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The Essential Edward Stratemeyer Collection. Stratemeyer EdwardЧитать онлайн книгу.

The Essential Edward Stratemeyer Collection - Stratemeyer Edward

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help you feed them," said Jessie. At Crumville she had always taken an interest in the chickens.

      The trunks and dress-suit cases had been brought in by old Jerry and one of the Chinese servants, and placed in the proper rooms, and after supper the boys and girls spent an hour in getting settled. Laura and Jessie had a nice room that connected with one occupied by Belle, and Dave, Phil, and Roger were assigned to two rooms directly opposite.

      "You boys can divide up the rooms to suit yourselves," said Mrs. Endicott.

      "Thank you, we will," they answered, and later arranged that Dave was to have one apartment and Roger the other, and Phil was to sleep one week with one chum and the next with the other.

      "Say, but this suits me down to the ground!" cried the senator's son, after the boys had said good-night to the others. "It's a complete surprise. Like Jessie, I had an idea we'd have to rough it."

      "I knew about what to expect, for Laura told me," answered Dave, with a smile. "I didn't say too much because I wanted you to be surprised. But it's better even than I anticipated. If we don't have the outing of our lives here, it will be our own fault."

      "The Endicotts are certainly fine folks," said the shipowner's son, as he sat on the edge of a bed to unlace his shoes. "And Belle is--well, as nice as they make 'em."

      "Hello, Phil must be smitten!" cried Roger. "Well, I don't blame you, old man."

      "Who said I was smitten?" returned Phil, his face growing red. "I said she was a dandy girl, that's all."

      "And she is," said Dave. "I don't wonder Laura likes her."

      "We ought to be able to make up some fine parties," continued Phil, as he dropped a shoe on the floor. "Dave can take out Jessie, and you can take out Laura, and I'll----"

      "Take out Miss Belle," finished the senator's son. He caught Phil by the foot. "Say, you're smitten all right. Come on, Dave, let us wake him out of his dream!" And he commenced to pull on the foot.

      "Hi! you let up!" cried the shipowner's son, clutching at the bed to keep himself from falling to the floor. "I haven't said half as much about Belle as you've said about Laura, so there!"

      "Never said anything about Laura!" answered Roger, but he, too, turned red. Dave commenced to laugh heartily, and Phil wrenched himself free and stood up.

      "What's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander," cried Dave. "Better both quit your knocking and go to bed. I suppose the girls are tired out and want to go to sleep."

      "Sounds like it, doesn't it," murmured Roger, as a shriek of laughter came from across the hallway.

      "Maybe they are knocking each other the same way," suggested Phil.

      "Never!" cried Dave. "Girls aren't built that way."

      But Dave was mistaken.

      A little later quietness reigned, and one after another the newcomers to Star Ranch dropped asleep.



      "What a beautiful spot!"

      It was Dave who uttered the words, as he stood out in front of the ranch house on the following morning. He had gotten up early, and Laura and Belle had joined him, leaving the others still at rest.

      Dave spoke with feeling, for the grand and sublime things in Nature had always appealed to him. He was gazing toward the east, where the rising sun was flooding the plains with a golden hue. Beyond the cottonwoods he caught a glimpse of the winding river. Then, when he turned, he saw the foothills and the mountains in the west, with their great bowlders and cliffs and their sturdy growths of pine.

      "Aren't you glad you came, Dave?" said his sister, as she placed an affectionate hand on his shoulder.

      "Indeed I am, Laura," he replied. "Why, it looks to me as if I was going to have the outing of my life! In fact, all of us ought to have the best time ever!"

      "Does it put you in mind of your trip to Norway?" questioned Belle.

      "Hardly. That was taken during cold weather, and everything was covered with snow and ice. Besides, the scenery was quite different." Dave paused to sweep the horizon. "In what direction is the Merwell ranch?" he asked.

      "Over yonder," answered Belle, pointing up the river. "The little brook flowing down between those rough rocks marks the boundary line."

      "And whose cattle are those on yonder hills?"

      "I am not sure, but I think they belong to papa. When you ask about cattle you must go to Sid Todd. He knows every animal for miles around."

      "I suppose your cattle are all branded?"

      "Oh, yes, with a star and the letter E on either side of it. That's why this is called Star Ranch."

      "What is the Merwell brand?" asked Laura.

      "A triple cross."

      Breakfast was soon announced, and all the girls and boys assembled in the dining-hall. While they ate the meal, Mr. Endicott told the newcomers much about his ranch, and also about the people working for him.

      "I am sorry to hear that you have had trouble with Mr. Merwell's son," said the railroad president. "I am afraid it will make matters worse out here--and they are bad enough as it is."

      "But I am sure Dave and his chums are not to blame, Mr. Endicott," said Laura, hastily.

      "Oh, I am sure of that myself--for I know something of Link Merwell and his headstrong temper,--a temper he gets largely from his father. If it were not for that temper, I think Mr. Merwell and myself might be on better terms."

      "We have had trouble over one of the hired men, Hank Snogger," explained Belle. "Snogger used to work for us, but Mr. Merwell hired him away."

      "That wasn't a very nice thing to do," was Roger's comment.

      "If it had been done openly it would not have been so bad," said Mr. Endicott. "But it was done secretly, and Snogger was gone almost before I knew it. He was a valuable man and I felt his loss keenly."

      "I suppose Mr. Merwell offered him more wages," said Phil.

      "Probably, although I paid Snogger a good salary. I don't know what game Merwell played to get the fellow, but he got him."

      "It's exactly like some of Link's underhanded work at Oak Hall," was Roger's comment. "Father and son must be very much alike."

      "While you are here I would advise you to steer clear of the Merwells," was Mr. Endicott's advice. "I'd not even go on their land if you can help it. There are plenty of other places to go to."

      "I'll not go near his ranch, if I know it," answered Dave.

      "It is queer that Link did not come on the train with you, if his father was expecting him."

      "Oh, most likely he stopped off somewhere to have a good time," answered the senator's son. "A fellow like Link would be apt to find life slow on a ranch."

      After breakfast Mr. Endicott and Belle took the boys and girls around the ranch buildings, which were quite numerous. The girls were interested in some fancy chickens and pigeons Belle owned, and the boys grew enthusiastic over the horses.

      "I never saw better animals!" cried Dave, his eyes resting on a black horse that was truly a beauty. "What's his name?" he asked.

      "Hero," answered Mr. Endicott. "He can go, let me tell you. You can try him this afternoon, if you wish."

      "Thank you, perhaps I will."


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