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Pride in Regency Society. Sarah MalloryЧитать онлайн книгу.

Pride in Regency Society - Sarah Mallory

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to the sound of birdsong outside her window. As her sleepiness disappeared and memories of the previous night returned, a delicious feeling of well-being spread through her body. She reached out, expecting to feel Nick next to her, but she was alone in the bed. Eve opened her eyes.

      Nick was standing by the window. With the early-morning sun behind him she could not see his face but she knew that he was watching her.


      As he came towards the bed she noted that he was dressed for riding, already booted and spurred.

      ‘I did not want to wake you. You looked so peaceful.’

      ‘You are going out? Will you not wait for me and I will go with you—’

      ‘That is not possible,’ he murmured, sitting on the edge of the bed and taking her hand. ‘I have to go away for a few days. The messenger came this very morning from Hastings. Business, I am afraid, my love, that requires my urgent attention.’

      Eve sat up. ‘Hastings! What business can be so important it takes you away so soon after the wedding?’ she demanded.

      ‘That I cannot tell you.’

      ‘Oh, but—’ He put a finger on her lips and shook his head at her.

      ‘Hush, my dear. You must trust me on this.’

      He was still smiling at her, but there was something in his blue eyes that gave her pause, made her bite back the host of questions she wanted to ask him. He leaned forwards and kissed her, very gently. ‘Only the most urgent business could tear me away from you at this time,’ he said. ‘Can you believe that?’

      She nodded, suddenly feeling sick with misery. This was nothing unusual, she told herself. Gentlemen did not discuss business affairs with their wives. She shivered, suddenly aware of her nakedness. Nick walked across the room to fetch her wrap of apricot silk. She slipped out of bed and scrambled into it, giving her attention to fastening the ties so that she did not have to look up. He reached out for her.

      ‘I am sorry, sweetheart.’

      As he hugged her to him, Eve leaned her head against his chest, willing herself not to cry.

      ‘How soon will you be back?’

      His arms tightened around her. ‘I do not know. A week, if all goes well. Longer, if not.’

      ‘And—you cannot tell me what is this business that takes you away from me?’ Eve knew he would not tell her, even as she asked the question. He put his fingers under her chin and tilted her head up. She looked up into his eyes, blinking to clear her own of the tears that threatened to spill over.

      ‘I must ask you to trust me, my love.’

      ‘I do,’ she said passionately.

      He kissed her. ‘Then stay here, keep yourself safe for when I return.’

      She shuddered suddenly and had a vague premonition of danger. ‘Promise me you will return!’

      He laughed down at her, the light glinting in his blue eyes. ‘You adorable little goose, of course I shall return!’ He kissed her soundly and she leaned into him, returning his kisses and hoping he would sweep her up and carry her back to the bed for one final act of lovemaking before he left. Her disappointment as he gently put her aside was so strong it almost made her weep. ‘I must get on, my sweet.’

      ‘Can you not give me ten minutes to dress? I would like to come downstairs and take my leave of you.’ She noted his hesitation and added quietly, ‘Please, Nick.’

      He relented. ‘Very well. Ten minutes.’

      Nick watched her walk out of the room, her head held high. A wave of tenderness welled up in him. She did not understand why he must go yet there were no tears, no tantrums. He had asked her to trust him and she did. He put out his hand, opened his mouth to call out to her, but something held him back. The moment was lost; the door had closed behind her.

      ‘Just as well,’ he told himself. ‘The less she knows of this affair, the better.’

      A little over ten minutes later, Eve accompanied Nick out of the house, trying not to cling too tightly to his arm.

      ‘Will you be able to write to me, sir?’ She tried to keep her voice light.

      ‘I shall try, but it may not be possible if I am very busy’ He lifted her hand to his lips. ‘Be strong for me, my love, until I return.’

      Looking up into his laughing face, she remembered her first impression of him; an adventurer, a man who courted danger. Her fingers suddenly clenched on his hand. ‘You will be careful?’

      He gave a merry laugh. ‘Sweetheart I am always careful!’ With a squeeze of her fingers he turned away and mounted nimbly upon his black horse.

      ‘Granby will be following me with the carriage in an hour or so.’ He grinned down at her, his eyes glinting. ‘I do not want to hear that you have gone into a decline, madam.’

      She dragged up a smile. ‘I am not such a poor creature, sir. I shall keep myself busy until your return.’ His warm look turned her heart over.

      ‘Good girl. Come up, Admiral!’ He raised his whip in a salute as he turned and galloped away down the drive.

      Eve watched from the little bridge until Nick was out of sight, then with a sigh she went back into the house. There was an aching void in her chest and she had a desperate desire to burst into tears. She glanced at the clock in the great hall; it was still very early. She had been married for less than twenty-four hours and already her husband had given her both more pleasure, and more pain, than she had ever known before.

      When Eve joined Sir Benjamin in the morning room some time later, he held out his hand to her. ‘Rooney told me Nick has been called away, my love. That is a great pity. But it means I have you to myself again.’

      She smiled as she grasped his outstretched fingers. ‘Indeed you do, Grandpapa.’

      ‘And are you happy with the husband I have found for you, my love?’

      She smiled down at him. ‘Can you doubt it, sir?’

      ‘No, love. You have been glowing with happiness these past few weeks.’ Sir Benjamin sighed. ‘But we shall miss him. He is a very lively fellow, Nick Wylder—Wyldfire, they called him, when he was at sea.’ He chuckled. ‘He certainly sets the house alight with his energy! And he has entertained us royally, has he not, my dear?’

      ‘Yes, sir, and while he is gone we must entertain each other,’ said Eve bracingly. ‘It is a beautiful day, Grandpapa, will you not take a stroll with me through the garden? I should like you to see the flowerbeds; the roses are particularly fragrant just now. Rooney will give you his arm…’

      ‘I think not, my love. My legs do not feel so very strong today.’

      ‘Then let me bring the backgammon board into the morning room. I know Nick’s skill is superior to mine, but I can acquit myself creditably, I think.’

      Sir Benjamin patted her hand. ‘Not just now, Evelina. I am very tired. I think I should like to rest here quietly in the sunshine for a little while.’

      ‘Of course, Grandpapa.’ She bent to kiss his cheek. ‘There is plenty for me to do. I fear I have neglected my household duties recently.’

      Poor Grandpapa, she thought as she went out. He will miss Nick almost as much as I do.

      Evelina kept herself busy. She threw herself back into the life of Makerham, for she was still its mistress, and would remain so until Nick came back and carried her away to run his own houses in the north. During the long, lonely nights in the big tester bed she stifled her longings with thoughts of her new life so far from the only home she had ever known. She would be sad to leave Grandpapa, of course, but the thought of moving away did not frighten her: with Nick at her side she knew she need not fear anything.

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