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The Captain's Disgraced Lady. Catherine TinleyЧитать онлайн книгу.

The Captain's Disgraced Lady - Catherine  Tinley

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long as that monster, Napoleon, has been captured by then,’ added Mrs Milford. ‘When I heard of his escape from Elba, I declare it was the only thing that could have persuaded me to agree to Juliana’s scheme of visiting England.’

      Captain Fanton raised an eyebrow, looking from one woman to the other. ‘Ah! So it is you, Miss Milford, who wanted this trip.’

      ‘It was, though Mama was in agreement.’ He threw her a sceptical glance, clearly unconvinced. Again, this cynicism!

      ‘Were you really in agreement, Mrs Milford? Or did your strong-willed daughter force you?’ He laughed lightly to take the sting out of his words, but Juliana knew they were sincerely meant. Mama, ever trusting, smiled in response.

      Can’t she see, thought Juliana, that it is just empty charm? That he is saying it to attack me?

      ‘Juliana has always been strong-willed, ever since she could first speak and walk. It is her nature.’

      Juliana squirmed. Speak of another subject! she thought.

      ‘Indeed.’ He threw a glance in Juliana’s direction, his eyes dancing. Unexpectedly, her heart skipped a little—she was unsure why. ‘I wish I could say you surprise me.’

      ‘But, in this instance, her will did not overpower mine,’ said Mrs Milford. ‘I agreed to come to England, though I wish to return home to Brussels as soon as we can.’

      ‘You do not think of England as home, then?’

      She pondered this. ‘In a way. I grew up here, so it is a part of me. But I have lived in Brussels for over twenty years and Brussels is where I am comfortable.’

      ‘So...was your daughter born there?’

      Juliana stiffened. Really, he was too inquisitive! She opened her mouth to cut off the direction of his questions, but, luckily, Mama herself changed the subject.

      ‘Yes, she was. But I must tell you, Captain, I am surprised to see you army officers here, when Wellington has made Brussels his headquarters. The army is encamped in the towns and villages around, for we had word of it in Brussels society.’

      ‘Indeed.’ His forehead creased. ‘We are sent to London on official business. We must, of course, follow orders, though it pains me to leave my friends and colleagues behind. We hope to rejoin them before long.’

      ‘Well, if you return to Brussels, you must call on us. I declare I should be pleased to see you both again.’

      A strangled sound escaped from Juliana. She would certainly not be pleased to see him again! As she looked towards him, they locked eyes, an unholy gleam in his. He knew exactly what she was thinking and she was powerless to intervene—oh, how manipulative he was!

      ‘Thank you, Mrs Milford. If you give me your direction, I shall be sure to call.’

      ‘Juliana will write it down for you.’

      ‘Will she?’ He looked at Juliana, who dropped her gaze. ‘Actually, if you tell me now, I shall write it down myself. I would not put Miss Milford to the trouble.’

      Juliana bit her lip. He had known she had planned to write the address down incorrectly and had outfoxed her.

      She lifted her head to look at him again. His eyes were dancing with glee. Despite herself, she suddenly saw the humour in the situation and the corners of her mouth turned up. He looked startled.

      ‘So you do know how to smile then?’ His voice was low, as he leaned forward to talk to her, under cover of Mrs Milford’s conversation with the Lieutenant. His deep voice, so close, sent a shiver through her, though the room was warm.

      ‘Well, what a strange question! Of course I know how to smile. I just choose when to smile.’

      ‘That is a pity. Your smile is a powerful one.’ Juliana flushed, confused by his words and warm tone. She could not, in that moment, think of anything to say.

      The Captain walked to the writing desk near the window, where he lifted paper and a sharpened pen, then wrote as Mrs Milford dictated their address. Juliana took the opportunity to study him.

      She had already noted his height, strong figure and ease of movement. She knew him to be handsome—this she had acknowledged even as his arrogance had incensed her. Now, unobserved, she looked at his face in more detail.

      A strong profile, straight nose, good jawline. His intense blue eyes were hidden, directed to the page, but she noticed he had surprisingly long lashes, which did not at all reduce the masculinity of his looks.

      As if sensing her scrutiny, he suddenly looked up. Juliana glanced away immediately.

      ‘...shall retire. Thank you for a most enjoyable evening.’ Juliana, distracted by her observations of the Captain, suddenly focused on her mother again. Mama was standing, saying goodnight.

      Belatedly, Juliana also stood. She said all that was polite, but in truth there was a great deal of confusion in her mind. The Lieutenant lifted her hand politely, thanking her for her company.

      Captain Fanton was next and he actually kissed her hand, rather than simply bending over it. His lips were warm on her skin and surprisingly soft. Her heart racing, she mumbled a goodnight and followed her mother out of the room.

      * * *

      Later, listening to her mother’s even breathing in the other bed, Juliana’s thoughts returned to Captain Fanton. An attractive man, that much was evident. He had arrogance in abundance—she felt anger return as she remembered his confidence, the empty charisma by which he had expected two simpering women to give up their privacy and comfort. And his accusations towards her! Juliana could not remember the last time someone had made her feel so small, so filled with self-doubt. Somehow, he had got under her skin.

      Then, the attempts to charm her mother at dinner...and he had even tried his charisma on her, in quite a different way. She shivered at the memory of his lips on her hand. The man was clearly an accomplished flirt! She might have guessed it. Charm had many forms and the bold Captain, it seemed, had acquired them all.

      * * *

      Harry, meantime, was finding it surprisingly difficult to sleep. Miss Milford was unlike any young lady he had met before. Beautiful, undoubtedly. But it was her manner which intrigued him. She did not flirt, or simper, or hide her feelings. She was as plain-speaking as a soldier and a disturbing contrast to the coy, coquettish ladies he was used to. He was not clear why this had disturbed him so, but was confident he would soon forget her.

       Chapter Four

      ‘Oh, it is so good to see you again!’ Juliana hugged Charlotte tightly. ‘It seems so long since we were at school together.’

      ‘It has only been a year, you know,’ laughed Charlotte.

      ‘But what a year for you! Moving to England and getting married. Is your husband at home?’

      ‘Yes, Adam is here, but out with his steward. You will meet him later.’

      The two young women were seated together in the drawing room at Chadcombe, the large estate owned by Charlotte’s husband, Adam, Earl of Shalford. Juliana’s mother, claiming tiredness, was lying down and being fussed over by Adam’s great-aunt Clara, who seemed like a darling. Mama had suffered no relapse of her illness during the remainder of their journey, though had seemed relieved their voyage was ended.

      ‘The house is beautiful, Charlotte—and so large! How on earth are you managing as mistress of it?’

      ‘Oh, it is fine—I enjoy it, actually. There is a lot to do—and an army of servants to manage. I love it!’

      ‘Well,’ said Juliana doubtfully, ‘I am glad, for I could not imagine coping with the responsibility. It is all I can do to manage myself sometimes!’


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