Inspector Alleyn 3-Book Collection 4. Ngaio MarshЧитать онлайн книгу.
until you came into his room while I was there?’
‘I took Dr Kantripp to the room and waited with him. The children’s old nurse was there. She helped the doctor until the trained nurse arrived.’
‘I take it that Dr Kantripp –’ Fox paused for a moment – ‘the doctor did everything that was necessary? I mean, my lord, that the injury was unattended until he came?’
Lord Charles made an effort to speak, failed to do so, and nodded his head. At last he managed to say: ‘We thought it better not to – not to try to – we didn’t know whether it might prove fatal to –’
‘To remove anything? Quite so.’
‘Is that all?’
‘I shan’t trouble you much further, my lord, but I should like to ask if you know whether his lordship had any enemies.’
‘Enemies! That’s an extravagant sort of way to put it.’
‘It’s the way we generally put it, my lord. I dare say it does sound rather exaggerated but you see the motive for this sort of crime is usually something a bit stronger than dislike.’
To this bland rejoinder Lord Charles found nothing to say.
‘Of course,’ Fox continued, ‘the term enemies is used rather broadly, my lord. I might put it another way and ask if you know of anyone who had good reason to wish for Lord Wutherwood’s death.’
Lord Charles answered this question instantly with a little spurt of words that sounded oddly mechanical.
‘If you mean, do I know of anyone who would benefit by his death,’ he said, ‘I suppose you may say that his heirs will do so. I am his heir.’
‘Well, yes, my lord. I know Lord Wutherwood had no son.’
‘Do you, by God!’ said Lord Charles. The exclamation was completely out of key with the level courtesy of his earlier rejoinder but Fox took it in his stride.
‘I have heard that is the case,’ he said. ‘I understand that two of his lordship’s servants were here. It’s not very nice,’ continued Fox with an air of one who apologizes for a slight error in taste, ‘to have to think of people in this light, but –’
‘Murder,’ said Lord Charles, ‘is not very nice either. You are quite right, Mr Fox. My brother’s chauffeur and my sister-in-law’s maid were both there.’
‘Might I trouble you for their names, my lord?’
‘Tinkerton and Giggle.’
‘Giggle, my lord?’
‘Yes. That’s the chauffeur.’
‘Quite an unusual name,’ said Fox, placidly busy with his notes. ‘Have they been long with his lordship?’
‘I believe that Tinkerton was with my sister-in-law before she married and that’s twenty-five years ago. Giggle began at Deepacres as an odd boy and under-chauffeur. His father was coachman to my father.’
‘Family servants,’ murmured Fox, placing them. ‘And of course your own servants would be in the flat?’
‘Yes. There’s Baskett, the butler; and the cook and two maids. They may not all have been in. I’ll find out.’
He stretched his hand out to the bell.
‘In a minute, thank you, my lord. These are all the servants you employ?’
‘I thought you spoke of a nurse, my lord.’
‘Oh – you mean Nanny,’ said Lord Charles who now seemed to have himself very well in hand. ‘Yes, of course there’s Nanny. We don’t think of her as one of the servants.’
‘No, my lord?’
‘No. She’s the real head of affairs, you see.’
‘Oh, yes!’ said Fox politely. ‘I would be much obliged if you would send for the butler now.’
Baskett came in with his usual ineffable butler’s walk, executed with the arms held straight down, the hands lightly closed and turned out with the palms downwards. It was the deliberate relaxed pose of a man whose deportment is an important factor in his profession. Baskett did it superbly.
‘Oh, Baskett,’ said Lord Charles, ‘Inspector Fox would like to ask you about the people who were in the servants’ quarters this evening. Were all the maids in?’
‘Ethel was out, my lord. Mrs James and Blackmore were in.’ He glanced at Fox. ‘That is the cook and the parlour-maid, sir,’ he explained.
‘Any visitors in your quarters?’ asked Fox.
‘Yes, sir. Lord Wutherwood’s chauffeur and Lady Wutherwood’s maid. The chauffeur was in the staff sitting-room, sir, for some time, and then went into No. 26 to help Master Michael with his trains. Miss Tinkerton was with Mrs Burnaby in her room.’
‘Mrs Burnaby?’
‘That’s Nanny,’ explained Lord Charles.
‘Thank you, my lord. And that is the entire household at the time of the occurrence?’
‘I think so,’ said Lord Charles. ‘Was there any one else in your part of the world, Baskett?’
Baskett looked anxiously at his employer and hesitated.
‘You will of course tell us,’ said Lord Charles, ‘if you know of any one else in the flat.’
‘Very good, my lord. There was another person, sir, in the kitchen.’
Fox paused, pencil in hand. ‘Who was that?’
‘Good God!’ ejaculated Lord Charles, ‘I’d entirely forgotten him.’
‘Forgotten whom, my lord?’
‘What’s the miserable creature’s name, Baskett?’
‘Grumball, my lord.’
Fox said sharply: ‘You mean Giggle. I’ve got him.’
‘No, sir. This person’s name is Grumball.’
Fox looked scandalized. ‘Who is he, then?’ he asked.
Baskett was silent.
‘He’s the man in possession,’ said Lord Charles.
‘A bailiff, my lord?’
‘A bum-bailiff, Mr Fox.’
‘Thank you, my lord,’ said Fox tranquilly. ‘I’ll see the rest of the staff, now, if it’s agreeable.’
‘Would it be one of these society affairs, sir?’ asked Detective-Sergeant Bailey, staring with lack-lustre eyes through the police-car window.
‘What society affairs, Bailey?’ murmured Chief Detective-Inspector Alleyn.
‘Well you know, sir. Cocktails, bottle-parties, flats and so forth.’
‘One of the messy sort,’ said Detective-Sergeant Thompson moving his photographic impedimenta a little farther under the seat.
‘That’s right,’ agreed Bailey.
‘I’ve no idea,’ said Alleyn, ‘in what sort of country we shall find ourselves.’
‘The flat belongs to deceased’s brother, doesn’t it, sir?’
‘Yes. Lord Charles Lamprey.’
The police-surgeon spoke for the first time. ‘I fancy I’ve heard something about Lamprey,’ he said. ‘Can’t