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Five Star Temptation. Jacquelin ThomasЧитать онлайн книгу.

Five Star Temptation - Jacquelin Thomas

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nothing really, Daddy,” Sage responded. “Some guy with a chip on his shoulder wrote that a woman turning thirty is so desperate to have a man in her life that she will marry the first one to look her way.”

      Her father laughed.

      Wearing a frown, Sage inquired, “What’s so funny?”

      “Well, you have been bemoaning your state of singleness lately.”

      “I wouldn’t say that I was desperate,” she replied curtly. “Besides, there’s nothing wrong with me wanting to get married and raise a family.”

      “This is true,” Malcolm stated. “Your mother and I want that for you, as well. Perhaps we should post some type of bonus or something.”

      Sage’s mouth dropped open in surprise. “If a man has to be paid to marry me then I don’t want him.”

      Barbara laughed. “Stop teasing your daughter.”

      Sage folded her arms across her chest. “That’s really not funny, Daddy.”

      Malcolm reached over and took Sage’s hand, giving it a loving squeeze. “I’m sorry, sweetie. I didn’t mean to upset you.”

      “I know you didn’t, but you’re right,” she admitted. “My singleness is beginning to bother me. I can’t deny that I want a husband and a family, but I’m not desperate or anything. I’m just ready for marriage. I’m tired of dating and the relationship goes nowhere.”

      “I have a feeling that you are going to meet the man of your dreams soon,” Barbara told her.

      Sage smiled. “Mama, you were always a romantic.”

      She picked up her menu, scanning the entrées. “I’m in the mood for seafood today.”

      “So am I,” Malcolm responded. “I think I’m going to have the grilled tilapia.”

      “That sounds delicious,” Sage murmured. “Mama, what are you ordering?”

      “I think I’ll have the grilled chicken and ravioli.”

      “I’m going to order the tilapia,” Sage decided aloud. She glanced toward the restaurant entrance and said, “It’s about time those two showed up.”

      Ari and Natasha made their way over to the table and sat down.

      “Hey,” Ari greeted. “Sorry we’re late. Natasha’s meeting ran longer than we expected.”

      Natasha nodded in agreement. “It’s my fault.”

      “We haven’t ordered yet,” Malcolm stated, “so you’re just in time.”

      The waiter arrived a few minutes later to take their orders.

      “So where are you two with the wedding plans?” Barbara inquired after he walked away from their table. “Have you narrowed down where you want to have the wedding ceremony?”

      Natasha smiled and nodded. “We’d like to have the wedding at the house. Ari and I feel this is the perfect place to begin our life together as husband and wife.”

      Barbara gave a slight nod of approval. “I think it’s a wonderful idea.”

      Sage agreed. She was absolutely thrilled for Ari, but there was a part of this that highlighted the fact that there was no man present in her life. It wasn’t the lack of male companionship literally, because she was constantly approached by celebrities, business professionals, athletes and even a couple of college students.

      However, Sage was very selective and cautious when it came to relationships because of a bad experience she went through in college—something that still haunted her from time to time. She was determined that no other man would ever deceive her again.

      * * *

      Sage thought about the homeless man from the day before. She had not been able to forget about him. It was the expression that was on his face—the one that said although his circumstances looked as if he was past hope, he was still optimistic about life.

      Impulsively, Sage headed toward the lobby exit. She walked outside, her eyes surveying the surroundings. A way of relief swept through Sage upon seeing him.

      What am I doing?

      She didn’t wait for the answer. Instead, Sage inhaled deeply and then exhaled slowly before approaching him.

      “I thought you might be out here,” she said. “My name is Sage. What’s yours?”

      “Ryan,” he responded. “Ryan Manning.”

      “I hope that you were able to enjoy a hot meal and a clean bed. I know that the shelters are overflowing, and they can’t accommodate everyone.”

      “Yes. Thank you for the money. I can’t tell you how much it helped.”

      She smiled. “I’m glad I could help you in some small way.” Sage paused a moment before continuing. “Actually, I would like to try and really help you, Ryan. I can’t explain it, but my gut instinct tells me it’s something I should do.”

      Ryan’s eyes widened in surprise, but he remained silent.

      Sage was well aware of the curious glances and stares she was receiving from people all around them, including the hotel employees, but she didn’t care. She had to do what was in her heart.

      “I hope I won’t offend or embarrass you by this question, but when was the last time you had a bath and some clean clothes?”

      He gave a slight shrug. “It’s been a few days.”

      “Well, we’re going to change that right now,” Sage stated. “I want you to come with me.”

      She couldn’t remember the last time she had acted so impulsively, but it was too late to turn back now. Sage had always trusted her instincts; this time would be no different.

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