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Aussie Surfa - The surf guide. Melanie Lumsden-AblanЧитать онлайн книгу.

Aussie Surfa - The surf guide - Melanie Lumsden-Ablan

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breaking on BOTH SIDES of the RIP.

       RIPPLED appearance like a RIVER

      RIPS are used by SURFERS to paddle out to waves but are challenging for swimmers.


      STOP SWIMMING, STOP FIGHTING the rip! FLOAT with the RIP. towards the breaking waves.

      REMAIN CALM to save energy.

      Waves can push floating objects including YOU back to shore.

      PANIC & swimming ACROSS a RIP, is EXHAUSTING & causes drowning !

      CONSERVE your ENERGY, especially if there is no one to assist you.

      KEEP your HEAD ABOVE water & FLOAT with the rip to SURVIVE.

      A RIP is NOT an undertow & WON’T pull you UNDER.

      The current will RARELY take you out as FAR as where the waves BREAK.

      Rather they move BACK TOWARDS the sandbanks where the waves are breaking.


      BIG SURF means BIG RIPS!

      NO SURF means NO RIPS....

      SUN SAFE

      Australian SUN can be VERY STRONG & cause some MAJOR skin damage. DON’T stay out in the sun TOO long. . The HOTTEST time of day is between 10am to 2pm, during these hours it’s a good idea to keep in the SHADE...

      Even our Surf Lifesavers don’t stand around in their swimmers, with a bit of white Zinc on their nose any more. When on patrol they stay UNDERCOVER in a Shelter or a Tower & MUST wear long sleeved 50 SPF (Sun Protection Factor) Shirts & peak Caps or wide brim Hats.

      Top of the list of beach ‘must haves’ & the MOST important is 15-30+ SPF SUNSCREEN, applied 20 minutes BEFORE you go to the beach & REapplied after swimming, running around or if you’re sweating & exerting lots of energy.

      Put a HAT or cap on to PROTECT the top of your HEAD & your FACE from the HEAT to avoid suffering SUNSTROKE. Have a T-shirt or some other CLOTHING handy to COVER up from the sun’s rays or when you feel your skin BURNING..

      A BEACH TOWEL.. of course.

      Aussie sand can get pretty HOT! Your FEET can BURN as you race across the scorching summer sand. So it’s a good idea to wear THONGS or scuffs (sandals) on your feet.


      At midday, when the sun is DIRECTLY overhead & casts NO shadow.. remember.

      STAY in the SHADE & OUT of the SUN...

      Last but not least essential to help you escape the heat is an UMBRELLA or sun TENT to dive under, keeping you cool & PROTECTED from the boiling sun.

      Secure your BROLLIE (Umbrella) well into the sand so it won’t fly away & hurt someone, or poke them in the eye! A bag filled with sand works well or hook your beach bag around the pole.

      Any time you’re out & about in the great outdoors, especially at the beach, make sure to DRINK plenty of FLUIDS. WATER is best... Fizzy (soda) drinks & drinks with lots of caffeine will only make you THIRSTIER & won’t give you the same hydration as WATER.

      AVOID alcohol, as it DEHYDRATES you.

      Enjoy your day in the Great Outdoors. & remember it takes only 15 minutes before you start to BURN!

      Follow the Aussie SUN SAFE motto: SLIP, SLOP, SLAP & WRAP


SLIP on a SHIRT or Rashie with a high SPF rating, to prevent sunburn.


SLOP on SUNSCREEN with an SPF 15-30+ & reapply often, particularly after you swim or work up a sweat.

      AWARENESS keeps you SAFE in the SUN.


SLAP on a HAT to protect your face & head from the heat of the sun.


WRAP on SUNNIES a pair of UV rated SUNGLASSES to protect your eyes.

      SUN STROKE & DEHYDRATION, SUN BURN & HEAT EXHAUSTION can quickly overcome you & make an unpleasant end to a day in the sun. These simple steps can help keep you SAFE in the SUN.

      SAND & SEA

      BEFORE you run into the water, CHECK along the water’s edge.

      Look out for SIGNS on the beach that let you know if there are any NASTIES in the water.. The Lifeguards & LifeSavers will place signs on the sand if there is anything to watch out for.

      Be aware of things that WASH UP on the sand like BLUE BOTTLES which show up on Australia’s East Coast in the Summertime.

      Blueys can be very tempting for kids to play with, with their vibrant BLUE BUBBLE & tail floating on the top of the water.



      It’s good to LEARN as much as you can about SAFETY at the beach. Many Coastie kids (living on the Coast) join Surf EDUCATION & AWARENESS Programs, becoming ‘NIPPERS’ from as young as 5 years of age.

      NIPPERS is a program set up by Surf Life Saving Australia, (SLSA) to teach 5 to 13 year olds all there is to know about Surf & Beach SAFETY. . like,

      How to SPOT A RIP

      CATCHING a Wave (Body Surfing)

      Personal development & LEADERSHIP

      Self CONFIDENCE & Teamwork

      RESCUE & Surf Aid

      These young Nippers are the FUTURE of Australian Surf Life Saving, making up 58,000+ of its 153,000 members which continue to grow annualy.

      Many a young Nipper will later go on to become one of over 6,800 junior volunteer LIFESAVERS.

      Some will carry on further training to careers as PROFESSIONAL Lifeguards, who may one day save YOU..!


      Watch out for the Aussie sun’s intense ULTRA VIOLET RAYS. (UVR) The sun emits 3 types of UV Rays. . UVC rays are blocked by our Ozone layer. UVA rays cause ageing & skin damage, like wrinkles & discolouration. However it is the UVB rays that are responsible for sunburn & are the cause of 4 out of 5 cases of Skin Cancer.

      What you may not know. .

      You CAN’T SEE UVR as it isn’t LIGHT. You CAN’T FEEL UVR as it’s not a TEMPERATURE. On a CLOUDY day UVR can be present, even during WINTER. UVR is REFLECTED by Sand, Water, Snow. any bright, shiny surface will allow MORE UVR to harm your skin.

      There are 6 skin types that range in rating from LOW to HIGH TOLERANCE to UV.. Do you know your skin type

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