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Edgar Cayce and the Yoga Sutras. Istvan FazekasЧитать онлайн книгу.

Edgar Cayce and the Yoga Sutras - Istvan Fazekas

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possessions—and be satisfied with your present [circumstances . . . ]; for He (God) . . . has said, “I will not in any way fail you . . . nor leave you without support . . . nor forsake nor let [you] down . . . ”

      Hebrews 13:5

      [I]n the meeting of karmic forces in each experience—then there may be [built] that as will bring about . . . contentment which makes for a life much worth while.


      The idea of santosha is quite simple: accept whatever is in your life right now as (1) the result of your actions, (2) the quality of your consciousness, and (3) the perfect circumstances to awaken Divine Mind. This niyama prompts aspirants to accept the reality that they are responsible for their progress or lack thereof. Santosha allows no room for a blind fatalism but instead states that everything that is in your life is there for a reason—and you are that reason.

      If you want roses and have none, start planting rose bushes now. If it is blueberries that you lack, get busy planting those seeds, and in time, the harvest is yours. The key idea is that we cannot blame anyone else or anything for our life situation, not the boogeyman, not the devil, not “bad luck,” not the past, and especially not God. We have the divine gifts of willpower and creativity in our minds and should consistently exercise them for positive, productive results. This is how the yamas and niyamas empower the aspirant, and santosha is a key ingredient.

      The readings’ version of santosha can be summed up by the following:

      “By applying what we know day by day” we gain a better understanding of ourselves and our spiritual knowledge.

      A Search for God, Book I

      While there are those karmic influences that must be met, because of that which has been [built] by an entity . . . it must of itself meet that which is the measure according to . . . universal [law]. Or, to put it in another manner:

      It is not all for an entity, or a soul, to have knowledge concerning law; whether karmic law, spiritual law, penal law, social law, or what not. The condition [stipulation] is, what does the entity do about

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