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Wind Chime Point. Sherryl WoodsЧитать онлайн книгу.

Wind Chime Point - Sherryl  Woods

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Why hadn’t she brought anything fancier with her from Raleigh?

      Because she hadn’t anticipated being seen in public any more than necessary, she reminded herself ruefully. Now not only was she going to be on display, tonight was going to be perceived as a date no matter how cleverly she or Wade tried to spin it.

      She looked at the assorted pieces hoping to spot some combination that hadn’t occurred to her before, but the sad truth was, even if she’d brought along everything in her closet back home, nothing would fit anymore. Who’d have thought a tiny little baby could have such an effect on her figure so quickly?

      “Ah, just as I suspected,” Samantha said, coming into the room again, this time without even bothering to knock.

      “Whatever happened to the concept of privacy in this family?” Gabi grumbled.

      Samantha merely grinned. “We’re sisters. We have no boundaries. Besides, you’re going to be very glad I’m here.”

      “Really?” Gabi said skeptically. “Why is that?”

      “Because I’m about to save the day,” Samantha told her, tossing a shopping bag onto the bed.

      Gabi eyed the bag from a boutique with interest. “For me?”

      “Of course. And maybe a little bit for Wade,” Samantha added with a twinkle in her eyes. “Open it.”

      Despite the worrisome reference to Wade, Gabi seized the bag and peered inside, then drew out a simple A-line dress with a deep V-neckline. It was a shade of blue just slightly deeper than her eyes. She recognized at once that it had the potential to be stunning with her coloring.

      “It’s too soon for maternity clothes,” Samantha said, explaining her choice. “And there’s not a huge selection to choose from close by, but this is loose-fitting.” She grinned. “And trust me, with that neckline, nobody’s going to be paying attention to your baby bump.”

      She gestured toward the bag. “There’s more. Keep looking.”

      Gabi retrieved a lacy bra and a matching pair of thong panties. She lifted a brow. “Seriously?”

      Samantha laughed. “Hey, I told you I kept Wade in mind while I was shopping. The man’s tongue will be hanging out.”

      “Wade Johnson will never lay eyes on these panties or this bra,” Gabi said firmly, though her cheeks heated at the thought.

      “Maybe not tonight,” Samantha conceded. “But I predict the time will come when you’ll be very happy to have on sexy underwear.”

      “Sure. Maybe in about seven months,” Gabi said. “Or after this experience, possibly a whole lot longer. Men, in general, are not real high on my trustworthiness scale right now.”

      “Please, please allow room for an exception,” Samantha advised. “You might be reeling right now, but keep your heart open.”

      “And my legs clamped permanently shut,” Gaby countered. Still, she leaned down and hugged her sister. “Thank you so much for thinking of this. I was starting to panic.”

      “Hey, Emily and I will always have your back,” Samantha said. “That’s what sisters do.”

      And these days, Gabi had never been more grateful for that.

      * * *

      Given his late departure from the renovation site, Wade was running close to a half hour late by the time he got to Cora Jane’s. Samantha opened the door and gave him a pitying look.

      “Not a good way to start,” she whispered under her breath as she let him in.

      Wade’s eyes, though, were on Gabi, who seemed to be regarding him with a malevolent look. She’d obviously put some effort into getting ready, but at the moment, she was seated at the kitchen table with a half-eaten sandwich in front of her. He winced at that.

      “I am so sorry I’m late,” he apologized. “A job got complicated and it took too long to figure out the problem. I needed to get home, take a shower and change. Given how beautiful you look, you wouldn’t have wanted to be seen with me at the end of a long day at work.”

      He caught the faint softening in her eyes at his flattery, but she kept right on eating.

      “You’re going to spoil your dinner if you finish that sandwich,” he said.

      “I’m reconsidering,” she said, speaking at last.

      “Reconsidering what?” he asked, though there was little doubt what she meant.

      “This whole dinner and a movie thing. I’m pretty sure it’s a terrible idea.”

      He grinned. “And I’m equally certain it’s a fabulous idea. Well, maybe not the dinner if you keep on eating now, but seeing a movie. It’ll take your mind off things. And you did say you wanted your own bucket of popcorn.”

      She set the remainder of the sandwich back on the plate and regarded him with caution. “With extra butter?”

      “However you want it.”

      “And a large soda, even if it means I have to visit the restroom every twenty minutes?”

      “You can sit on the aisle,” he said. “Take off whenever you need to.”

      “I might want candy, too.”

      He held back a laugh. With negotiating skills like those, no wonder she’d been a success. “Done,” he said agreeably.

      She stood at last. “Okay, then. Let’s go.”

      “Are you satisfied that you’ve negotiated a deal you can live with?” he asked.

      She appeared to give that some thought before nodding. “Yep. I think that’s it.”

      “Okay, here are my demands,” he said, drawing a startled look. “Don’t look so shocked. The other side always has counterdemands. I’m sure you’re aware of that.”

      “Fair enough, I suppose,” she said, eyeing him suspiciously. “Tell me.”

      “We don’t mention the baby or your job all evening.”

      “Done,” she said without hesitation.

      “Since I’m skipping dinner, we stop by Boone’s Harbor for dessert after the movie,” he added.

      “Sounds reasonable,” she agreed.

      “And you forgive me for being late without calling,” he added for good measure.

      She met his gaze. “This time,” she said solemnly.

      “It won’t happen again,” he assured her. “At least, not without a call.”

      He heard a chuckle and realized Samantha had taken in the whole exchange. He frowned at her. “Anything you’d care to add?”

      She shook her head. “Nope, I think you two have this under control, though the battle over the candy choices promises to get interesting. I can hardly wait to hear how the rest of the evening goes.”

      Gabi frowned at her. “Don’t wait up.”

      Samantha’s brows shot up. “My, my, are you thinking of moving things along that fast?”

      Her sister gave her a look of dismay. “Stop that. You know that’s not what I meant. I just meant I do not intend to come in here later and fill you in on my evening.”

      “Darn,” Samantha said. “I was hoping to live vicariously.”

      “Well, forget it,” Gabi told her emphatically, then nodded toward the door. “Let’s get out of here before she starts with some kind of cross-examination. I’m pretty sure Grandmother designated her to be tonight’s interrogator.”

      Wade laughed. “Where is Cora Jane?”


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