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1 Corinthians
A New Covenant Commentary
B. J. Oropeza
A New Covenant Commentary
New Covenant Commentary Series
Copyright © 2017 B. J. Oropeza. All rights reserved. Except for brief quotations in critical publications or reviews, no part of this book may be reproduced in any manner without prior written permission from the publisher. Write: Permissions, Wipf and Stock Publishers, 199 W. 8th Ave., Suite 3, Eugene, OR 97401.
Cascade Books
An Imprint of Wipf and Stock Publishers
199 W. 8th Ave., Suite 3
Eugene, OR 97401
paperback isbn: 978-1-61097-104-1
hardcover isbn: 978-1-4982-8768-5
ebook isbn: 978-1-5326-3696-7
Cataloguing-in-Publication data:
Names: Oropeza, B. J.
Title: 1 Corinthians : A New Covenant Commentary / B. J. Oropeza.
Description: Eugene, OR: Cascade Books, 2017 | Series: New Covenant Commentary Series | Includes bibliographical references and indices.
Identifiers: isbn 978-1-61097-104-1 (paperback) | isbn 978-1-4982-8768-5 (hardcover) | isbn 978-1-5326-3696-7 (ebook)
Subjects: LCSH: Bible. Corinthians, 1st—Commentaries.
Classification: lcc bs2675.53 o7 2017 (print) | lcc bs2675.53 (ebook)
Manufactured in the U.S.A. 07/11/17
The Bible translation used is the author’s own. Unless otherwise stated, this translation uses and accepts the text of the Nestle-Aland 27th edition of the New Testament Greek text, the Stuttgart: Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft Septuaginta (1996), and the Biblia Hebraica Stuttgarensia, rev. ed. (1990).
NCCS | New Covenant Commentary Series
The New Covenant Commentary Series (NCCS) is designed for ministers and students who require a commentary that interacts with the text and context of each New Testament book and pays specific attention to the impact of the text upon the faith and praxis of contemporary faith communities.
The NCCS has a number of distinguishing features. First, the contributors come from a diverse array of backgrounds in regards to their Christian denominations and countries of origin. Unlike many commentary series that tout themselves as international the NCCS can truly boast of a genuinely international cast of contributors with authors drawn from every continent of the world (except Antarctica) including countries such as the United States, Puerto Rico, Australia, the United Kingdom, Kenya, India, Singapore, and Korea. We intend the NCCS to engage in the task of biblical interpretation and theological reflection from the perspective of the global church. Second, the volumes in this series are not verse-by-verse commentaries, but they focus on larger units of text in order to explicate and interpret the story in the text as opposed to some often atomistic approaches. Third, a further aim of these volumes is to provide an occasion for authors to reflect on how the New Testament impacts the life, faith, ministry, and witness of the New Covenant Community today. This occurs periodically under the heading of “Fusing the Horizons and Forming the Community.” Here authors provide windows into community formation (how the text shapes the mission and character of the believing community) and ministerial formation (how the text shapes the ministry of Christian leaders).
It is our hope that these volumes will represent serious engagements with the New Testament writings, done in the context of faith, in service of the church, and for the glorification of God.
Series Editors:Michael F. Bird (Ridley College, Melbourne, Australia)Craig Keener (Asbury Theological Seminary, Wilmore, KY, USA) | |
Titles in this series:Romans Craig KeenerEphesians Lynn CohickColossians and Philemon Michael F. BirdRevelation Gordon FeeJohn Jey Kanagaraj1 Timothy Aída Besançon Spencer2 Timothy and Titus Aída Besançon SpencerMark Kim Huat Tan2 Peter and Jude Andrew Mbuvi1–2 Thessalonians Nijay GuptaLuke Diane Chen | Forthcoming titles:James Ruth Anne Reese1–3 John Sam NgewaMatthew Jason Hood1 Peter Eric GreauxPhilippians Linda BellevilleHebrews Cynthia WestfallGalatians Brian Vickers2 Corinthians David deSilvaGalatians Jarvis Williams |
Outline of 1 Corinthians
Introduction (1:1–9)
Letter Prescript (1:1–3)
Thanksgiving Period (1:4–9)
Appeal to Be United and Avoid Discord: Prothesis and Statement of Facts (1:10–17)
Appeal to Unity (1:10)
Divisive Alliances and Baptism (1:11–17)
Wisdom and Leadership in Light of the Proclamation of the Cross: First Supporting Proof (1:18—4:21)
Wisdom and Foolishness of the Cross (1:18–31)
God’s Power Rather Than Rhetorical Wisdom (2:1–5)
Wisdom from God’s Spirit Rather Than Wisdom of This Age (2:6–16)
Nurturing Babies in Christ (3:1–4)
On Planting and Building the Corinthian Congregation (3:5–17)
Exhortations against Boasting (3:18–23)
Paul the Administrator and Judgment Day (4:1–5)
Exhortations, Hardships, and Parental Instruction (4:6–21)
Avoiding Sexual Defilement: Second Supporting Proof (5:1—7:40)
The Fornicator’s Expulsion (5:1–8)
The Limits of Mingling with Vice-Doers (5:9–13)
Court Litigations between Believers (6:1–11)
Sex with Prostitutes and the Corinthian Body (6:12–20)
Advice for Married, Unmarried, and Widows (7:1–9)
Advice on Divorce and Being Married to an Unbeliever (7:10–16)
Remaining in One’s Calling (7:17–24)
Advice Regarding Virgins and Widows (7:25–40)
Idol Foods, Idolatry, and Relinquishing One’s Right: Third Supporting Proof (8:1—11:1)
Knowledge, Love, and One God and Lord (8:1–6)
Idol Foods and Weak Believers (8:7–13)
Paul’s Release of Apostolic Rights (9:1–18)
All Things for the Gospel’s Sake (9:19–23)
Competition and Self-Control (9:24–27)
Wilderness Episodes as Warnings against Idolatry and Vices (10:1–13)
Fleeing Idolatry and Demons (10:14–22)
Further Circumstances Regarding Idol Foods and a Recapitulation (10:23—11:1)
Order and Solidarity When Assembling Together: Fourth Supporting Proof (11:2—14:40)
Gender Distinction When Praying and Prophesying (11:2–16)
Divisions When Commemorating the Last Supper (11:17–34)
Gifts of the Spirit and Solidarity in the Body of Christ (12:1–31)
Love as the Superlative Way (13:1–13)
Prophecy as Greater than Tongues (14:1–19)
Tongues and Prophecy for Believers and Unbelievers (14:20–25)
Orderly Speech Gifts When Coming Together (14:26–40)
Solidarity in