The Book of Perpetual Adoration. H.M. BoudonЧитать онлайн книгу.
PAGE | |
Paraphrase of the Litany of the Most Holy Sacrament ………… | 131 |
Prayer in adoration of the Most Holy Sacrament………………. | 142 |
Method for assisting at the Holy Sacrifice of the | |
Mass with profit……………………………………………….. | 143 |
From the Introit to the Gospel……………………………………. | 145 |
From the Gospel to the Elevation………………………………… | 146 |
From the Elevation to the Communion…………………………. | 148 |
From the Communion to the end of Mass………………………. | 149 |
Exercise during the Holy Mass in the form of a | |
conversation, the greater part of which is | |
taken from the works of St. Alphonsus Liguori…………… | 152 |
Prayer before Mass………………………………………………… | ib. |
From the beginning of Mass to the Gospel……………………… | ib. |
When the Epistle is about to be read……………………………... | 154 |
From the Gospel to the Sanctus…………………………………… | ib. |
During the Offertory……………………………………………….. | 156 |
From the Sanctus to the Domine Non Sum Dignus……………. | 157 |
Towards the Elevation…………………………………………….. | 158 |
Towards the Pater………………………………………………….. | 159 |
From the Domine Non Sum Dignus to the end………………… | ib. |
At the end of Mass………………………………………………….. | 161 |
Act of Reparation…………………………………………………… | 162 |
HENRI MARIE BOUDON, author of the work of which we here give a new edition, was one of the holiest priests, as well as one of the most skilful directors of souls that adorned the Church of France during the 17th century.
Promoted to the archdeaconry of Evreux at the age of thirty, he at once applied himself zealously to paying annual visits to the parishes confided to his care, to the reforming of abuses, and to the revival of piety. He employed all possible means to procure the salvation of souls, such as sermons, pious books, and other lessons in perfect virtue. Not contented with having inspired the faithful with great zeal for ornamenting the churches, in a book entitled : " Of the respect due to the sanctity of Churches and of the profanation committed in them" he strenuously endeavoured to rekindle in all hearts the most lively sentiments of faith and
the most ardent love to the august Sacrament of the Altar.
Supported by many truly christian persons, he established an association at Evreux, for the perpetual adoration of the Most Holy Sacrament. It was to inspire the members of that Confraternity with a clear and practical devotion to the adorable Eucharist, that he wrote this little work, to which we give for its first title : " The Book of Perpetual Adoration"
When it was published, this book met with wonderful success, though it was written with great simplicity, and the style was very little studied, on account of the numerous occupations of its author, added to the little importance he attached to worldly eloquence. The work was translated into German, Italian, Spanish, Flemish, Polish, -and even into Latin; fifty thousand copies were sold in a very little time, and such great blessings at- tended it that, eighty thousand persons in the town of Augsburg (in Germany) and the neighbourhood gave in their names to take an hour for the adoration of the Most Holy Sacrament.
If there be one thing that is astonishing after such a success, it is that this work and others from the pen of the holy author, should have been almost entirely forgotten; or, rather, we think we perceive in this forgetfulness a sad proof of the
falling off of faith in our age, when even persons who make profession of piety too often seek a pleasing style in devotional books, instead of substantial