PIPER'S, INC. 2 - JUDAS KISS. Joaquin De TorresЧитать онлайн книгу.
from his colleagues as he sipped his drink. He had basically memorized all of the input given to him, but the answers were not – to an extent - to his liking.
Jon Zimmer, callsign Shaman, spoke with societal concern as he warned:
If humans, as a race, start to accept unconditionally one another's cultures then there will be issues with inter-cultural relationships, specifically with their children.
Their children will feel divided culturally, and older citizens will never give up their racial identity. Cultural diversity has always been a problem in every country, ours especially. For there to be a successful Utopia there would need to be no cultural diversity. No diversity at all so that citizens would have to live and feel like one people, homogeneous - equal on all levels - not multitudes tolerating each other. That being said, no, Dale, I don’t believe it can be done.
Jim Fite extended a more grim testament:
Can the goal of Utopia be achieved through the assassination of enemies of democracy? A: No. The basic definition of 'democracy' is ‘the rule of the majority.’ That being the case, by definition, there will always be a minority with which the majority will have to contend.
And if the rules of the majority begins to threaten the minority with destruction (assassination), the minority will have no choice but to meet destruction with destruction. Fear (assassination) on a broad scale would inevitably be used against the pursuit of Utopia, to encourage more resistance, not less, and that could result not only in the Corporation's destruction, but also in the destruction of the balance that has already been achieved.
Vice President Ericka Hedlin gave a more down to Earth approach:
I remember the first time I read the word Utopia, I was eight years old and I was up to the letter “U” in the encyclopedia I was reading. I thought that this was the perfect name for the place that I went to when things in my not-so-perfect life got ugly. Whether I needed to escape for a few minutes or a few hours, this was the place that made everything okay, allowing me to live in a place where everyone took care of everyone else, that every life was important and that no one was ever hurt.
By the time I was fifteen, I knew for a fact that there was no Utopia. I knew that as human beings we were incapable of putting everyone else before ourselves and that if you wished for that, you were bound to be disappointed.
If a parent wouldn’t put a child’s safety and health before their own humanly fallible need for affection and attention, then why would a stranger do otherwise? As I got older I saw that wishing for Utopia was simply a folly. I was setting myself up every time I would place my dream of a perfect existence in the hands of another. But, I learned too, that beauty is not always in the perfection of something, but in the difference of it.
And finally, there was Dr. John Belleci’s unabashed treatise which did not waste time with political correctness. The Director of Education and the author of the New Constitution’s words were blatant and straight from a place of hard experience. This was what Turbull wanted, a paper that encouraged his ideals and defended his motives.
Our critics stir up fear and apprehension by calling PIPER’S Inc. fascist. I beg to differ! PIPER’S Inc. stands vehemently against the tenets of fascism; in fact, I would argue that the oligarchic plutocracies that ran America into the ground and made a mockery of Democracy were and still are the true fascists.
These corporate capitalist cocksuckers epitomize the eloquent words of Sinclair Lewis when he stated, “When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross.” Our critics will call us Socialists and Communists, so be it. Fuck them. Their words mean nothing because for far too long American schools have never taught the true meaning of these political ideologies. This will change!
I also do not agree with the accusation that a Utopian society cannot exist in America. That’s complete unadulterated bullshit! Capitalism has created the greedy dysfunctional dystopia that we call the USA. That is true because Capitalism cannot exist without the intersectionality of racism, sexism, and classism. This too will change!
With all due respect, to President Sanchez and the newly elected Congress, PIPER’S Inc. feels that their new laws are a start, but do not go far enough to maintain equitable and just access to the Human and Civil Rights that should and will be inalienable for all. With that said, let me introduce the basic tenets of the foundation of the new Constitution of an egalitarian government that will forge a Utopian United States...
Turnbull even memorized Belleci’s more than 25 tenants for creating a path towards Utopia. He sipped his cognac with delight as he let Belleci’s words rumble in his chest like an internal thunder storm.
Since PIPER’S Inc. is a movement for and by the people, the old America is now obsolete. Our organization will serve as the domestic and foreign watchdog for the nation and will police itself just as equitably and as vehemently as it does the rest of the country. In order to progress into this new Utopian America, a purge of all that is corrupt, greedy, and evil must occur. In the spirit of Nicolai Machiavelli and Malcolm X — two misunderstood political philosophers — in order to create the America that our citizens demand and deserve, the end must justify the means—by any means necessary.
Turnbull brought his drink up to his lips slowly fusing all the sentiments and analysis of the Utopian opinions in his mind as he sipped.
So, where does this leave me? he contemplated. I’ve built the greatest nation-changing organization ever seen on this Earth, and we did our jobs, we kept our promises. The American people have kept theirs, as well. We are on our way to Utopia!
The thought intrigued him; fresh, vibrant – he loved that word! He wanted that word used when one spoke of his legacy. PIPER’S, Inc. brought us to the brink of Utopia! He wanted to feel that his country was not just enjoying a ‘second wind’, or a ‘revolution’, or even a ‘renaissance’. These were beautiful descriptions, wonderful sentiments, but not on the level of a country he’d seen in his dreams. No, renaissance just wasn’t good enough. He wanted to bring his country to Utopia, or at least some form of it.
The economy is now magnificent, the GDP and trade pipelines are funneling in almost incalculable amounts of profit. That profit is now building schools, giving teachers raises, taking countless families out of poverty and rebuilding our infrastructure like never before imagined.
Clean and reusable energy is being developed and used at a phenomenal rate; fracking is banned; national parks are off-limits to oil production; Monsanto is being dismantled; every corporation is paying its taxes; Americans are working; students have no college debt – everything, EVERYTHING past presidents could not, would not or refused to do is being done under this president – because of PIPER’S, Inc! If this is not Utopia, then what the fuck is?!
He emptied the rest of the liquid down his throat. We’ve eliminated a great amount of money in politics, corporate greed, corrupt politicians, cops and lawyers. Not all of them, but thousands of them! The crime rate is at the lowest it’s ever been in the history of this country. The police are actually protecting and serving for the first time in decades, and racial tensions have cooled.
“Maybe that’s enough,” he spoke aloud. “I’ve done my part. I’ve brought my version of Utopia to America. Maybe now it’s time to retire, retreat to my Tahoe cabin and write my memoirs. Maybe take Roberta on that Hawaiian cruise I promised her five years ago.”
He shook his head and thought of his lovely wife who knew nothing of what he did for a living outside of the lies he’d told her. International Trade Consultant – that was the base line he used. The job took him all over the world for several governmental firms, as he would say, which would take him out of country for weeks at a time. Sounded official enough and Roberta never questioned him. The escalating amounts of money he gave her in cash and credit were mindboggling to her, but she kept her chin up whenever he said he’d have to leave.
He strolled along the deck taking in the fragrance of the forest and basking in the warm rays of the Sun as he imagined his new life with Roberta, their children and grandchildren. But as he toured his private terrace one thing dully throbbed in the