The Day John Fitzgerald Kennedy Past. Welby Thomas Cox, Jr.Читать онлайн книгу.
smell of the pantry; it took him back to his boyhood where his mother poured hot water into a tub for his Saturday scrub. The room pungent from the spices mixed with the grains...Mick felt safe here because this was also the place where his father had hidden his stash of munitions which Mick often touched.
Maybe he would install a microwave to cook fried rice with Mackerel, onions and bell peppers which he had learned from a prisoner released from Leavenworth. Nothing the family would eat but a favorite for a man held-up in the pantry or as he referred to it as his "safe-house."
A place of refuge for a spy coming in from the turmoil of the day and its cold reality of the bitter stakes in the high test zones where a slight tip of the head, a jester of the hand, sufficient to bring down the kingdom.
Louis Wagner would inform him well in advance if there were plans for JFK to return to Miami The President would come with his entourage, including his "look-alikes", his handlers, secretaries, advisors, protectors (FBI), glad-handers and political refugees. A City of Sunshine, for tops down and bottoms up...where the President would be a sitting dove!
Wagner was willing to wait for Miami; he knew they would be playing to the choir there. It would provide a safe shot from a distance with the help of a special scope, to eliminate a side-walk shooting with a hand gun and thousands of spectators.
He followed Joyce to the door.
He had figured every angle but he began with a gut check on the purpose for wanting to resurrect another attempt to over-throw Castro and his brother Raul.It was essential for the investigators to know that Kennedy wanted Castro dead. The plans with all kind of provocation had been designed and carefully edited to the second. Therefore, he would not participate unless and until the CIA's efforts where peeled away like a sweet Florida orange. Even when some of the schemes, of his own making; schemes to assassinate Fidel Castro, schemes to kill Che’ which worked. This was a special gift from Wagner, his personal contribution to a well-informed public. Let them see what goes on behind closed doors and the plots designed and approved at high levels, put into motion and in the end, Fidel Castro just got so pissed he told his aides... “well fuck this gringo, we can shoot too.”
Merwin Hamilton's narration of these events and the file information was nothing short of a miraculous feast. I was certain that the man had a photogenic memory and capable of total recall, line for line of every report on the subject of the Cuban invasion and the assassination of John F. Kennedy.
But the time had come for me to take a toilet break, and surely a coffee refill for the old curator. I was so grateful that Ham had chosen this morning and had been able to get most of the historical detail with the major events as they occurred.
About half an hour passed for the pause to refresh and we settled in once again in front of the broken window where the Starlings came to perch, feed and shit on the bits of bread left by two old cons.
The failure of the invasion of Cuba was yet another in a LONG LINE of failures by the United States, permitting piss ants to dictate the terms and territories when the world power had the upper hand. The CIA became the red-headed step-child for the delivery of inaccurate documents and advice to the President. It was followed by irate calls from congress and citizens alike for a massive house cleaning at the CIA, something which occurred routinely but never done.
No lesson seemed to have been learned in North Korea by a world power that had the balls to drop the bomb on Japan. Instead Kim Jung pulled an end-around, pushing the Americans back to the 38th Parallel into what became known as the Demilitarized Zone (and thus began a sixty-five year stand-off between the North Koreans and twelve Presidents...count them: Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Regan, Bush 1, Clinton, Bush 2 and finally Obama..), and in the interim North Korea has been permitted to develop the bomb and the systems to deliver it to California, while waving it about at the least provocation.
Now comes the Chinese buoyed by the victory of its puppet in Vietnam and they laugh at the United States provocative statements on human rights while rolling it’s tanks into Red Square. They too have since developed the bomb. The litany of countries which the United States has given away our military technology and those countries permitted to develop a military deterrent to our power, is nothing short of a treasonous act on the part of President’s sworn to protect the United States.
Look at Iran, once our domain...gone and developing nuclear capability, look at Pakistan, Look at India, and we choose to go into Iraq on what had to be called a brilliant military move, though in all truthfulness Bush II and his advisors did not understand what they had done. Bush II's agenda was to seek revenge for the threats against his father...which he chose to label as a country with weapons of mass destruction, which were never found.
Now along comes Obama and gives away a strategic foothold in the Middle East to mitigate the threats from the evil empires. The return of Iraq may go down in history as one of the most stupid events in our long line of stupid mistakes in our military history.
Not only have we permitted these countries to push us around but we have also, under the brilliance of the Rhodes Scholar Clinton, given away all our wonderful blue collar jobs to the very countries with the bomb.
Add to that the historical theft by the Asians of military secrets and high tech rights while developing and selling knock offs without pain or penalty from the United States. Then they give away Hong Kong without a shot but we can spend and give away billions in Afghanistan while begging the electronically enhanced Chinese to purchase our short term treasuries to keep our ship-of-state from bankruptcy, permitting the Asians to place tolls on every exist on the interstates.
It does not end there, since 1949 this country has supported Israel, even when the world knew Israel had illegally taken land which the Israeli leadership had agreed belonged to the Palestinians. And, through President after President, arbitration after arbitration wasn't sufficient to make the Zionist abide by the treaties. Oh, yes they etched the documents with invisible ink and abscounded.
As a result of our support of Israel...Iran assassinates its puppet President and rids the country of anything remotely American. And we stood by, without fart or fiddle and watched a man in dress and diaper drain our interest and money.
Since the bombing of Japan, eight countries have come on line with nuclear capability, all of them financed on the back of the American taxpayer. The future of our children’s, children, is now straddled with a staggering national debt of twenty trillion dollars…the legacy of a Friday night drunk.
What is wrong with this picture?
The United States, in both parties, has permitted the deterioration of our strength and our wealth by supporting a failed military and economic strategy.
Recently our longtime friend and ally with whom we have an agreement for protection for a ready source of oil, gave notice to our President through the Secretary of State, Hilliary Clinton, if we did not review and alter our stand on Israel, Saudi Arabia would revisit the agreement inked fifty years ago. This threat is nothing short of saber rattling and Obama makes some statement, supporting the Muslim stand that Israel was going to have to be more compelling in its treatment of the West Bank Arabs.
We have been protecting Saudi Arabia for more than fifty years and President Obama permits this little desert Nat to threaten to break our agreement.
“Now really what is wrong with this picture?” Hamilton asked me.
“Finally, I will make one last point in a different time zone and then we will get back to the time in which you have the most interest. As we draw down in Iraq, after spending billions and having billions stolen by the in-place leadership, we take no collateral for all our money while ten percent of our citizens are hard core unemployed.
Let me tell you the company’s position. It believes that every United States President since Harry S. Truman has fulfilled the American citizens’ desire for isolation. The Americans grew weary of World War II, and Vietnam which produced great casualty, major cost and humiliation. None of our leaders have had the stomach to make the tough decisions and choices in the best interest of this country
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