Sir Thomas Malory's Morte Darthur. Sir Thomas MaloryЧитать онлайн книгу.
How Sir Tristram met at the stone with Sir Lancelot, and how they fought together unknown
6 How Sir Lancelot brought Sir Tristram to the court, and of the great joy that the king and the others made of the coming of Sir Tristram
7 How to spite Sir Tristram King Mark came with two knights into England, and how he slew one of the knights
8 How the king came to a fountain where he found Sir Lamorak complaining of his love for King Lot’s wife
9 How King Mark, Sir Lamorak, and Sir Dinadan came to a castle, and how King Mark was known there
10 How Sir Berluse met with King Mark and how Sir Dinadan took his part
11 How King Mark mocked Sir Dinadan, and how they met with six knights of the Round Table
12 How the six knights sent Sir Dagonet to joust with King Mark, and how King Mark refused him
13 How Sir Palomides by adventure met King Mark fleeing, and how he overthrew Dagonet and other knights
14 How King Mark and Sir Dinadan heard Sir Palomides making great sorrow and mourning for La Beale Isode
15 How King Mark had slain Sir Amaunt wrongfully before King Arthur, and Sir Lancelot fetched King Mark for King Arthur
16 How Sir Dinadan told Sir Palomides of the battle between Sir Lancelot and Sir Tristram
17 How Sir Lamorak jousted with diverse knights of the castle wherein was Morgan le Fay
18 How Sir Palomides would have jousted for Sir Lamorak with the knights of the castle
19 How Sir Lamorak jousted with Sir Palomides and hurt him seriously
20 How it was told Sir Lancelot that Dagonet chased King Mark and how a knight overthrew him and six knights
21 How King Arthur announced a joust, and how Sir Lamorak came in and overthrew Sir Gawain and many others
22 How King Arthur made King Mark reconcile with Sir Tristram, and how they departed for Cornwall
23 How Sir Perceval was made knight by King Arthur, and how a mute maid spoke and brought him to the Round Table
24 How Sir Lamorak lay with King Lot’s wife, and how Sir Gaheris slew her which was his own mother
25 How Sir Aggravain and Sir Mordred met with a fleeing knight, and how they were both overthrown, and of Sir Dinadan
26 How King Arthur, the queen, and Lancelot received letters from Cornwall, and of the answer in return
27 How Sir Lancelot was angry at the letter he received from King Mark, and of Dinadan, who composed a lay about King Mark
28 How Sir Tristram was hurt, and of a war waged on King Mark, and of Sir Tristram and how he promised to rescue him
29 How Sir Tristram overcame the battle and how Elias desired a man to fight body for body
30 How Sir Elias and Sir Tristram fought together for the tribute, and how Sir Tristram slew Sir Elias in the field
31 How at a great feast that King Mark made a harper came and sang the lay that Sir Dinadan had made
32 How King Mark slew by treason his brother Baldwin, for good service he had done to him
33 How Angelides, Baldwin’s wife, escaped with her young son Alexander the Orphan, and came to the castle of Arundel
34 How Angelides gave the bloody doublet to Alexander, her son, the same day that he was made a knight, and then charge she then gave him
35 How it was told to King Mark of Alexander, and how he would have slain Sir Sadok for saving of his life
36 How Sir Alexander won the prize at a tournament, and of Morgan le Fay; and how he fought with Sir Malagrin and slew him
37 How Queen Morgan le Fay had Alexander in her castle, and how she healed his wounds
38 How Alexander was delivered from Queen Morgan le Fay by means of a damsel
39 How Alexander met with Alice La Beale Pilgrim, and how he jousted with two knights, and after of him and Sir Mordred
40 How Sir Galahalt announced a joust at Surluse, and Queen Guenevere’s knight were to joust against all who would come
41 How Sir Lancelot fought in the tournament, and how Sir Palomides there fought for a damsel
42 How Sir Galahalt and Palomides fought together, and of Sir Dinadan and Sir Galahalt
43 How Sir Archade accused Sir Palomides of Treason, and how Sir Palomides slew him
44 Of the third day, and how Sir Palomides jousted with Sir Lamorak, and other things
45 Of the fourth day, and of many great feats of arms
46 Of the fifth day, and how Sir Lamorak behaved himself
47 How Sir Palomides fought with Sir Corsabrine for a lady, and how Sir Palomides slew Sir Corsabrine
48 Of the sixth day, and what was then done
49 Of the seventh battle, and how Sir Lancelot, disguised as a maid, smote down Sir Dinadan
50 How by treason Sir Tristram was brought to a tournament to have been slain, and how he was put in prison
51 How King Mark made counterfeit letters from the Pope, and how Sir Perceval delivered Sir Tristram out of prison
52 How Sir Tristram and La Beale Isode came into England, and how Sir Lancelot brought them to Joyous Gard
53 How by the counsel of La Beale Isode Sir Tristram rode armed, and how he met with Sir Palomides
54 Of Sir Palomides, and how he met with Sir Bleoberis and with Sir Ector, and of Sir Perceval
55 How Sir Tristram met with Sir Dinadan, and of their devices, and what he said to Sir Gawain’s brethren
56 How Sir Tristram smote down Aggravain and Sir Gaheris, and Sir Dinadan was sent for by La Beale Isode
57 How Sir Dinadan met with Sir Tristram, and with jousting with Sir Palomides, Sir Dinadan knew him
58 How they approached the Castle Lonezep, and of other devices. Of the death of Sir Lamorak
59 How they came to the bank of the Humber, and how they found a ship there, wherein lay the body of King Hermaunce
60 How Sir Tristram with his fellowship came and were with an host which fought afterward with Sir Tristram; and other matters
61 How Palomides went for to fight with two brethren for the death of King Hermaunce
62 The copy of the letter written for to revenge the king’s death, and how Sir Palomides fought for to have the battle
63 Of the preparation of Sir Palomides and the two brethren that should fight against him
64 Of the battle between Sir Palomides and the two brethren, and how the two brethren were slain
65 How Sir Tristram and Sir Palomides met Breunis Sans Pité, and how Sir Tristram and La Beale Isode went to Lonezep
66 How Sir Palomides jousted with Sir Galyhodyn, and after with Sir Gawain, and smote them down
67 How Sir Tristram and his fellowship came to the Tournament at Lonezep; and of divers jousts and matters
68 How Sir Tristram and his fellowship jousted, and of the noble feats that they did in that tourneying
69 How Sir Tristram was unhorsed and smitten down by Sir Lancelot, and after that Sir Tristram smote down King Arthur
70 How Sir Tristram changed his harness and it was all red, and how he demeaned him, and how Sir Palomides slew Sir Lancelot’s horse
71 How Sir Lancelot said to Sir Palomides, and how the prize of the day was given to Sir Palomides
72 How Sir Dinadan