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Death in Ecstasy. Ngaio MarshЧитать онлайн книгу.

Death in Ecstasy - Ngaio  Marsh

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sir,’ said Fox placidly, ‘I must say I wondered if the gentleman knew much more about what he seemed to be talking about than I did.’

      â€˜And well you might, my Foxkin, well you might. Hullo, Bathgate.’

      â€˜Hullo,’ said Nigel guardedly.

      â€˜Enjoying yourself?’

      â€˜I’m taking shorthand notes. I seem to remember that you have a passion for shorthand notes.’

      â€˜Ain’t dat de truff, Lawd! Have you read “Ole Man Adam”?’


      â€˜I wish Garnette had. Fox!’

      â€˜Yes, sir?’

      â€˜Send someone else into the vestry with Mr Garnette, will you, and get them to look him over. And any of the others I send in. Where’s the wardress?’

      â€˜In the porch out there.’

      â€˜She can deal with the ladies. Tell them to look for a small piece of crumpled paper or anything that could have held powder. I don’t think they’ll find it. Bailey!’

      Detective-Sergeant Bailey moved down from the sanctuary.

      â€˜Yes, sir?’

      â€˜The next, if you please.’

      Bailey went through the little door and reappeared with Claude Wheatley and a general air of having taken an unlucky dip in a bran-tub. Fox returned with another plain-clothes man who went into the vestry.

      â€˜This gentleman isn’t feeling too good, sir. He wants to go home,’ said Bailey.

      â€˜Oh, yes,’ said Claude. ‘Oh, yes, please. Oh, yes.’

      â€˜Sorry you’re upset, Mr Wheatley,’ said Alleyn.

      â€˜Upset! I’m fearfully ill, Inspector. You can’t think. Oh, please may I sit down.’


      Claude sank into one of the Initiates’ chairs and gazed wide-eyed at the inspector.

      â€˜I feel too ghastly,’ he moaned.

      â€˜What upset you?’

      â€˜That appalling old woman. She said such frightful things. I do think old women are awful.’

      â€˜Whom do you mean?’

      â€˜The Candour female.’

      â€˜What did she say to upset you?’

      â€˜Oh, I don’t know. I do feel shocking.’

      Dr Curtis came out of Garnette’s room and strolled down.

      â€˜Mr Wheatley felt a bit squeamish,’ he said cheerfully, ‘but he’ll be all right. He’s had a peg of some really excellent brandy. Father Garnette’s a lucky man.’

      â€˜Splendid,’ rejoined Alleyn. ‘Would you be a good fellow and go back to them, Curtis? Some of the others may need attention.’

      â€˜Certainly.’ Curtis and Alleyn exchanged a glance and the doctor returned.

      â€˜Now, Mr Wheatley,’ Alleyn began. ‘I think you look much better. I’ve a few questions I’d like to put to you. You can refuse to answer if you think it advisable.’

      â€˜Yes, but that’s all very well. Suppose I do refuse, then you’ll start thinking things.’

      â€˜I might, certainly.’

      â€˜Yes – well – there!’

      â€˜Difficult for you,’ remarked Alleyn.

      â€˜Well, anyway,’ said Claude very peevishly, ‘you can ask them. I may as well know what they are.’

      â€˜I have already asked the first. What did Mrs Candour say to upset you?’

      Claude wriggled.

      â€˜Jealous old cat. The whole thing is she loathes Father Garnette taking the slightest notice of anybody else. She’s always too loathsomely spiteful for words – especially to Lionel and me. How she dared! And anyway everybody knows all about it. I’d hardly be stupid enough to –’ Here Claude stopped short.

      â€˜To do what, Mr Wheatley?’

      â€˜To do anything like that, even if I wanted to, and anyway I always thought Cara Quayne was a marvellous person – so piercingly decorative.’

      â€˜What would you hardly be stupid enough to do?’ asked Alleyn patiently.

      â€˜To – well – well – to do anything to the wine. Everybody knows it was my week to make preparation.’

      â€˜You mean you poured the wine into the silver flagon and put the methylated tablet into the cup. What did Mrs Candour suggest?’

      â€˜She didn’t actually suggest anything. She simply said I did it. She kept on saying so. Old cat.’

      â€˜I shouldn’t let it worry you. Now, Mr Wheatley, will you think carefully. Did you notice any peculiar, any unusual smell when you poured out the wine?’

      â€˜Any smell!’ ejaculated Claude opening his eyes very wide. ‘Any smell!’

      â€˜Any smell.’

      â€˜Well, of course I’d just lit all the censers you know. Don’t you think our incense is rather divine, Inspector? Father Garnette gets it from India. It’s sweet-almond blossom. There’s the oil too. We burn a dish of the oil in front of the altar. I lit it just before I got the wine. It’s a gorgeous perfume.’

      â€˜Evidently. You got the bottle of wine from Mr Garnette’s room. Was it unopened?’

      â€˜Yes. I drew the cork.’

      â€˜You put nothing else in the flagon?’

      Claude looked profoundly uncomfortable.

      â€˜Well – well, anyway I didn’t put any poison in, if that’s what you’re hinting.’

      â€˜What else did you put?’

      â€˜If you must know it’s something from a little bottle that Father Garnette keeps. It has a ceremonial significance. It’s always done.’

      â€˜Have you any idea what it is?’

      â€˜I don’t know.’

      â€˜Where is this bottle kept?’

      â€˜In the little cupboard in Father Garnette’s room.’

      â€˜I see. Now as I understand it you took the wine to each of the Initiates in turn. Did you at any time notice an unusual smell from the cup?’

      â€˜I never touched the cup, Inspector. I never touched it. They all handed it round from one to the other. I didn’t notice any smell except the incense. Not ever.’

      â€˜Right. Did you notice Miss Quayne at all when she took the cup?’

      â€˜Did I notice her? My God, yes.’

      â€˜What happened exactly?’

      â€˜It was simply appalling. You see I thought she was in Blessed Ecstasy. Well, I mean she was, up to the time she took the cup. She had spoken in ecstasy and everything. And then she drank. And then oh,

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