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told me that one of the women who’d been in buying hats had simply raved about your ability and discretion and all that sort of thing. So I toddled along here right away.’
‘I see,’ said Tuppence. ‘What is the address of her lodgings?’
The young man gave it to her.
‘That’s all, I think,’ said Tuppence reflectively. ‘That is to say – am I to understand that you are engaged to this young lady?’
Mr St Vincent turned a brick red.
‘Well, no – not exactly. I never said anything. But I can tell you this, I mean to ask her to marry me as soon as ever I see her – if I ever do see her again.’
Tuppence laid aside her pad.
‘Do you wish for our special twenty-four hour service?’ she asked in business-like tones.
‘What’s that?’
‘The fees are doubled, but we put all our available staff on to the case. Mr St Vincent, if the lady is alive, I shall be able to tell you where she is by this time tomorrow.’
‘What? I say, that’s wonderful.’
‘We only employ experts – and we guarantee results,’ said Tuppence crisply.
‘But I say, you know. You must have the most topping staff.’
‘Oh! we have,’ said Tuppence. ‘By the way, you haven’t given me a description of the young lady.’
‘She’s got the most marvellous hair – sort of golden but very deep, like a jolly old sunset – that’s it, a jolly old sunset. You know, I never noticed things like sunsets until lately. Poetry too, there’s a lot more in poetry than I ever thought.’
‘Red hair,’ said Tuppence unemotionally, writing it down. ‘What height should you say the lady was?’
‘Oh! tallish, and she’s got ripping eyes, dark blue, I think. And a sort of decided manner with her – takes a fellow up short sometimes.’
Tuppence wrote down a few words more, then closed her notebook and rose.
‘If you will call here tomorrow at two o’clock, I think we shall have news of some kind for you,’ she said. ‘Good-morning, Mr St Vincent.’
When Tommy returned Tuppence was just consulting a page of Debrett.
‘I’ve got all the details,’ she said succinctly. ‘Lawrence St Vincent is the nephew and heir of the Earl of Cheriton. If we pull this through we shall get publicity in the highest places.’
Tommy read through the notes on the pad.
‘What do you really think has happened to the girl?’ he asked.
‘I think,’ said Tuppence, ‘that she has fled at the dictates of her heart, feeling that she loves this young man too well for her peace of mind.’
Tommy looked at her doubtfully.
‘I know they do it in books,’ he said, ‘but I’ve never known any girl who did it in real life.’
‘No?’ said Tuppence. ‘Well, perhaps you’re right. But I dare say Lawrence St Vincent will swallow that sort of slush. He’s full of romantic notions just now. By the way, I guaranteed results in twenty-four hours – our special service.’
‘Tuppence – you congenital idiot, what made you do that?’
‘The idea just came into my head. I thought it sounded rather well. Don’t you worry. Leave it to mother. Mother knows best.’
She went out leaving Tommy profoundly dissatisfied.
Presently he rose, sighed, and went out to do what could be done, cursing Tuppence’s over-fervent imagination.
When he returned weary and jaded at half-past four, he found Tuppence extracting a bag of biscuits from their place of concealment in one of the files.
‘You look hot and bothered,’ she remarked. ‘What have you been doing?’
Tommy groaned.
‘Making a round of the hospitals with that girl’s description.’
‘Didn’t I tell you to leave it to me?’ demanded Tuppence.
‘You can’t find that girl single-handed before two o’clock tomorrow.’
‘I can – and what’s more, I have!’
‘You have? What do you mean?’
‘A simple problem, Watson, very simple indeed.’
‘Where is she now?’
Tuppence pointed a hand over her shoulder.
‘She’s in my office next door.’
‘What is she doing there?’
Tuppence began to laugh.
‘Well,’ she said, ‘early training will tell, and with a kettle, a gas ring, and half a pound of tea staring her in the face, the result is a foregone conclusion.
‘You see,’ continued Tuppence gently. ‘Madame Violette’s is where I go for my hats, and the other day I ran across an old pal of hospital days amongst the girls there. She gave up nursing after the war and started a hat shop, failed, and took this job at Madame Violette’s. We fixed up the whole thing between us. She was to rub the advertisement well into young St Vincent, and then disappear. Wonderful efficiency of Blunt’s Brilliant Detectives. Publicity for us, and the necessary fillip to young St Vincent to bring him to the point of proposing. Janet was in despair about it.’
‘Tuppence,’ said Tommy. ‘You take my breath away! The whole thing is the most immoral business I ever heard of. You aid and abet this young man to marry out of his class –’
‘Stuff,’ said Tuppence. ‘Janet is a splendid girl – and the queer thing is that she really adores that week-kneed young man. You can see with half a glance what his family needs. Some good red blood in it. Janet will be the making of him. She’ll look after him like a mother, ease down the cocktails and the night clubs and make him lead a good healthy country gentleman’s life. Come and meet her.’
Tuppence opened the door of the adjoining office and Tommy followed her.
A tall girl with lovely auburn hair, and a pleasant face, put down the steaming kettle in her hand, and turned with a smile that disclosed an even row of white teeth.
‘I hope you’ll forgive me, Nurse Cowley – Mrs Beresford, I mean. I thought that very likely you’d be quite ready for a cup of tea yourself. Many’s the pot of tea you’ve made for me in the hospital at three o’clock in the morning.’
‘Tommy,’ said Tuppence. ‘Let me introduce you to my old friend, Nurse Smith.’
‘Smith, did you say? How curious!’ said Tommy shaking hands. ‘Eh? Oh! nothing – a little monograph that I was thinking of writing.’
‘Pull yourself together, Tommy,’ said Tuppence.
She poured him out a cup of tea.
‘Now, then, let’s drink together. Here’s to the success of the International Detective Agency. Blunt’s Brilliant Detectives! May they never know failure!’
‘What on earth are you doing?’ demanded Tuppence, as she entered the inner sanctum of the International Detective Agency – (Slogan – Blunt’s Brilliant Detectives) and discovered her lord and master prone on the floor in a sea of books.