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Lying in Your Arms. Leslie KellyЧитать онлайн книгу.

Lying in Your Arms - Leslie Kelly

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had been so completely torn off his eyes.

      Arriving back at his—no, Madison’s—room, he thrust all those thoughts away. He didn’t want to think about his ex now. Not when there were so many other good things to think about.

      Lifting a hand, he rapped on the door. No answer. Hoping she’d gone ahead and taken a dip, he inserted her key card and pushed the door open a few inches, calling, “Madison?”

      Again, nothing. So he went inside. She wasn’t on the bed, and as he crossed the room, he heard a faint splash. Stepping over to the patio slider, which stood open, he glanced outdoors and spotted a dash of red in the clear blue waters of the pool.

      A red bikini. God help him.

      She was floating on her back, her eyes closed, her arms out to her sides. Her face was turned to the sun and a satisfied smile tugged at those lips. He thought he heard her humming a soft melody.

      Madison had been incredibly hot in a skirt and blouse. Now that she’d donned a couple of triangles of scarlet fabric, leaving much of her body bare for his perusal, he could honestly say he’d never seen a sexier female.

      Her legs were long—heavenly—and she gently kicked them to keep herself afloat. As he’d noted when she wore the skirt, she had some seriously lush hips, covered only by little sling ties that held her bathing suit together. Those feminine hips were made even more noticeable by the slim waist, flat belly and taut midriff. Her bathing suit top managed to cover only the most essential parts of her full breasts, pushing up those amazing curves, leaving a deep V of cleavage that glistened with droplets of pool water.

      All of her glistened. Every inch of that smooth skin, from her pink-tipped toenails on up to her cheeks, on which those long lashes rested, gleamed invitingly. Her thick hair had spread out, floating around her face like a halo, and she looked totally lost to everything but physical sensation as she soaked up the sun and the water.

      A sharp, almost painful wave of lust washed over him. His heart thudded, his mouth went dry with a need for moisture only she could provide. His hands fisted at his sides as he tried to push away the images of touching her, stroking her, gliding his fingers along every ridge and valley of her body.

      “Oh, you’re back!”

      He flinched, not having even realized she’d opened her eyes. “Yes. Sorry.”

      She quickly dropped her legs, standing up in the pool, which was only five feet deep at the most, and smiled up at him. “You were right, this was exactly what I needed. I feel tons better.”

      “You look better,” he admitted through a tight throat. God, he hoped the sun was glaring in her eyes and she couldn’t see how taut his entire body was as he tried to keep himself from reacting to her. If she were a couple of feet higher, she’d be eye level with his crotch and would undoubtedly notice the ridge in his jeans. He was hard for the woman, wanting her desperately. Hell, he’d been half-hard for her from the minute he’d caught her in his arms.

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