The Essential Edward Stratemeyer Collection. Stratemeyer EdwardЧитать онлайн книгу.
suburbs of the great city by the lakes.
"Here we are!" cried Roger, at last, as they ran into the immense train shed. Here all was bustle and seeming confusion, and they picked their way through the crowd with difficulty. The boys rather enjoyed this, but it made Laura and Jessie shrink back.
"Why, it's as bad as New York!" said Jessie.
"Almost," answered Dunston Porter. "Come, we'll soon find a couple of carriages to take us to the hotel."
That the girls and the others might see something of Chicago, it had been arranged to remain in that city two days. They were to stop at a new and elegant hotel on the lake shore, and thither they were driven with their baggage.
"It certainly is as bustling as New York," was Roger's comment, as they drove along. "Just look at the carriages, and autos, and trucks!"
"This afternoon we'll hire an automobile to take us around," said Dunston Porter. "It is the only way to see a good deal in a little time."
They were fortunate in getting good accommodations at the new hotel, and the boys and girls were struck by the elegance of the rooms, and, later, by the sumptuousness of the dining-hall.
"Why, it's fit for a palace!" declared Jessie.
"Beats the Crumville Hotel, doesn't it?" said Dave, dryly, and this caused the girls to giggle and the other boys to laugh.
An automobile was engaged at the stand in the hotel, and immediately after lunch the whole party went sightseeing, visiting the lake front, Lincoln Park, and numerous other points of interest. At the park they alighted to look at the animals, and this pleased the girls especially.
"To-morrow morning I'll have a little business to attend to," said Dunston Porter, "and I'll have to let you take care of yourselves for a few hours. I propose that you boys take the girls around to some of the big department stores."
"Oh, yes!" cried Laura, who had a woman's delight for finery. Jessie was also interested, for her opportunities for visiting big stores were rare.
Mr. Porter had already purchased tickets for one of the theaters, where they were playing a well-known and highly successful comedy drama, and this they attended that evening after dinner at the hotel. Their seats were on the right in the orchestra, so they had more or less of a chance to view the opposite side of the auditorium.
"They certainly have a full house," said Roger, who sat on one side of Dave, while Jessie sat on the other. "I believe every seat is taken."
"That shows that a good drama pays," answered Dave. "This is clean as well as interesting." His eyes were roving over the sea of faces, upstairs and down. "I wonder how many a theater like this can hold?"
"Two thousand, perhaps."
"It certainly looks it, Roger. That gallery--Well, I declare!"
"What is it?" asked the senator's son.
"Do you see that fellow in the front row in the balcony? The one next to the aisle?"
"Yes. What of him?"
"Looks to me like Link Merwell."
"Oh, Dave, you must be mistaken."
"I don't think so. It looks like Merwell, and Nat Poole said he was in Chicago."
"So he did. Now you speak of it, he does look like Merwell. Wish we had an opera glass, we might make sure."
"I'll see if we can't borrow a glass," said Dave.
He looked around and saw that a lady directly in front of Jessie had a pair of glasses in her lap. He spoke to Jessie, and the girl asked the lady to lend her the glasses for a minute, and the favor was readily granted, for it was between the acts, and there was nothing on the stage to look at. Dave adjusted the glasses and turned them on the balcony.
"It's Merwell, right enough," he announced.
"Let me see," said the senator's son, and took the glasses from Dave. As he pointed them at the youth in the balcony, the latter looked down on Roger and those with him. He gave a start and then leaned forward.
"It's Merwell, and he sees us!" cried Roger.
"What's up?" asked Phil, who was some seats away.
"Link Merwell,--up in the balcony," answered Dave, and pointed with his finger. Phil turned in the direction, and as he did so, Link Merwell doubled up his fist and raised it in the air for an instant.
"Merwell, sure as you're born," said the shipowner's son. "And full of fight!"
"Oh, Dave, you mustn't quarrel here!" whispered Laura, who sat on the other side of Roger.
"We'll not quarrel here," answered her brother. "But I am glad I saw him," he added to his chums. "Now we can keep on our guard."
The play went on, and, for the time being, the boys and the girls paid no further attention to Link Merwell. Just as the final curtain was being lowered, Dave looked up toward the balcony.
"He has gone," he announced.
"Perhaps he was afraid we'd come after him," suggested Phil.
"Maybe he came downstairs to watch for us," added Roger. "Keep your eyes open when we go out."
They did as the senator's son suggested. They saw nothing of Merwell in the foyer, but came face to face with the former student of Oak Hall on the sidewalk. He glared at them, but then seeing Dunston Porter at Dave's side, slunk behind some other people, and disappeared from view.
"My, what an ugly look!" said Laura, with a shiver.
"He looked as if he wanted to eat somebody up," was Jessie's comment. "Oh, Dave, you must be careful!"
"I wish his father's ranch wasn't so close to Mr. Endicott's," continued Dave's sister. "I declare, the more I think of it, the more nervous it makes me!"
"Don't you worry, Laura, or you either, Jessie," answered Dave. "We'll take care of Link Merwell. If he tries any of his games, he'll get the worst of it--just as he got the worst of it at Oak Hall."
But though Dave spoke thus bravely, he was much disturbed himself. He could read human nature pretty closely, and that look in Merwell's face had showed him that the fellow meant to do harm at the first opportunity that was afforded.
In the morning Dunston Porter left the hotel early, stating that he would not return until lunch time. The boys and girls took their time over their breakfast, and then started out for a tour of the big stores located on State Street.
Two hours were spent in a way that pleased Laura and Jessie greatly. The girls purchased several things, to be mailed to the folks left behind. Then all walked around to the post-office, both to see the building and to send the things away.
It was while the others were addressing their packages and also some picture postcards, that Dave saw a sight that interested him greatly. Near one of the doorways was a small and ragged newsboy with half a dozen papers under his arm. An older youth had him by the shoulder and was shaking him viciously.
"I say it was a five-dollar gold piece I gave you yesterday by mistake!" the older boy was saying. "I want it back."
"No, it wasn't, mister," the boy answered. "It was a cent, nothing but a cent."
"I know better, you little thief! Give me that gold piece, or I'll call a policeman." And again the big youth shook the ragged newsboy, causing the papers to fall to the sidewalk.
"Why, it's Link Merwell!" murmured Dave to