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Lindsey Kelk 8-Book ‘I Heart’ Collection. Lindsey KelkЧитать онлайн книгу.

Lindsey Kelk 8-Book ‘I Heart’ Collection - Lindsey  Kelk

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here, three in New York. And a missed call from Alex. Just one. Twenty minutes earlier and no message. ‘Bugger.’ Just as I was about to redial, James snatched the phone out of my hand.

      ‘If you throw that out of the window, I will freak out.’

      ‘Sorry,’ he said, turning the phone off. ‘They’ll hack it.’

      ‘They’ll what?’ Could this get any more bizarre?

      James nodded slowly. ‘They can hack your phone if you use it near enough. I don’t know how.’

      ‘But how do you call anyone, ever?’ I asked.

      ‘I don’t. It’s like living in Nineteen ninety-five.’ He shrugged. ‘If I really need to get hold of someone, Blake goes out and calls them for me.’

      ‘So you can’t text your friend to see what flavour muffin they want?’

      ‘Can’t go out and buy muffins. Can’t really eat muffins.’

      ‘And you can’t call a taxi when you’re hammered?’

      ‘To be fair I have a driver.’

      ‘What if you need to extend your credit limit to buy something amazing?’

      ‘Yeah, that’s not really a massive problem right now. Unless that something is a Bentley.’

      ‘I might be able to live with not having a mobile phone if I was you,’ I said, feeling less sympathetic by the second.

      James nodded. ‘But if I wasn’t me, we wouldn’t be running away from the club now. The paparazzi wouldn’t be chasing us. And you wouldn’t be sitting on the floor of a car ruining your beautiful dress, not able to call your boyfriend.’

      ‘But if you weren’t you, I wouldn’t be in LA at all, I wouldn’t have met you and, well, I wouldn’t have been able to wear my beautiful dress in March anyway.’ I shuffled back up onto the seat as the limo twisted around some invisible corners and then slowed to a stop. The din from the paparazzi got quieter and quieter until I couldn’t hear anything but the ticking of the cooling engine as we climbed out.

      James ran his hands down my sides, smoothing down the creased-up skirt. I breathed in sharply as they ran back up my bare arms. ‘It’s a great dress, did I tell you that already?’ he asked, towering above me. He was awfully tall. I hadn’t noticed how awfully tall. ‘Phillip Lim, right?’

      ‘Every so often, you throw me off completely, you know?’ I said, cricking my neck to get a better look at him. ‘If you weren’t all Hollywood, I’d think you were gay. Which would just about break Jenny’s heart.’

      ‘Good to know,’ he said, fumbling for keys in his jeans pocket. I was right, his backside did look great. ‘We should have just stayed here. You know what they say, if you’re going to get into trouble, do it at the Chateau.’

      He wanted to get into trouble? Meep. ‘I really should go back to my hotel,’ I choked. ‘It’s late and I was supposed to be conducting an interview with someone tomorrow.’

      ‘I heard he’s a delusional egotist who likes to prance around in tights,’ James said, opening the door and pulling me inside. ‘So I think you’ll be fine. Besides, I can get that dress dry cleaned inside twenty minutes and then get you a car home once the paps have moved on outside. Come on, I’m dying for a cup of tea.’

      Following him into the bungalow, I shrugged. I couldn’t argue with a well-thought-out plan.

      ‘Can I use my phone in here?’ I called from the bathroom, peeling off my damp yellow dress. The bathroom was full of products: Clinique, Anthony Logistics, Peter Thomas Roth. Sent over by PRs, I figured, but still, men with more moisturizer than me made me edgy.

      ‘The landline should be OK, but I’m keeping your mobile hostage until you leave.’ James knocked once on the door and then came in. Giving me just enough time to grab one of the robes hanging from the back of the door. But not enough time to put it on. ‘Nice knickers, Calvin Klein?’

      ‘Erm, yes,’ I said, trying to slide into the robe without revealing an inch of flesh or white lace. Not an easy task at the best of times, and even more difficult when you were a) ridiculous clumsy and b) in the hotel bathroom of a stupidly hot actor. A stupidly hot actor who had taken off his shirt. Oh. It was pretty.

      ‘Don’t tell your model friend, but I did a campaign for them last year.’ He took one arm of the robe, in theory to help me put it on, but in practice just to help me get even more wound up in the acres of jersey. ‘I think that’s the set Eva wore.’

      Perfect. Who didn’t want to be compared to Eva Mendes in their underwear?

      ‘I’m so sorry about that,’ I said again. ‘I don’t know what his problem is. It’s just … God, Jenny is going to kill me.’

      ‘I’m sure she’ll be fine.’ James pushed his hair back off his face. Had his cheekbones always been so high? What else were those brown curls hiding? ‘And please stop apologizing for that knobhead. I’m just surprised you’re friends with him, to be honest. You did realize he was all over you? Do you know, I haven’t called anyone a knobhead for ages. You really do bring out the English in me.’

      ‘Thanks, I think.’ I pushed past him, moving very quickly through the bedroom, accidentally glancing at the rumpled bedsheets and settling in the living room. In an armchair. Made for one. Could he please just put a shirt back on? I was only human, for God’s sake. ‘And, just for the record, he’s absolutely not interested in me. I don’t even really know him; we’re not really friends. He and Jenny used to work in the same hotel in New York, that’s all.’

      ‘So they’re friends?’

      ‘Sort of,’ I wrinkled my nose. There was no way Jenny would be exploring their ‘friendship’ now. I was going to suffer for this one.

      ‘I see, friends with benefits?’

      Before I could clarify, there was a knock at the door. James opened up and swapped my dress for a tray of drinks. ‘Thanks,’ he said to someone I couldn’t see. ‘Tea?’

      ‘Yes please,’ I sighed, realizing suddenly how tired I was. ‘I’d kill for a cup right now.’

      ‘I don’t want to know how you’re going to react to my HobNobs then,’ he said, producing a full packet of biscuits. ‘This really is the best hotel in the world.’

      ‘Don’t say that in front of Jenny,’ I said, taking a handful of crumbly biscuity goodness. ‘She’s all about The Union. Or at least she was; she hasn’t stolen anything in ages.’

      ‘So we’ve got twenty minutes to fill,’ James said, nursing his steaming mug. ‘What do you want to do?’

      What did I want to do? Now there was a question. My head wanted to call Jenny, make sure she was OK and actually going to speak to me again. My heart wanted to call Alex and see how his gig went, hear his soft sleepy voice and have him put the phone on his pillow until he fell asleep so I could just listen to him breathe. But another, slightly less poetic part of me was absolutely burning to stand up, take that cup of tea out of James Jacobs’s hand and put all of his flirting to the test. To trace a finger up his abs, his sharply cut chest and over his full bottom lip. Just press it, just to see if it was as firm and plush as it looked. And then possibly nibble on it a little bit. And then—

      ‘You’ve got such a strange look on your face,’ James interrupted. ‘What are you thinking about?’

      Pushing you backwards against the sofa and doing lots of very dirty things until my passport expires.

      ‘Nothing really.’

      ‘There’s something I wanted to say, actually,’ he carried on. ‘About this afternoon, at the burger place.’

      Maybe just a quick nibble. ‘No need, really.’


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