The Swiss Alps. Kev ReynoldsЧитать онлайн книгу.
The Walker’s Haute Route by Alexander Stewart (Trailblazer, 2008)
Trekking and Climbing in the Western Alps by Hilary Sharp (New Holland, 2002)
Walking in Switzerland by Clem Lindenmayer (Lonely Planet, 2nd edition 2001)
Walking in the Alps by Helen Fairbairn et al. (Lonely Planet, 2004)
Wanderfitzig, Talein, talaus durchs Göschenertal (SAC)
Climbing guides
The following rock climbing guides have been published by the SAC, in German only.
Kletterführer Alpstein
Kletterführer Berner Voralpen
Kletterführer Bockmattli, Brügglerkette, Amden
Kletterführer Churfirsten–Alvierkette–Fläscherkette
Kletterführer Rätikon
Kletterführer Zentralschweizerische Voralpen
Editions Equinoxe publish sport climbing guides (mostly topos), and the Münich-based Bergverlag Rother ( has produced a useful pocket guide (in German) to the Swiss via ferratas/klettersteigen, while Eugen Hüsler’s book gives details of all the via ferratas in both Switzerland and France.
Hüslers Klettersteigführer: Westalpen by Eugen H Hüsler (Bruckmann, 2001)
Klettersteig Schweiz by Iris Kürschner (Rother, 2004)
Schweiz Extrem: die Schönsten Sportkletteren by Jürg von Känel (Egger, Frutigen, 1989/Editions Equinoxe)
Schweiz Plaisir Ost by Jürg von Känel (Editions Equinoxe)
Schweiz Plaisir West by Jürg von Känel (Editions Equinoxe)
Mountaineering guides
The Alpine Club in London ( has an excellent four-volume series of mountaineering guides to the Swiss Alps, and a single guide to all the alpine 4000m peaks. Bâton Wicks also has a popular guide to the 4000m peaks translated from German. The West Col guide to Central Switzerland is long out of date, but is the only one in the English language to cover the Dammastock/Urner Alps district. The same publisher has a more up-to-date guide for the Silvretta Alps.
Bernese Oberland by Les Swindin (AC, 2003)
Bernina and Bregaglia by Lindsay Griffin (AC, 1995)
Central Switzerland by Jeremy Talbot (West Col, 1969)
Silvretta Alps by Jeff Williams (West Col, 1995)
The 4000m Peaks of the Alps by Martin Moran (AC, 2007)
The Alpine 4000m Peaks by the Classic Routes by Richard Goedeke (Bâton Wicks, 2nd edition 2003)
Valais Alps East by Les Swindin and Peter Fleming (AC, 1999)
Valais Alps West by Lindsay Griffin (AC, 1998)
The Swiss Alps are covered in near-comprehensive fashion by a series of German-language guides published by the SAC as follows.
Berner Alpen 1, Sanetsch bis Gemmi
Berner Alpen 2, Gemmi bis Petersgrat
Berner Alpen 3, Bietschhorn, Breithorn, Aletschhorngruppen
Berner Alpen 4, Tschingelhorn bis Finsteraarhorn
Berner Alpen 5, Von Grindelwald zur Grimsel
Berner Voralpen, Von Gstaad bis Meiringen
Hochtouren Berner Alpen, Vom Sanetschpass zur Grimsel
Bündner Alpen 1, Tamina und Plessurgebirge
Bündner Alpen 2, Vom Lukmanier zum Domleschg
Bündner Alpen 3, Avers (San Bernardino bis Septimer)
Bündner Alpen 4, Südliche Bergeller Berge und Monte Disgrazia
Bündner Alpen 5, Bernina-Gruppe und Valposchiavo
Bündner Alpen 6, Vom Septimer zum Flüela
Bündner Alpen 7, Rätikon
Bündner Alpen 8, Silvretta und Samnaun
Bündner Alpen 9, Engiadina Bassa – Val Mustair
Bündner Alpen 10, Mittleres Engadin und Puschlav
Säntis–Churfirsten, Von Appenzell zum Walensee
Glarner Alpen
Gotthard, Von der Furka zum Lukmanier
Zentralschweizerische Voralpen, Schwyzer Voralpen, Unterwaldner Voralpen, Pilatus–Schrattenflue–Kette
Tessiner Alpen 1, Vom Gridone zum Sankt Gotthard
Tessiner Alpen 2, Von der Cristallina zum Sassariente
Tessiner Alpen 3, Von der Piora zum Pizzo di Claro
Misoxer Alpen 4, Vom Zapporthorn zum Passo San Jorio
Tessiner Voralpen 5, Vom Passo San Jorio zum Generoso
Urner Alpen Ost 1
Urner Alpen 2, Göscheneralp – Furka – Grimsel
Urner Alpen 3, Vom Susten zum Urirotstock
Walliser Alpen 1, Vom Trient zum Grossen St Bernhard
Walliser Alpen 2, Vom Grossen St Bernhard zum Col Collon
Walliser Alpen 3, Vom Col Collon zum Theodulpass
Walliser Alpen 4, Vom Theodulpass zum Monte Rosa
Walliser Alpen 5, Vom Strahlhorn zum Simplon
Hochtouren im Wallis, Vom Trient zum Nufenenpass
The following large-format hardback describes easy routes to 50 summits of 3000m peaks in the Swiss Alps. Too big to carry on the hill, it nevertheless gives good background information for those with a reasonable command of German.
Freie Sicht aufs Gipfelmeer by Marco Volken and Remo Kundert (Salvioni Edizioni, Bellinzona 2003)
Ski touring/mountaineering and snowshoeing guides
Cicerone (in English) and the SAC (in French and German) have good coverage of the most popular regions.
Alpine Ski Mountaineering Vol 1: Western Alps by Bill O’Connor (Cicerone, 2002)
Alpine Ski Mountaineering Vol 2: Central & Eastern Alps by Bill O’Connor (Cicerone, 2003)
Alpine Skitouren 5, Glarus–St Gallen–Appenzell (SAC)
Alpine Skitouren Zentralschweiz – Tessin (SAC)
Die schönsten Skitouren der Schweiz (SAC)
Graubünden Nord, Vom Prättigau bis zur Surselva: Schneeschuhtouren (SAC)
Les plus belles randonnées à ski de Suisse (SAC)
Ski alpin Bas-Valais, Du Lac Léman jusqu’à la Dent-Blanche (SAC)
Ski alpin 3, Alpes valaisannes (SAC)
Skitouren Berner Alpen Ost, Lötschenpass bis Grimsel (SAC)
Skitouren Berner Alpen West, Waadtländer und Freiburger Alpen, Le Moléson bis Balmhorn (SAC)
Skitouren Graubünden (SAC)
Skitouren Oberwallis, Vom Bishorn zum Gross Muttenhorn (SAC)
Snowshoeing: Mont Blanc & the Western Alps by Hilary Sharp (Cicerone, 2002)
Tessin Misox: schneeschuhtouren (SAC)
Tessin/MisoxCalanca, Vom Val Bedretto zum Monte Generoso (SAC)
The Haute Route by Peter Cliff (Cordee)