Ecrins National Park. Kev ReynoldsЧитать онлайн книгу.
About the Author
Kev Reynolds, author of this guide, is a freelance writer, photojournalist and lecturer whose first title for Cicerone Press (Walks & Climbs in the Pyrenees) appeared in 1978 and is still in print. He has since published many books on the Alps, a series of trekkers' guides to the Himalaya and, nearer to home, several guides on walking in southern England. He also writes regular features for the outdoor press, produces brochures for tourist authorities, and leads trekking holidays in various high mountain regions. The first honorary member of the British Association of European Mountain Leaders (BAEML), and a member of the Alpine Club, Austrian Alpine Club and Outdoor Writers' and Photographers' Guild, Kev's enthusiasm for the countryside in general, and mountains in particular, remains undiminished after a lifetime's activity. When not trekking or climbing in one of the world's great ranges, Kev lives among what he calls the ‘Kentish Alps’, and during the winter months regularly travels throughout Britain to share that enthusiasm through his lectures. Check him out on
Cicerone titles by Kev Reynolds
Walking in the Alps
Alpine Points of View
100 Hut Walks in the Alps
Alpine Pass Route
Chamonix to Zermatt, Walkers' Haute Route
Tour of the Jungfrau Region
Tour of Mont Blanc
Tour of the Vanoise
Walks in the Engadine
Walking in the Valais
The Bernese Alps
Ticino – Switzerland
Central Switzerland
Walks & Climbs in the Pyrenees
The Pyrenees
Everest: a Trekker's Guide
Annapurna: a Trekker's Guide
Langtang, Helambu & Gosainkund: a Trekker's Guide
Kangchenjunga: a Trekker's Guide
Manaslu: a Trekker's Guide
Walking in Kent
Walking in Sussex
The South Downs Way
The North Downs Way
The Cotswold Way
Kev Reynolds
Second edition 2008
ISBN-13: 978-185284-521-6
© Kev Reynolds 2001, 2008
First edition 2001
ISBN-13: 978-185284-322-9
A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library
For my wife, with love, and to mark some great days we've shared in the Alps.
Research for this second edition took place in the summer of 2007 in the company of Jonathan Williams, whose presence and generosity made it a particularly memorable trip. I am truly grateful to him, and to Jeff and Maryann Williams for their hospitality, offers of transport, and enthusiastic support; to Alan Payne and my wife who accompanied me on previous visits to this beautiful region, and to the numerous hut keepers, gîte owners and tourist office staff who provided invaluable information and advice. Thanks too, to readers of the first edition, especially Keith Reeves, who wrote with suggestions for new routes. The staff at Cicerone Press have once again come up trumps with a new design for this edition, with freshly drawn maps by Clare Crooke, and the inclusion of numerous additional photographs. As ever, I am the beneficiary of their combined skills and friendship, for this guidebook is the product of team effort. My sincere thanks to all who had a hand in its production.
Kev Reynolds
Advice to Readers
Readers are advised that while every effort is taken by the author to ensure the accuracy of this guidebook, changes can occur which may affect the contents. It is advisable to check locally on transport, accommodation, shops, etc, but even rights of way can be altered.
The publisher would welcome notes of any such changes.
Front cover: The view south from Col de la Muzelle (Route 50)
1 Huez – Le Rosay – Bourg d'Oisans
2 Barrage du Chambon – Cuculet – Barrage du Chambon
3 Barrage du Chambon – Dôme du Lac Noir
4 La Grave – Les Terraces – Le Chazelet
5 Le Chazelet – Plateau d'Emparis – Lac Noir