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Married By Christmas. Anne HerriesЧитать онлайн книгу.

Married By Christmas - Anne Herries

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a hint of devilment about him. ‘Tell me, Miss Horne—are you given to good works?’

      ‘Papa taught us to consider others,’ Jo said. ‘Marianne and I used to make lots of clothes for the poor children in our village. There were always offcuts that could be used for something, and she was a marvel at cutting a pattern from the odd bits of cloth. We wasted nothing at the Vicarage.’

      ‘The Vicarage…yes, your father was a parson, I believe.’ Hal frowned, looking at her thoughtfully. Her name had seemed oddly familiar from the first. Something had been hovering at the back of his mind, but he had not put two and two together until this moment. ‘Drew married a girl called Marianne Horne and her father was a parson…’ He stared at her incredulously. ‘Can it be? I recall that you told me your elder sister had been recently married…did she by chance marry Drew Marlbeck?’

      ‘Yes? Why do you ask?’ Jo stared at him in bewilderment.

      ‘Drew is a friend,’ Hal said. ‘He sent me an invitation and I should have been at the wedding had my father not been taken ill at that time.’

      ‘Oh…’ Jo nodded ‘…how odd that we should meet in Bath—but there, it is a small world, they say. I am sorry your father was ill. Is he recovered now?’

      ‘He is very much better than he was, of course, but his health is not good. I believe it may be his heart, though he speaks of his illness as a slight turn and dislikes a fuss.’

      ‘That is a worry for you,’ Jo said. She wrinkled her smooth brow. ‘Do you not think it might be a comfort to him to know that Ellen is to have your brother’s child, sir?’

      ‘It might,’ Hal agreed. ‘If broken to him gently, it might well give him something to live for…but I think it best to keep it a secret until the child is born.’

      ‘I do not see why,’ Jo said, anxious to defend what she saw as Ellen’s rights. ‘Surely any right-thinking man would want to help his son’s widow at such a time? Indeed, it must be his duty to his son’s wife and unborn child—do you not agree?’

      ‘Please do not,’ Ellen said and threw her a look of appeal. ‘I have no intention of approaching Lord Beverley for anything. I shall manage very well as I am—but if he wishes to see his grandchild when he or she is born, he will always be welcome in my home.’

      ‘I believe he may relent when he sees the babe,’ Hal said, but looked thoughtful. ‘It is not right that Ellen should still be working in her condition, but I am here if she needs me.’

      ‘Well, I must leave,’ Jo said, reluctantly tearing herself away. ‘I dare say you have things to discuss. No, do not come to the door with me, Ellen. I can see myself out.’

      ‘Then I shall accompany you, Miss Horne. For I may return later to speak to Ellen.’

      Jo looked at him uncertainly, but he seemed determined to accompany her. They walked in silence for a moment.

      ‘I mean to call at the library, sir. I do not think that you can wish to visit it yourself.’

      ‘Do you not think me bookish?’ His eyes quizzed her. ‘You wrong me, Miss Horne. I can sometimes sit for an hour or so at a time with a good book.’

      ‘Indeed? As long as that? You surprise me, sir.’

      ‘Now you are teasing me, Miss Horne.’

      ‘Yes, I am—do you mind?’

      ‘Mind?’ Hal smiled oddly. If he were to tell her what was in his mind at that moment, she might be shocked. ‘It delights me, Miss Horne. It seems that you are full of surprises. But we are at the library and I shall leave you here for the moment.’

      Jo gave him her hand. He raised it to his lips to kiss it. Her heart raced, and she turned away, her cheeks flushing to go into the library.

      Jo walked home swiftly afterwards. The day had fled again, and she would be back only just in time to change for tea.

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