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Surrender to the Viking. Joanna FulfordЧитать онлайн книгу.

Surrender to the Viking - Joanna  Fulford

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Clad only in her shift now she waited, dread vying with fury. Was he going to demand that she strip? Was that to be her punishment for defiance? It occurred to her then that making her strip was likely to be the least of it. She was completely in his power and that wasn’t a comfortable thought. Was he going to hit her? Did he intend to hurt her? Once she had thought he wouldn’t offer violence to a woman, but now certainty was tainted by creeping doubt. She had never felt more vulnerable or more afraid in her life but she wouldn’t have let him know it for a shipload of silver. Her chin lifted.

      The grey gaze never left her. ‘The bed awaits.’

      Reluctantly she obeyed him, perching gingerly between the cool linen sheets, hugging her knees protectively. For a moment or two he remained quite still. Then he bent and retrieved his cloak, throwing it over his arm. Lara followed the movement in silent bemusement, confusion evident in her face.

      He smiled mockingly. ‘Don’t worry. I shan’t rape you, Lara, easy as that would be. I prefer my women to be willing participants. When you tire of your cold, virginal bed and decide to become a real woman let me know. In the meantime sleep alone if you will.’

      Speechless, she watched him cross to the door and unbar it. He paused on the threshold.

      ‘You had best secure this after me. I cannot vouch for what drunken pranksters may attempt later.’

      With an effort she found her voice. ‘Then you’re not... You don’t mean to return?’

      ‘No, I don’t mean to return.’ His smile lost some of its mockery and was replaced by something much like regret. ‘Goodnight, Lara. Sleep well.’

      With that he was gone, pulling the door to close behind him.

      Chapter Six

      For a few moments Lara was too stunned to move. Then she crept to the door and listened, half expecting a trick. The sound of retreating footsteps assured her otherwise. With shaking hands she barred the door and then leaned against it, trying to assimilate what had just happened. Never in a thousand years would she have expected the evening to end like this. Her imagination had supplied a more graphic image in which she was pinned to the bed while he did his will. She swallowed hard. He could have raped her; he was frighteningly strong. Her wrist still bore the imprint of his fingers. All her efforts to resist had done no more than afford him some light amusement. His taunts were still ringing in her ears. Even his avowed wish to have sons had been nothing more than provocation. He wasn’t concerned with getting sons at all: what mattered to him were ships and swords. That was why he had agreed to this marriage. He had no interest in her; he didn’t even like her. Quite possibly, when he had resolved his immediate problem with his enemies he would put her aside citing her refusal to consummate the marriage. No one would blame him or question his right to do it either. If he put her aside she would be returned to her father. The consequences of that would be dire. Alternatively she could crawl back to Finn and beg him to take her. Her jaw tightened. I’d rather be in a midnight fire at sea. She would never submit to him or go willingly to his bed.

      * * *

      Finn sat down on a rock at the end of the promontory and watched the rising moon silver the dark water of the fjord. The night was still. Even the sound of revelry from the hall didn’t carry this far. The participants were no doubt imagining him locked in a passionate embrace with his bride. He grimaced. The only way that could have happened would have been to give way to baser urges. Thor’s teeth but he’d been tempted; tempted to give the little spitfire something to think about. The possibilities afforded him fierce momentary satisfaction. Had he given in to temptation it would have been no more than she deserved. If ever a woman needed to be taught who was master it was she. In the whole history of the world there had never been such a proud, contrary, wilful, infuriating little hussy.

      He let out a long ragged breath. As he’d been expecting her to reject his advances tonight he ought not to have felt disappointment. It was utterly illogical and it was the fault of that earlier kiss. While he’d thought to enjoy it he could never have anticipated that he would find it so deeply arousing.

      That wasn’t all he found arousing either. A man would have to be dead not to be aware of her fiery beauty. Most of all it was the challenge she represented, a challenge he’d been unable to ignore from the outset. However, physical mastery wasn’t enough. When he took Lara—and he would take her—it was going to be with her willing consent. She would submit; would yield all of herself to him. It was a heady prospect and, he admitted, a distant one. In the meantime he had more pressing concerns. When he had defeated Steingrim there would be time enough to vanquish Lara.

      Having clarified his thoughts he eventually left the promontory and, since a return to the hall was out of the question, he went to the barn and found a convenient pile of hay. It was dry and comfortable at least, even if it wasn’t where he’d envisaged spending his wedding night.

      * * *

      Lara had fallen into an uneasy sleep and woke at dawn. For a few seconds she was disorientated, trying to think where she was. Then, slowly, memory flowed back. Along with it came resentment. She was married now and to a man who cared nothing for her save as a means to an end.

      When she opened the window shutter it was to admit grey light. The only sound was birdsong. It was hardly surprising. The revelry had gone on late and no doubt the company would be sleeping off the effects. It occurred to her to wonder where Finn had slept last night. Had he returned to the hall to continue drinking? It seemed likely. Quite probably he was lying across the table in a stupor along with his companions. She shrugged it off. His whereabouts were of no interest.

      Collecting up her discarded clothing she dressed once more and, when she was decent again, unbarred the door. She had no wish to remain. The hov held too many disturbing associations and the sooner she was out of the place the better. Instead she returned to the women’s bower. As she’d hoped, the occupants were still asleep enabling her to avoid their curious looks and knowing smiles. Quickly and quietly she changed back into the green gown, returning the blue one to the chest. As she did so her gaze went to the sword at the bottom, but this morning she had no desire to practise. Nor had she any desire to remain in the steading. She didn’t want to speak to anyone nor was she of a mind to be the butt of other people’s humour. The marriage had happened but she wasn’t going to pretend to like it. Until she had firm control over her anger she was better out of the way.

      Taking the path through the lower meadows she headed for the hill above the farm. She would find fresh air and solitude up there and if there was any company it would only be a few sheep. That was fine by her. The less she had to see of humankind the better.

      * * *

      On leaving the barn at dawn Finn took a detour to the promontory but the place was deserted. Either Lara was in no mood to practise sword craft or else she had no wish to be found there. He had a pretty shrewd idea which of those suppositions was correct and was sorry for it. Their previous training session had been fun. Unfortunately, recent events were not calculated to win her confidence or soften her mood. Just then he had no idea how that was to be achieved. Lara was unlike any woman he’d ever met. It was a pity she hadn’t come to the promontory this morning because there were things he needed to impart, not least about their forthcoming departure. Since she evidently had no intention of seeking him out he’d have to go to her.

      * * *

      When he reached the hov he found it empty. That left the bower as the most likely line of retreat. From his point of view, she couldn’t have made a more awkward choice because he couldn’t impose his presence there without creating uproar. He’d have to send a female servant to fetch her and that in turn would arouse all manner of speculation that he could well have done without. No doubt Lara was fully aware of that and probably enjoying the thought of his chagrin. He gritted his teeth. How was it that she always managed to make his life more difficult at every turn?

      He was rounding the end of the hov when he saw her, but, far from hiding in the bower, she was heading away from the steading along a track that led towards the hill behind. For a second, it occurred to him to wonder if she

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