The Isle of Mull. Terry MarshЧитать онлайн книгу.
represent the total distance for the described walk, that is from the starting point to the finishing point. Where a walk continues from a previously described walk, the distance given is the total additional distance involved. When a walk is to a single summit, the distance assumes a retreat by the outward route.
Total ascent
The figures given for ascent represent the total height gain for the complete walk, including the return journey, where appropriate. They are given in metres (and feet, nominally rounded up or down).
No attempt is made to grade walks, as this is far too subjective, and depends on abilities that vary from person to person, and, indeed, what they are accustomed to walking. But the combination of distance and total ascent should enable you to calculate roughly how long each walk will take using whatever method – Naismith’s or other – you find works for you. On Mull, however, generous allowance must also be made on most walks for the ruggedness of the terrain and the possibility that any streams that must be crossed may prove awkward, or indeed completely impassable at the most convenient spot, necessitating long detours or even a retreat.
Access in Scotland
Walkers in Scotland have always taken access by custom, tradition or right over most land and water in Scotland. This is now enshrined in the Land Reform (Scotland) Act 2003, which came into effect in February 2005. The Act tells you where rights of access apply, while the Scottish Outdoor Access Code sets out your responsibilities when exercising your rights. These responsibilities can be summarised as:
take responsibility for your own actions
respect the interests of other people
care for the environment
Blàr Dubh, Ardalanish (Walk 3.5)
Access rights can be exercised over most land and inland water in Scotland by all non-motorised users, including walkers, cyclists, horse riders and canoeists, providing they do so responsibly. Walkers and others must behave in ways which are compatible with land management needs, and land managers also have reciprocal responsibilities to manage their land to facilitate access, taken either by right, custom or tradition. Local authorities and national park authorities have a duty and the powers to uphold access rights. People may be requested not to take access for certain periods of time when, for example, tree-felling is taking place, or for nature conservation reasons. It is responsible to comply with reasonable requests. Access rights also extend to lightweight, informal camping.
Access rights apply in places such as:
hills, mountains and moorland
woods and forests
most urban parks, country parks and other managed open spaces
rivers, lochs, canals and reservoirs
riverbanks, loch shores, beaches and the coastline
land in which crops have not been sown
on the margins of fields where crops are growing or have been sown and along the ‘tramlines’ or other tracks which cross the cropped area
grassland, including grass being grown for hay or silage (except when it is at such a late stage of growth that it is likely to be damaged)
fields where there are horses, cattle and other farm animals
on all core paths agreed by the local authority
on all other paths and tracks where these cross land on which access rights can be exercised
on grass sports or playing fields, when not in use, and on land or inland water developed or set out for a recreational purpose, unless the exercise of access rights would interfere with the carrying on of that recreational use
golf courses, but only for crossing them and providing that you do not take access across greens or interfere with any games of golf
on, through or over bridges, tunnels, causeways, launching sites, groynes, weirs, boulder weirs, embankments of canals and similar waterways, fences, walls or anything designed to facilitate access (such as gates or stiles)
Farmyards are not included in the right of access, but you may still take access through farmyards by rights of way, custom or tradition. Farmers are encouraged to sign alternative routes if they do not want people passing through their farmyard. If you are going through a farmyard, proceed with care and respect the privacy of those living on the farm.
There have been a few, but not many, issues of access on Mull and Iona, always in the vicinity of farms. Most have to do with dogs not appropriately restrained. Please show due consideration when near farms; these are working environments, and a lack of understanding can generate difficulties for the people who manage and work the land.
Access rights do not apply to houses or other buildings, or to the immediate surrounding areas, including garden ground. Access rights apply to the woodland and grassland areas within the ‘policies’ of large estates but not to the mown lawns near the house.
The above is not a complete statement of the law as it applies in Scotland, and is no substitute for a comprehensive understanding of the situation. For more information and to download a copy of the Scottish Outdoor Access Code, see or
About dogs
Keep your dog under proper control:
do not let it worry or attack livestock
do not take it into a field where there are calves or lambs
keep it on a short lead or under close control in fields where there are farm animals
if cattle react aggressively and move towards you, keep calm, let the dog go and take the shortest, safest route out of the field
keep it on a short lead or under close control during the bird breeding season (usually April to July) in areas such as moorland, forests, grassland, loch shores and the seashore
pick up and remove any faeces if your dog defecates in a public open place.
Wild deer stalking is an essential part of the deer management programme, and takes place between July and February. Stalking does not occur on Sundays. Unlike, say, the Isle of Skye, Mull does not have a Hillphone system that you can call to check about stalking. You need to phone the relevant estate office.
Deer stalking occurs on a number of estates on Mull. The red deer stag stalking season runs from 1 July to 20 October; the red deer hind stalking season from 21 October to 15 February. Locally these dates vary from one estate to the next, but given such a wide time span, it is a courtesy (at the least) and wisdom (at best) to check with the relevant estate offices (see Appendix C) whether there is going to be any stalking in the areas you intend to visit.
The ridge to Dun da Ghaoithe from Mainnir nam Fiadh (Walk 2.14)
Notices are sometimes posted at entrances to estate lands where stalking may be taking place, but this is not a requirement, not always done, not always possible and is not done consistently across the island. Do not presume that the absence of any such notices means that there is no stalking taking place; check!
The fundamentals of safety in the hills should be known by everyone heading for Mull intent on walking, but no apology is made for reiterating some basic dos and don’ts.
Always take the basic minimum kit with you: sturdy boots, warm, windproof clothing,