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The Life You Left. Carmel HarringtonЧитать онлайн книгу.

The Life You Left - Carmel  Harrington

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reference to them I came across. I suppose that probably seems strange to you.’

      ‘Not strange at all. I look forward to hearing your story about how you met Edward, but first of all let me tell you what I’ve learned over the past fifty years or so about them.’ Taking a bite of one of the cupcakes, she mumbled, ‘My one vice, pet. I can’t get enough of cupcakes. Little pieces of heaven these are.’

      James was happily munching on his second one and grunted his agreement.

      Putting down her tea, Mary started, ‘Well, let me see, what can I tell you? Let’s start at the beginning; guardian angels have been popping up in literature for over 4000 years now. Some believe that angels are sent by God to bring messages to people who are in critical situations. These messages from God can be either a warning or a comfort in times of danger and fear.’

      Mary couldn’t help but notice the look that James threw in Sarah’s direction.

      ‘I’m wondering, if it’s not too personal, is that why Edward is here right now for you? Have things been difficult for you lately? Are you in need of comfort?’

      Sarah smiled wryly. ‘I suppose you could say that. I’m on my own at the moment. My husband disappeared a few weeks ago without any warning that something was wrong. He’s having a breakdown of some kind and needs to be on his own. But I’m coping the best I can. I have no other choice but to. You have to with three children.’ Her voice cracked at the end.

      ‘Don’t put a brave face on it!’ James exploded. ‘He left with nothing but a weak cowardly email saying I’m sorry! It’s been horrendous for you and the children. Especially the older two, Tommy and Katie, sure they don’t know why their Daddy has disappeared.’

      Sarah turned to Edward, looking into his black eyes. ‘Is that why you’ve come back, Edward?’ She asked him. ‘Because my life is a complete mess?’

      Edward walked over to Sarah and gently said, ‘I’ve never left you, I’ve always been here right by your side – through every magical and wondrous time of your life to date. On your wedding day. For each of your children’s births. I was with you the whole time. But in answer to your question, yes, part of the reason why I’ve shown myself again to you is because I want to help you now. I want to give you solace and guide you.’

      ‘What did he say?’ James asked. ‘This is so annoying, not being able to hear both sides of a conversation!’

      Sarah smiled at her brother’s irritation. ‘He said yes, in part he’s here to comfort me because things are hard.’ She turned to Mary and asked, ‘Can you tell me more about them – our guardians? Help me understand.’

      ‘Of course I can. We mere mortals don’t see everything. We only see what we want to. So angels are here to point out what our careless eyes can’t take in.’

      ‘Why doesn’t God just tell us himself, cut out the middle man?’ James asked.

      Mary smiled as she said, ‘You have a wonderful way of seeing things, James. But I think that God would be way too much for most of us to take in. Think of guardian angels as diplomatic envoys if you like.’

      ‘Diplomatic envoys. I like that.’ James said with a smile. ‘That’s kind of cool, sis.’

      Sarah smiled and continued. ‘Edward hasn’t aged at all since I last saw him, Mary. Do they have a lifespan like humans?’

      ‘That’s a good question, Sarah. But no, angels don’t decay or die, they are spiritual beings. They can think and hold conversations with us. They each have their own identities. And truth be told we are learning continuously about them and their powers, with more and more people believing in them.’

      ‘I had a girlfriend once who had lots of angel figurines all over her house.’ James interjected. ‘She got them from a shop that sells angel stuff in Wexford.’

      Mary smiled at this. ‘Yes, the concept of angels is becoming popular. I think some people need to believe in something bigger than themselves. Especially right now with the way things are in Ireland.’

      They all nodded in agreement to this. The recent recession of the past few years affected so many.

      ‘Everybody has a guardian angel.’ Mary continued. ‘At some point or other everyone has had contact from their angel, even if they didn’t recognise it as that. Have you ever had days where you kept finding pennies?’

      Both James and Sarah nodded yes.

      ‘I found one this morning!’ James said in awe. ‘A cent was on the doorstep when I was leaving to head to work.’

      ‘That was Lorna letting you know she was with you today. I call those Pennies from Heaven. Often if you look at the penny you found and take a note of the date on it, it will have some significance. Other gifts from angels are white feathers. These are the most common form of angel communication. When we unconsciously ask for guidance from angels, they will often send us signs with the answers we seek.’

      Mary stopped speaking for a few minutes. Sarah and James needed time to digest all the information she’d thrown at them.

      ‘Drink up, pet.’ Mary said to James. ‘It’s a blend of Monkey Picked Oolong and Silver Needle White tea. It’s quite delicious.’

      James couldn’t help but agree. It was the nicest cuppa albeit the strangest afternoon tea he’d ever experienced. He half expected Alice to come running in followed by the Mad Hatter.

      Turning to Sarah again, Mary continued, ‘Every person has some innate psychic medium skill within them, and all of us are capable of seeing, communicating, and even working with our guardian angels. But most of us just ignore that side of ourselves. And then for some of us, pet, we have extraordinary psychic skills.’

      ‘Psychic powers?’ Sarah repeated, looking more and more bemused.

      James put down his tea too. Taking a deep breath, he said. ‘So basically all of us could see and communicate with our guardian angels if we wanted to?’

      Mary nodded her confirmation to this so James continued. ‘How come I can’t then? I’m open to it. I’ve watched my sister talk to her angel for years as a kid. Yet never did I see either Eddy or Lorna. Why’s that?’

      ‘It’s not as simple as just wanting to see our angel.’ Mary responded. ‘We have to trust in our inborn psychic potential to link up with these divine entities. And that’s not something that most of us have the ability to do. Sarah however, she’s different.’

      Sarah was reeling. ‘It’s a lot to take in, Mary.’ She stated. ‘I’m feeling a bit overwhelmed. What exactly am I supposed to do?’

      ‘You need to start working with Edward. Open your mind to him, talk to him, and allow him to guide you. Some of today's most powerful psychic mediums work with guardian angels. You’re probably going to start having some new and different experiences. For now go home, try to come to terms with Edward’s presence. And start looking at life with a fresh pair of eyes. You may start to see and feel things that will shock you.’

      Sarah and James got up to leave. This time Sarah followed her first instinct and gave Mary a huge hug. She felt instinctively close to her, an immediate bond had formed between them and quite happily stayed in the embrace.

      Walking to the car with James, he whispered, ‘Don’t you dare begin to see my angel! ‘I can just about get my head around Edward, but I’ll not cope with a disapproving angel who can tell tales to my sister!’

      Sarah laughed as she got in the car thanking her lucky stars once again that she had James with her. He never let her down and was there for her. She thought of Paul and how it should really be him beside her right now, helping get through this revelation she had just received from Mary. But somehow or other, even if Paul hadn’t left home, she doubted he would have been sitting beside her. The thought sobered her.

      At what point in her marriage had it become normal that

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