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One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic, Tome 1. John Williamson NevinЧитать онлайн книгу.

One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic, Tome 1 - John Williamson Nevin

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to criticism where the object proposed is to rescue souls from hell. To stand upon points of order in such a case is to clog the chariot wheels of salvation. Meanwhile the disastrous consequences of false excitement, in the name of religion, are entirely overlooked. No account is made comparatively of the danger of bringing both the truth and power of God into discredit by countenancing pretentions to the name of a revival where the thing itself is not present. The danger itself is by no means imaginary. Spurious excitements are natural and common. Gross irregularity and extravagance, carried often to the point of downright profanity, are actually at work in connection with such excitements on all sides. The whole interest of revivals is endangered by the assumption impudently put forward that these revolting excesses belong to the system. False and ruinous views of religion are widely disseminated. Thousands of souls are deceived into a false hope. Vast obstructions are thrown in the way of true godliness. But of all this no account is made by those who are so sensitively jealous of danger on the other side. The only alternative they seem to see is Action or No action. But the difference between right action and wrong action, one would think, is fully as important, to say the least, as the difference between action and no action.

      We are told however that the term “New Measures” is vague, covering in the view of some more than it covers in the view of others; so that there is danger of encouraging prejudice and opposition against the best things as well as the worst in venturing to criticize and censure the general system. In the German community in particular it is well known that great confusion prevails with regard to the subject in this view. With many all active efforts in favor of serious evangelical piety are branded with the reproach of new measures. Protracted meetings, prayer meetings, the doctrine of the new birth, special efforts for the salvation of sinners, revivals in the true and proper sense, tract societies, missionary societies, and benevolent operations, generally, all are regarded with suspicion, or it may be actually opposed as belonging to the same system of extravagance that includes the Anxious Bench and its natural connections. To oppose the latter, then, we are told is virtually to oppose the former. People will not distinguish. By exposing the nakedness of the Anxious Bench, we must expect to strengthen the hands of those who cry out against all active religion. Better to be silent than to incur so heavy a responsibility. Especially at this juncture should we observe such sacred caution, it is intimated, when the German Churches are waking from the sleep of years and passing the crisis of a great spiritual revolution whose consequences no one can measure.

      Most certainly in such circumstances caution does become us all. We should tremble to touch the ark of God with unhallowed hand. It were only to be wished that this might be seriously laid to heart by the champions of the Anxious Bench themselves, as well as by others.

      The fact, that a crisis has come in the history of the German Churches, and that they are waking to the consciousness of a new life with regard to religion, only makes it the more important that this subject should not be suffered to rest in vague confusion. It is a popish maxim by which ignorance is made to be the mother of devotion. We say rather, “Let there be light.” The cause of the Reformation was more endangered by its own caricature, in the wild fanaticism of the Anabaptists, than by all the opposition of Rome. Luther saved it, not by truckling compromise, but by boldly facing and unmasking the false spirit, so that all the world might see that Lutheran Christianity was one thing, and wild

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