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Twins Under the Christmas Tree. Marin ThomasЧитать онлайн книгу.

Twins Under the Christmas Tree - Marin Thomas

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shoes, Javier?”

      The boy jiggled his head.

      “I wore my good-luck boots all the time and you know what happened?”

      “What?” both boys asked.

      “They ran out of luck.”

      Javier raced from the room and returned with matching sneakers.

      “Smart man, Javier. Gotta save the good luck for stuff that matters.” Crisis averted, Conway ushered the boys out of the trailer and they raced to his truck.

      “Hey, does your mom lock the door when she leaves?”

      Miguel returned to the porch and plucked a key from the flowerpot of fake daisies on the first step. After Conway secured the trailer, he slipped the key into his pocket and picked up the booster seats. “You guys sit in the front while I figure out how to install these things.” Five minutes later, he said, “Okay. Get in them.”

      The boys climbed in the truck, their shoes dragging across the front seat of the cab as they crawled into their boosters. “Watch the shoes, amigos.” Conway’s black Dodge was only a year old—he didn’t even allow his dates to put their makeup on in his truck. Once the boys were buckled in, he drove off.

      There was nowhere to park his big truck in the preschool lot when he arrived, so he pulled into a handicapped spot. He’d no sooner turned off the engine than a woman knocked on the window.

      “You can’t park here,” she said. “You don’t have a permit.”

      “I’m dropping the boys off.”

      “I’m sorry, but you’ll have to use the lot across the street.”

      “I’ll only be a few minutes.”

      “Doesn’t matter.” She planted her hands on her hips and he had no doubt that she’d tackle him to the ground if he tried to get out of the truck.

      “Hang on, guys.” Conway backed out of the spot.

      “That’s Mrs. Schneider,” Miguel said. “We call her Mrs. Spider ’cause she’s creepy.” The boys giggled.

      “She is creepy.” Conway parked across the street then helped the boys out of their booster seats. The school bell rang, echoing above the noise from the traffic.

      “We get a flag by our name if we’re late,” Miguel said.

      Conway tucked both boys against his sides like footballs and said, “Hold on.” Bypassing the crosswalk he dashed across the street then set his cargo on their feet. “Lead the way.”

      As soon as they entered the building, Miguel marched up to the front desk and said, “This is Conway Twitty Cash.”

      The day-care employee rolled her eyes. “And I’m Loretta Lynn.”

      Conway fished his wallet from his pocket. “Isi Lopez called the school and informed someone that I’d be dropping the boys off and picking them up.” He set his license on the counter.

      The woman read his license. “You’re kidding, right?”

      “No, ma’am. I’m Conway Twitty Cash.”

      Miguel grinned at the lady.

      “Shouldn’t you guys hang up your backpacks?” Conway asked.

      The lady handed him a clipboard and pen. “Fill out this form.”

      He wrote down his full name, cell phone, social security and license numbers plus the color, make and model of his truck. Hell, he was surprised they didn’t ask for a credit card. When he finished, he turned away from the desk and plowed into Javier, who’d been standing behind him the whole time.

      “Javier doesn’t like to come here,” the lady whispered then walked off to speak with a parent.

      Conway guided the boy to a chair in the waiting area and sat down. “You don’t like to come here?”

      The kid scuffed his shoe against the floor.

      “Are the teachers mean?”

      Javier shook his head.

      “Are the kids mean?”

      He shrugged.

      Javier’s shyness probably made him an easy target for bullies. Conway peeked into the main room and saw that Miguel sat on the floor with a group of boys. He didn’t know what to do. If he left Javier at the school, he’d worry about him being picked on.

      “Are you ill?” He touched the boy’s forehead. “You feel kind of warm. You think you might be coming down with a cold?”

      Javier’s eyebrows scrunched together.

      “Because if you’re getting sick, you shouldn’t stay here and infect the other kids.”

      The boy blinked then he faked a sneeze.

      “You are coming down with a cold.” Conway spoke with the head of the preschool then waited while she asked Miguel if he wanted to go home with his brother. Miguel elected to remain at school.

      Now what? Conway sat in his truck staring at Javier in the rearview mirror. He’d planned to use the time the boys were in school to browse orchard sprayers at a local farm-equipment store. He needed to apply insecticide to the pecan trees before the weevils got out of hand. “You ever been to a tractor store, Javier?” The boy shook his head. “Then it’s about time you met John Deere.”

      * * *

      ISI TURNED IN her exam early and left the classroom. The test had been a breeze—then again she’d studied all weekend. She didn’t have the luxury of failing a class or retaking it. She’d qualified for a scholarship to attend the community college and she had to maintain a 3.0 grade point average to keep her financial aid.

      She stopped at the school cafeteria for a bite to eat before her next class and while she waited in the sandwich line, she skimmed through phone messages. When she saw the missed call from the preschool, alarm bells went off inside her head. She gave up her place in line and stepped into the hallway to call the school. After learning Conway had signed out Javier because her son hadn’t felt well, she dialed Conway’s cell. No answer. She left a voicemail, asking him for an update then returned to the cafeteria.

      By the time her final class of the day ended, she still hadn’t heard from Conway. She contacted the preschool again and they confirmed that Conway and Javier had returned to pick up Miguel. As soon as Isi arrived at the bar, she texted Conway. When he didn’t answer, she left another message, pleading with him to get in touch with her. Two hours later, she was about to ask her boss if she could leave work early when Conway strolled into the bar with the twins.

      Relieved the three males appeared no worse for wear she delivered a drink order to a table while they claimed seats at the bar. When she approached the group, she felt Javier’s forehead. “No fever.”

      Conway came to her son’s defense. “He was warm when we got to the school and I didn’t think it was a good idea to leave him there.” He ruffled Javier’s hair and Isi’s heart melted at the affectionate gesture.

      “Are you feeling better, Javi?” she asked.


      Isi switched her attention to Conway. “Why didn’t you return my calls?” This gig wasn’t going to work, if they didn’t communicate with each other. “I was frantic wondering what was wrong with Javier.”

      “I’ll try to remember to check my phone more often.”

      She waved a hand in front of her. “What are you doing here?”

      “Conway Twitty Cash doesn’t cook, Mom.” Miguel’s gaze swiveled back and forth between Isi and Conway.

      Isi got a discount on her meals, but she didn’t have the extra money to pay for the boys’ food.

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