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The Essential Edward Stratemeyer Collection. Stratemeyer EdwardЧитать онлайн книгу.

The Essential Edward Stratemeyer Collection - Stratemeyer Edward

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his father can give him a lecture on his carelessness. Nat was brutal, and it is up to you to take him in hand. If he were my son, I'd give him a good talking to--and maybe I'd thrash him," added the rich manufacturer, warmly.

      "Oh, you are all down on my son--just as you are down on me!" cried Aaron Poole. "I'll look into this! I'll--I'll----"

      "Don't do anything hasty," advised Mr. Wadsworth. "Better talk the matter over with Nat."

      "I'll do it. But I'll not drop this matter! I'll get after Dave Porter yet!" cried Aaron Poole, and then he stalked out of the library, and, motioning for the officer of the law to follow him, he left the mansion.



      "I don't think he'll do anything--that is, if he gets the truth out of Nat," said Mr. Wadsworth, as he rejoined the others. "Of course, if his son denies the attack on the professor, it may be different."

      "If Nat does that, we'll have the testimony of the professor, Phil, and Roger against him," said Mr. Porter.

      It must be admitted that the next day was an uncomfortable one for Dave, for he did not know at what moment an officer of the law might appear to arrest him. In the afternoon he and his chums went fishing, but he had little heart for the sport.

      Early on the day following Ben Basswood called to see Dave and the others. As my old readers know, Ben had been a friend to Dave for many years, and had gone from Crumville to Oak Hall with him.

      "Was coming before, to meet you and Roger and Phil," said Ben. "But I had to go out of town on business for dad. How are you all? Say, I hear you are going out West on a ranch. That's great! Going to shoot buffaloes, I suppose."

      "No, hippopotamuses," put in the senator's son, with a grin.

      "And June bugs," added Phil.

      "You'll sure have the time of your lives! Wish I was going. But I am booked for the Great Lakes, which isn't bad. Going to take the trip from Buffalo to Duluth and back, you know. But say, I came over to tell you something."

      "What is it, Ben?" questioned Dave.

      "Come on outside."

      The boys walked out into the garden and down to the summerhouse, where they proceeded to make themselves comfortable.

      "It's about Nat Poole," continued Ben Basswood. "I guess you had some kind of a run-in with him, didn't you?"

      "Not exactly," answered Roger. "We caught him tormenting Professor Potts and we put a stop to it."

      "Well, you had some trouble with Nat's dad, didn't you?"

      "Yes," answered Dave. "Did Nat tell you?" he added quickly.

      "No, I know of the whole thing by accident. I had to go to the building where Mr. Poole has his new office. While I was waiting to see a man and deliver a message for my dad I overheard some talk between Mr. Poole and Nat. It was mighty warm, I can tell you!"

      "What was said?" demanded Phil.

      "Mr. Poole accused Nat of something and Nat, at first, denied it. Then Mr. Poole said something about arrest, and Professor Potts, and Nat got scared and begged his father to save him. Then Mr. Poole mentioned Dave and a pistol and said he couldn't do anything if that's the way matters stood, and Nat began to beg for dear life, asking his father to let Dave alone this time. At last Mr. Poole said he would, but the way he lectured Nat was a caution. He said he wouldn't give Nat a cent more of spending-money this summer."

      "Hurrah, that lets you out, Dave!" cried Roger. "The case against you is squashed."

      "The Pooles will have to let it drop," added the shipowner's son. "And I am mighty glad of it."

      "I hope you are right," said Dave, and his face showed his relief.

      They had to tell Ben all about what had happened. Then the latter wanted to see the bear target, and the crowd ended by doing some more target practicing. But this time Dave was very careful how he shot, and so were the others.

      It had been decided that the start for the West was to be made early the following week, and for several days the boys and the girls were busy getting ready. Laura had traveled a great deal, so the journey would not be a novelty to her, but with Jessie it was different.

      "I know I shall like it, once I am there," said Jessie. "But, oh, it seems such a distance to go!"

      "We'll take good care of you," answered Dunston Porter.

      "And I am sure you'll like Mrs. Endicott and Belle," added Laura. "Belle is as full of fun as a--a--oh, I don't know what."

      "Shad is of bones," suggested Dave, who stood by.

      "Oh, what a comparison!" cried Jessie, and then giggled in the regulation girl fashion.

      They were to take a local train to Buffalo and change at that city for Chicago. Ben Basswood decided to go with them as far as Buffalo, so there would be quite a party. The boys gathered their things together and were ready to start a full day beforehand. The buying of railroad tickets and berths in the Pullmans was left entirely to Dunston Porter.

      A farewell gathering had been arranged for the young people by Mrs. Wadsworth, to take place on the afternoon previous to their departure for the West. About a dozen boys and girls from Crumville and vicinity were invited. The party was held on the lawn of the Wadsworth estate, which was trimmed for the occasion with banners, flags, and lanterns. A small orchestra, located in the summerhouse, furnished the music.

      Of course Dave and his chums donned their best for this occasion, and Laura and Jessie appeared in white dresses that were as pretty as they could be. Jessie's wavy hair was tied up in new ribbons, and as Dave looked at her he thought she looked as sweet as might a fairy from fairyland. He could not help smiling at her, and when she came and pinned on his coat a buttonhole bouquet he thought he was the happiest boy in the whole world.

      "Oh, but won't we have the grand times when we get out West!" he said to her.

      "I hope so, Dave," she answered. "But----"

      "But what, Jessie?" he questioned, as he saw her hesitate.

      "I--I can't get that Link Merwell out of my head. I am so sorry his father's ranch is next to that we are going to visit."

      "Oh, don't worry. We'll make Link keep his distance," he returned, lightly. Yet it must be confessed that he was just a bit worried himself.

      Among the first boys to arrive was Ben Basswood, and he lost no time in calling Phil and Roger aside.

      "I don't want to worry Dave or the others," said Ben. "But I think somebody ought to be told."

      "Told what?" asked the senator's son.

      "About Nat Poole. I got the word from a friend of mine, Joe Devine. Joe was talking with Nat Poole, and he said Nat was very angry at all of us, and angry because Mrs. Wadsworth was giving us the party, especially as he wasn't invited. Joe said Nat intimated that he was going to make the affair turn out a fizzle."

      "A fizzle?" queried Phil. "How?"

      "Joe didn't know, but he told me, on the quiet, that I ought to watch out, and ought to warn the others. But I don't like to say anything to Mrs. Wadsworth, or the girls. You see, it may be only talk, and if it is, what's the use of getting the ladies excited?"

      "It would be just like Nat to play some dirty trick," said the shipowner's son. "The question is, What will it be?"

      "Somebody ought to stand guard," was Roger's advice. "And I think we ought to tell Dave."

      This was readily agreed upon, and Dave

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