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Silverthorn. Raymond E. FeistЧитать онлайн книгу.

Silverthorn - Raymond E. Feist

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unheard of to buy pardon. Name your price.’

      ‘For treason? No less than another ten thousand gold sovereigns.’

      Arutha shook his head. His treasury would be gutted. Still, Jimmy must have known the risks of betraying the Mockers to bring him warning, and that was worth much. ‘Done,’ said Arutha sourly.

      ‘Then you must keep the boy with you, Prince of Krondor, for he’ll never be one with the Mockers again, though we will not attempt to harm him … unless he again transgresses against us. Then we shall deal with him as we would any freebooter. Harshly.’

      Arutha rose. ‘Is our business then done?’

      ‘Except for one last thing.’


      ‘Also in times not far past, it was not unheard of to buy a patent of nobility for a price in gold. What price would you ask of a father to have his son named Squire of the Prince’s court?’

      Arutha laughed, suddenly understanding the course of negotiations. ‘Twenty thousand golden sovereigns.’

      ‘Done! The Upright Man is fond of Jimmy; though he has other bastards around, Jimmy is special. The Upright Man wishes Jimmy to remain ignorant of the relationship, but he will be pleased to think his son shall have a brighter future for this night’s negotiations.’

      ‘He will be placed within my service, without knowing who his father is. Shall we meet again?’

      ‘I think not, Prince of Krondor. The Upright Man guards his identity jealously, and even to come close to one who speaks with his voice brings him dangers. But we will carry clear messages to you when we know where hide the Nighthawks. And we will welcome news of their obliteration.’

      Jimmy sat nervously. For over three hours Arutha had been closeted with Gardan, Volney, and Laurie, as well as other members of his privy staff. Jimmy had been invited to remain in a room set aside for his use. The presence of two guards at the door and two more below the balcony outside his window gave ample support to the notion that he was, for whatever reason, a prisoner. Jimmy had little doubt he could leave undetected during the night if he had been in fit condition, but after the events of the last few days he felt abused. Also, he was at something of a loss to understand being returned to the palace with the Prince. The boy thief was uneasy. Something in his life had changed and he wasn’t sure what, or why.

      The door to the room opened and a guard sergeant stuck his head in, waving to Jimmy to come. ‘His Highness wants you, boy.’ Jimmy quickly followed the soldier down the hall to the long passage to the council chambers.

      Arutha looked up from reading something. About the table sat Gardan, Laurie, and some other men Jimmy didn’t know, while Earl Volney stood near the door. ‘Jimmy, I have something for you here.’ Jimmy simply looked around the room, not knowing what to say. Arutha said, ‘This is a royal patent naming you Squire to the Prince’s court.’

      Jimmy was speechless, his eyes wide. Laurie chuckled at his reaction, while Gardan grinned. Finally Jimmy found his voice. ‘This is a jest, right?’ When Arutha shook his head, the boy said, ‘But … me, a squire?’

      Arutha replied, ‘You have saved my life and you are to be rewarded.’

      Jimmy said, ‘But, Highness, I … thank you, but … there’s the matter of my oath to the Mockers.’

      Arutha leaned forward. ‘That matter has been disposed of, Squire. You are no longer a member of the Guild of Thieves. The Upright Man has agreed. It is done.’

      Jimmy felt trapped. He had never taken much pleasure in being a thief, but he had taken great pleasure in being a very good thief. What appealed to him was the chance to prove himself at every turn, to show all that Jimmy the Hand was the best thief in the guild … or at least would be someday. But now he was to be bound to the Prince’s household, and with the office came duties. And if the Upright Man had agreed, Jimmy was forever denied access to the society of the streets.

      Seeing the boy’s lack of enthusiasm, Laurie said, ‘May I, Highness?’

      Arutha permitted, and the singer came over to place a hand on the boy’s shoulder. ‘Jimmy, His Highness is simply keeping your head above water, literally. He had to bargain for your life. If he had not, you’d be floating in the harbour this hour. The Upright Man knew you’d broken oath with the guild.’

      Jimmy visibly sagged and Laurie squeezed his shoulder reassuringly. The boy had always thought himself somehow above the rules, free of the responsibilities that bound others. Jimmy had never known why he had been granted special consideration so many times, while others were forced to pay their way, but now he knew that he had stretched privilege too far once too often. There was no doubt in the boy’s mind that the singer told the truth, and conflicting emotions surged up within him as he considered how close to being murdered he had come.

      Laurie said, ‘Palace life isn’t so bad. The building’s warm, your clothing’ll be clean, and there’s ample food. Besides, there’ll be plenty to hold your interest.’ He looked at Arutha and added dryly, ‘Especially of late.’

      Jimmy nodded and Laurie led him around the table. Jimmy was instructed to kneel. The Earl quickly read the patent. ‘To all within our demesne: whereas the youth Jimmy, an orphan of the city of Krondor, has rendered worthy service in preventing injury to the royal person of the Prince of Krondor; and: Whereas the youth Jimmy is considered to hold us forever in his debt; It is my wish that he be known to all in the realm as our beloved and loyal servant, and it is furthermore wished that he be given a place in the court of Krondor, with the rank of Squire, with all rights and privileges pertaining thereunto. Furthermore let it be known that the title to the estate of Haverford on the River Welandel is conferred upon him and his progeny as long as they shall live, to have and to hold, with servants and properties thereupon. Title to this estate shall be held by the crown until the day of his majority. Set this day by my hand and seal, Arutha conDoin, Prince of Krondor; Knight-Marshal of the Western Realm and of the King’s Armies of the West; Heir Apparent to the throne of Rillanon.’ Volney looked at Jimmy. ‘Do you accept this charge?’

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