importance of past weather conditions.

       Triggering a small avalanche which in turn triggers a major slope failure. Failing to realise that in a snowpack of medium hardness large avalanches may occur.

       Triggering spontaneous and rapid release on sun-exposed slopes.

       Triggering a release from couloirs after small changes in temperature, wind or sun angle.

       Underestimating the power of a small slide – even small avalanches kill 42% of their victims.

      Planning and Preparation for Your Ski Tour

      There area lots of things you can do before a tour to help make it successful. Pre-trip planning is like a reconnaissance, and time spent on it is rarely if ever wasted. Below is a simple checklist which could form the basis of a pre-trip stategy.

      Once on tour it is important to remain alert, and there are many simple procedures that will make travel more efficient and improve group safety. A simple checklist will help you, but ultimately only practice will ensure that these procedures become second nature in the mountains.


Objective Decide on the route/ski tour/mountain
Gather sources of information Guidebooks, maps, articles and photographs all help build a mental picture of the tour. Tourist and Guides Offices are also sources of information.
Determine the terrain Understand the terrain/slope angle. Is it rocky, glaciated, steep, couloir, forested, populated? Studying the terrain allows you to pre-empt problems.
Is it a known route or exploration? Study the map carefully. Identify difficulties. Pre-empt problems. Don't assume a summer route is also the ski route.
How difficult is the tour likely to be? Identify the specific difficulties/dangers. Does your party have the skill and fitness to handle the challenges?
Be properly equiped What equipment is required for individuals and the group? Do you have it and can you use it? Can you repair it in an emergency?
Season and conditions When is the best time of year for the tour? What effect will elevation and slope aspect have? How will these affect timing on the route? Being in the right place at the right time is often critical.
Weather/snow conditions – past, present and future What have past weather conditions been? How have factors such as wind, precipitation and temperature affected the snow pack? What are the present conditions and what is forecast for the future?
Know what causes avalanches Put snow and slopes together and the potential for avalanches exists. Learn about avalanche phenomena and the factors that contribute to avalanches.
Snow stability How will poor weather and snow stability affect your options? Will you have route options or are you committed? Gather information about the snowpack from Guides offices, pisteurs, avalanche bulletins, personal tests.
Huts Are there huts and are they open/wardened? If not, is the tour viable? Book accommodation in advance.
Contingency plans What escape routes are possible once on tour? What alternatives exist in poor weather or dangerous snow conditions?
Emergency proceedures Have information and a procedure in place relative to area of operation. Communications. Allow for the unexpected.

      Safety Strategy on Tour

      A list of procedures that comprise a safety strategy is given in the box below. There is no sequential order to these procedures – they are ongoing and invariably overlap. The important thing is that they are understood and done. Use the box as a checklist.

      There are other aspects of safety that relate to group organisation (see box).


Equipment check Ensure that you have all the equipment you need, that it works and is in order. Decide who carries what. First aid, repair kit, rope/s. What effect does this have on party organisation?
Make use of vantage points en-route Take full advantage of spying out the route ahead and observing conditions and difficulties etc. Routes planned earlier may have to change in the light of new views and snow conditions.
Stay observent Gather information Don't be afraid to ask hut wardens/guides and local experts for information. Stay alert. Take time to think about conditions and safety.
Effect of wind Be observant. Look for the effects of wind. Cornices, slabs, drifting. How will it effect your route?
Avalanche activity Be observant. Note old and new slides. What aspects and altitude as well as type. What affect will they have?
Hazards Check out the route for unavoidable difficulties. What's the best option/route to overcome them?
Unseen hazards Terrain traps Ensure that the route is not threatened from above or below by unseen/unnoticed dangers. Terrain traps.
Timings In the light of conditions are the objectives and time available/allowed realistic?
Descents – think ahead Should route be changed in the light of conditions during the ascent. Timing. Order of descent.
Options and escape routes In the light of conditions will the route planned be possible? Can it be changed. What are the options?
Snow conditionsAspect Are they as expected? Stability, quality. Does this affect safety? Are all aspects safe/dangerous.
Stability tests Where and when to make them – if at all. If you feel unsure/unhappy about a slope ask yourself why? Check it out. Dig a pit and test your assumptions before you ski it.


       Assess the ability of every member of your group – who is the weakest link? Is the proposed tour more than they can deal with? Don't let ambition outdo ability.

       What safety measures and group organisation are needed for the tour, given the terrain and group size, ability, etc? How are you going to cross suspect slopes? How are you going to carry out avalanche procedures/tranceiver searches?

       Choose an able leader. Appoint a competent tail-end Charlie – not the slowest/poorest skier! Invariably the best skiers want to be up front putting in fresh tracks.

      Putting in a Track

      A good track is both efficient and safe in ascent and descent. A good route is not only safe, it should also be enjoyable skiing. It is not, however, always the shortest route, but should endeavour to:

       minimise exposure to terrain traps – dangerous places which would make the consequences of an avalanche or fall even more serious (eg. traversing risky slopes above cliffs)

       minimise travel

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