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Chinese Kung-Fu (Kenpo). William D. ScottЧитать онлайн книгу.

Chinese Kung-Fu (Kenpo) - William D. Scott

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      The downward blocking technique you have learned is a defense against kicks to your thighs, groin and sides. You can see that the movements must be made quickly and powerfully in order for the blocks to be effective. The downward block will be used in a defense technique later in this lesson.


      You have already learned the front snap and the rear kicks — you must now learn the side snap kick. As its name signifies, the side snap kick is used for kicking to either the right or left side. We will start with the right side.

      Stand with feet together, knees slightly bent and raise your right leg, knee pointing outward, as in fig. 49. This is the cocked position for a side snap to the right. Now extend your leg as in fig. 50, noting that you focus the kick in the right side-edge of your foot. Pull your leg back to the cocked position and place your foot back on the floor. The motion you have just performed must be made quickly in order to obtain power through the kick and to protect your foot from being grabbed by an attacker. As with the front snap, practice the side snap to approximately knee height.

      For the left side snap, assume the position shown in fig. 51, extend to that in fig. 52, return to the fig. 51 position and replant your foot on the floor. Now practice the kick using both speed and power.


      The Three Kick Combination is designed to give you practice in balance as well as kicking form. As with the front snap-rear kick combination, you must not touch the floor with your kicking foot in between kicks.

      Stand with feet together, knees slightly bent, and throw a right front snap kick. As you pull it back, angle your knee to the right for a right side snap kick. Throw the right side snap and position yourself for a rear kick. Throw your rear kick and replant your foot on the floor. In order to perform the combination effectively, look in the direction you are kicking.

      Practice the same combination kicking with your left foot — just the reverse of kicking with your right. You will find the combinations difficult at first, but as you practice, you will become more proficient at them and your precision, power and balance will greatly improve.



      The second variation of the Headlock is for a situation in which your attacker's legs are apart, making it impossible for you to step into a Horse Stance as in Variation A (fig. 53). Step forward a few inches on your right foot and drop to your left knee (fig. 54). Strike upward to your attackers groin with a left reverse knife hand, the thumb side (fig. 55). Now form a claw with your left hand (fig. 56) and claw your attacker's groin by drawing your hand straight back between his legs (fig. 57). This motion completes Variation B.

      You can practice this technique with a partner (exercising control) or perform it "to the air." Performing a technique "to the air" simply means to go through the motion of the technique without having someone play the part of an attacker. Practice your techniques in this manner, as there will be no attacker in your test and all techniques must be performed "to the air."


      You will find both variations of this technique easy if you have learned the downward blocking technique described earlier in this lesson. In Variation A, an attacker is kicking toward your groin.

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