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The Spindle of Fate. Defeating the Dark. Sergey BilarinЧитать онлайн книгу.

The Spindle of Fate. Defeating the Dark - Sergey Bilarin

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morning. It’s time to get up!»

      «May I linger for a bit longer?» Boris was murmuring when suddenly his sleepiness vanished, as if by magic. He propped himself up on one elbow and angrily asked Grisha: «How did you get in here?»

      «I came through the wall,» the young man answered nonchalantly continuing his attentive examination of the dragon tattooed on Boris’ right shoulder.

      «Don’t you dare try to sic him on me,» Grisha said pointing at the dragon with his finger, «or I’ll torch him. By the way, you haven’t ever thought of turning your face to the Light, have you?»

      Zimin wasn’t taken aback by this abrupt change of topic. He whined:

      «I’m not even fully awake yet. I am not ready for edifying talks!»

      «You must always be ready for edifying talks since life could end suddenly and unexpectedly.»

      «What the hell are you doing here anyway?» Zimin gave him a sullen look.

      «Do you know where Marina is?» Grisha asked vacantly.

      «In her room. No, wait. She is out of town. She, she is not in this dimension. My pendant… I can’t feel it,» he sounded worried.

      «So, the chica is not that simple. Beware of Greeks bearing gifts,» Grisha grinned.

      «You hypocrite. The little ring has its own secret as well. Wait. Marina is here, let’s go.» Borya leapt off the bed, clapped his hands and was suddenly dressed in the same clothes as yesterday, though instead of a neck chain, he now wore a bracelet. He headed resolutely for the door pushing Grisha aside.

      «I have made a decision to go to Damramir,» Marina informed the young men authoritatively.

      «Good for you. I will help you pack and get the portal ready.» Kid was acting like a first class butler, receiving the information phlegmatically.

      «Marina, tell me,» the angel hesitated, «where have you been?»

      «What a strange question, Grisha!» Marina frowned and then smiled. «I was asleep.»

      «Yes, girls do sleep sometimes,» Zimin said slowly; the sarcasm was clearly evident in his words. «I would have had enough sleep too had it not been for someone who shall remain nameless.»

      «I was sleeping,» Marina went on failing to notice the demon’s remark, «and dreamt that I could help Praya.»

      «That’s wonderful but I doubt that she is anxious to get your help,» the little vampire said. He was about to leave but turned around at the door. «Last night she tried to go back to her world through the portal. I didn’t let her go and persuaded her to sleep on it. She must really be afraid of something since she, as exhausted as she was, was determined to make a leap through the portal.»

      «Yes, I am frightened,» Praya said appearing in the doorway. «I am afraid of these thousands of cold eyes looking at me from all directions of your strange world. The hungry eyes of Chaos.»

      «You are probably, referring to the stars,» Borya guessed and immediately started to put on airs, «My dear, there is no reason to be afraid. Just look: our world is beautiful. Go out on the balcony to enjoy this beautiful view. Of course, the view cannot compare to your beauty!»

      He offered his arm to the priestess and led her out onto the balcony. The breeze and morning freshness gave Praya goose bumps; sunrays caused her freckles. She shivered slightly and sneezed:

      «Boris, you keep forgetting that I am not barbarian. I have been here before. You don’t have to try to impress me by acting the part of a gallant gentleman. Your manners are impeccable. I am already spoken for and I will be faithful to my chosen one. Yes, we live a lonely life in solitude. Dwellers of other dimensions are very rare visitors. We are not cave-dwellers. We live by our own rules. However, now we need help but not teasing or light flirting.»

      «Oh-ho!» That was the only thing the demon could have out.

      «What a rebuff! This is our style,» Poryvayev was fascinated and thought to himself: «It’s not going to stop him, though; it’ll just encourage him.»

      Marina thought indignantly:

      «Why is he trying so hard? Why, just yesterday he was practically pledging his undying love for me, and now… He is acting rather strangely. In fact, everything about this whole situation is rather weird. Aloud she said as calmly as possible: «Borya, I seem to recall that in Praya’s world, there is no sun. She might get sunburned.»

      «Oh, no! I will save you, lovely priestess! Let’s go, I will concoct a sunscreen cream. I know a wonderful ancient recipe,» he led Praya into the house. «Don’t worry, we’ll help you.»

      When Poryvayev and Marina were alone, she looked at the young man, her eyes narrowed, and slyly asked:

      «Tell me, Grisha… this ring you gave me yesterday… Where did you get it? Did you buy it at a flea market?»

      Poryvayev responded angrily:

      «At a flea market? This is not some little trinket. It can tip you off about the presence of evil nearby. The skull’s eye sockets will start glowing.»

      «Why are they glowing now? Is there a demon somewhere around? No! That scares me!» Marina started shivering.

      «No, hold on… It must be the little vampire, you know, the guardian.»

      «Look, the pendant is glowing as well. Borya said that it reacts this way in the presence of heavenly beings. Could there be an angel around? How interesting!!!» Her fear had suddenly been replaced by curiosity.

      «Hm, maybe that’s your guardian angel? Or maybe that’s Praya. After all, she is human and there is a particle of God in her.» Grisha had no desire whatsoever to confess.

      «She is gone, but the glow remains, and it’s even brighter,» Marina persisted.

      «Well,» Grisha said resolutely, «sooner or later you must be told the truth. I am an angel.»

      «You?! You can’t be. I don’t believe you.» Marina didn’t expect this.

      «Look into my eyes,» the young man said quietly.

      Marina did as she was told and saw Potyvayev’s eyes change color, his whole body was filled with a light from within, his hair grew longer and started fluttering as if in a breeze. Two enormous snow white wings unfurled from his shoulders. Grisha’s entire frame was glowing with an ethereal light; he radiated a divine grace. The pendant was throbbing with a pristine light.

      «It is not fair!» The demon shouted from the doorway. «You took advantage of my absence to…»

      «To do what?» Marina asked. Grisha was quickly transformed back into an ordinary young man. He eyed Zimin with a certain curiosity and ran his fingers through his hair.

      «To gain attention, Marina, your attention. By now you have, of course, realized that we are not ordinary people. We are messengers. We both have been dispatched to help you. We will be accompanying you wherever you go.»

      «It is so bizarre, but mostly pleasant. Thank you, guys.» Marina was touched.

      «Our pleasure,» the demon bowed ceremonially.

      «You can count on us,» the angel echoed.

      Kid appeared in the doorway and announced that everything was ready for departure. Zimin and Poryvayev went down to the basement. Marina was about to follow them but the guardian stopped her:

      «I know where you are going and I hope you will find this gift useful,» the guardian said, offering Marina a golden cigarette lighter.

      «But I don’t smoke!» she exclaimed.

      «It will help you in the most unexpected moment. Take

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