Habits for Success. G. Brian BensonЧитать онлайн книгу.
our dreams and goals. While training for my Ironman races, I worked very hard at staying in balance with healthy habits. I made sure to get enough sleep, eat properly, and eliminate the things that threw me off-kilter. When we are in balance we can make proactive choices instead of reactive choices. When we are in balance, that intuitive voice is much stronger.
I know how important listening to my intuition was as I made the decision to get started in triathlons. And it was just as important for me as I embarked on my bike ride across the country. In both situations I felt like I was being guided toward both endeavors. Although at the time I might not have been able to explain what I was thinking or feeling, I did know that I liked the way it felt as I began exploring these new adventures. It felt like: “All systems go!”
Ways to Improve Your Intuition
Meditation. During meditation we are able to give our brain a rest from the busy life and schedule that most of us lead, which in turn helps us to feel more rested, balanced and centered.
Lead a healthy lifestyle. Eat better and eat less. Exercise. Proper hydration. Getting enough sleep. These are all great places to start.
Strive for life balance.
Practice maintaining an open-minded, playful, experimental, nonjudgmental attitude. Daydream, doodle, brainstorm, and write down words or phrases that come to you when problem-solving.
Work at eliminating negativity from your life.
Yoga. Yoga is wonderful for men and women for a variety of reasons. Not only will it help you build strength and flexibility, yoga is also a fantastic practice for slowing down and quieting our bodies. And when we slow down and quiet our body, our mind quiets down as well.
Rhythmic Exercises. There are many forms of rhythmic exercise that can help strengthen your intuitive abilities as well: walking, running, swimming, tai chi, and the aforementioned yoga. As your body goes on “auto-pilot” during these exercises, it allows your mind to take a rest and allows your intuition to come through.
Learning how to listen to your intuition takes some time and trust on your part. Your ego might try to interfere, but if you practice and pay attention, you will eventually learn the difference between the two. The more you listen for and trust your intuition, the more you will begin to rely on it and let it guide you. That is when life really gets interesting!
Are you paying attention to your intuitive feelings and hunches?
Do you trust your intuitive feelings?
How do you receive its guidance?
Chapter 5
Step Out of Your Comfort Zone
com·fort zone
noun: comfort zone
1.a situation or position in which a person feels secure, comfortable, or in control.
“Growth comes from working outside of our comfort zones.”
What is a comfort zone? It seems to me anything that helps keep our anxiety in check. The comfort zone, as defined by Alan Henry, is a “behavioral space where your activities and behaviors fit a routine and pattern that minimizes stress and risk.” The important words here are stress and risk. Since a comfort zone is a place to help keep our anxiety in check, I would also imagine it houses a sense of security and familiarity. So when we leave our comfort zones, we’re basically taking a risk and opening ourselves up to the possibility of stress and anxiety because we aren’t sure what is going to happen next.
Shilpa Chatterjee says: “Although anxiety is not exactly something we go chasing after, a little bit of it can actually be healthy. A hint of anxiousness can push us to take risks, get more done, and continually better ourselves. Healthy stress acts as a catalyst for growth, motivation and optimal performance.” I wholeheartedly agree. When we step out of our comfort zone and challenge ourselves, we are provided with so many new gifts. First and foremost, I think that we become more productive. As we expand our capabilities and break through barriers, we find new, exciting possibilities in every aspect of our lives. Your creativity will increase as you have new experiences and learn and grow from them; your creative abilities will develop and broaden.
I can attest to this personally. After I left my family business and began to follow my intuition, all kinds of creative opportunities and gifts started showing up that I didn’t know were inside of me. Another benefit of leaving one’s comfort zone is that you will begin to have an easier time dealing with new and unexpected changes. Which in turn will make it easier to continue to push your own personal boundaries and continue the process of stepping out. Yes, please! And finally, you will achieve more. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. If you don’t step out of your comfort zone, how do you expect to write that children’s book that you’ve been thinking about or finishing that marathon you have always wanted to run? When we challenge ourselves to accomplish something difficult, new gifts will be unveiled, you will be given the strength to continue on, and unbelievable things happen.
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