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Making Sense of the Bible [Leader Guide]. Adam HamiltonЧитать онлайн книгу.

Making Sense of the Bible [Leader Guide] - Adam Hamilton

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      Biblical Foundation

      Special Preparation

      Getting Started

      Opening Activity

      Opening Prayer

      Learning Together

      Video Study and Discussion

      Book Study and Discussion

      Wrapping Up

      Closing Activity

      Closing Prayer

      Helpful Hints

      Preparing for the Sessions

       • Pray for the leading of the Holy Spirit as you prepare for the study. Pray for discernment for yourself and for each member of the study group.

       • Read the book in its entirety before the study begins. Identify which questions and issues are particularly troubling to you. Offer a special prayer that you will be open to the Spirit’s movement on those issues and that you will be able to facilitate the sessions without trying to influence the group in the direction of your own leanings.

       • Secure a TV and DVD player in advance.

       • Before each session, familiarize yourself with the content. Read the week’s book chapters again and watch the video segment.

       • Choose the session elements you will use during the group session, including the specific discussion questions you plan to cover. However, be prepared to adjust the session as group members interact and as questions arise. Prepare carefully, but allow space for the Holy Spirit to move through the group members and through you as facilitator.

       • Prepare the space where the session will be held so that it will enhance the learning process. Ideally, group members should be seated around a table or in a circle so that all can see each other. Because the group will often be forming pairs or small groups for discussion, movable chairs are best.

       • Bring a supply of Bibles for those who forget to bring their own. Having a variety of translations is helpful.

       • For most sessions you will need a chalkboard and chalk, a whiteboard and markers, or an easel with paper and markers.


      Shaping the Learning Environment

       • Create a climate of openness, encouraging group members to participate as they feel comfortable. Remember that some persons will jump right in with answers and comments, while others need time to process what is being discussed.

       • If you notice that some group members never seem able to enter the conversation, ask if they have thoughts to share. Give everyone a chance to talk, but keep the conversation moving. Moderate to prevent a few individuals from doing all the talking.

       • Communicate the importance of group discussions and group exercises.

       • If no one answers at first during discussions, do not be afraid of a silence. Count silently to ten; then say something such as, “Would anyone like to go first?” If no one responds, venture an answer yourself and ask for comments.

       • Model openness as you share with the group.Group members will follow your example. If you limit your sharing to a surface level, others will do the same.

       • Encourage multiple answers or responses before moving on.

       • To help continue a discussion and give it greater depth, ask, “Why?” or “Why do you believe that?” or “Can you say more about that?”

       • Affirm others’ responses with comments such as “Great,” “Thanks,” or “Good insight”—especially if this is the first time someone has spoken during the group session.

       • Monitor your own contributions. If you are doing most of the talking, back off so that you do not train the group to listen rather than speak up.

       • Remember that you do not have all the answers. Your job is to keep the discussion going and to encourage participation.


      Managing the Sessions

       • Begin and end on time. If a session is running longer than expected, get consensus from the group before continuing beyond the agreed-upon ending time.

       • Involve group members in various aspects of the group session, such as playing the DVD, saying prayers, or reading the Scripture.

       • Note that the session guides sometimes call for breaking into smaller groups or pairs. This gives everyone a chance to speak and participate fully. Mix up the groups; don’t let the same people pair up for every activity.

       • One key to making sense of the Bible is the willingness to wrestle with questions and difficult issues. Participants will bring a range of understandings and opinions on these issues. The study will be most successful if group members treat one another with respect and are willing to listen to opinions that differ from their own. Work to ensure that the study offers a safe space for exploring the Bible.

       • Because many activities call for personal sharing, confidentiality is essential. Group members should never pass along stories that have been shared in the group. Remind the group members at each session.

      Session One

      Section One

      The Nature of Scripture

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