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François Jullien's Unexceptional Thought. Arne De BoeverЧитать онлайн книгу.

François Jullien's Unexceptional Thought - Arne De Boever

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      24. Jullien has written most clearly about this methodological point in his most recent works. My sense is that he has focused on clarifying it in response to the charge that he operates within an opposition between Western and Chinese thought and construes China as the absolute other, either to embrace it over the West or to reject it. But Jullien insists this is not so: his is not a thought of identity and difference but of resources and divergence. Nevertheless, it is not always easy to avoid the suggestion of opposition in his thinking, as Marcel Gauchet in his questioning of Jullien has pointed out (Jullien 2009c, 183), and that difficulty will appear in my reconstruction of his thought here as well.

      25. See Jullien 2007, 60; Martin and Spire 2011, 194.

      26. Collège des Bernardins 2018.


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