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The Heartbreak Sheriff. Elle KennedyЧитать онлайн книгу.

The Heartbreak Sheriff - Elle Kennedy

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Sarah to death just because you demand it.”

      Those silver eyes fumed. “All I’m demanding is justice,” she snapped. “I’ve been sitting around for a month, waiting for you and your incompetent department to find justice for my sister, and—”

      “And now you have it,” Agent Parsons cut in effortlessly.

      Finn’s hand tingled with the urge to punch the man in the jaw. “Isn’t that a little premature to say, Agent? Sarah hasn’t even been indicted yet.”

      But Valerie’s entire face had lit up from Parsons’s reassurance, and both of them ignored Finn as she stepped closer to the other man. “And who might you be?”

      Finn stifled an incredulous groan. Flirting? She was flirting? During a discussion about her sister’s murder?

      “Special Agent Mark Parsons.” Finn half expected the guy to puff out his chest like a damn peacock. “And you must be Valerie. Your name came up in the case file I read on the plane.”

      “So you’re leading the investigation now?” She held her hand up to her heart. “Thank heavens. You don’t know how long I’ve been waiting for someone to take charge.”

      It irked Finn like no tomorrow how Parsons didn’t correct her, even though he’d “assured” Finn just minutes ago that he had no intention of taking over. It was clear the man hadn’t meant a word of it, and even clearer that along with being a pretentious jackass, Parsons had a thing for trashy women.

      “Don’t you worry,” Parsons drawled. “I’m here to make sure Connelly pays for her crimes.”

      Unable to stand there a second longer without throwing up, Finn stepped toward Valerie and placed a not-so-gentle hand on her arm. “You need to leave now,” he told her. “Agent Parsons and I have a lot of work to do.”

      She spared him a pithy glance, then turned to Parsons and smiled sweetly. “Please keep me informed about the case.”

      “My pleasure.”

      Finn’s jaw was tighter than a drum as he ushered Valerie out the door. Her high heels clicked against the tiled floor and as she disappeared into the corridor off the bull pen, Finn turned on his heel and frowned at the federal agent.

      He’d had enough. The mayor was driving him insane, the D.A.’s smug certainty made him want to kick something, and now those two boneheads had deposited this unprofessional ass on his doorstep. His patience was beginning to wear thin and he feared he was nearing his breaking point. The very thought of Sarah stuck in that cell downstairs brought a hot wave of agony to his gut.

      Powerless wasn’t an emotion he did well. He’d always been tough, capable. Even when he didn’t feel it, he put on the act, daring people to cross him. But right now, he felt out of control. Sarah was in trouble—and he couldn’t seem to do a damn thing about it.

      Well, it was time to change that.

      His frown deepening, he advanced on the agent and snapped, “You shouldn’t be discussing the case with anyone outside this office. Especially not with the victim’s sister.”

      Parsons shrugged. “There’s no harm in keeping the lady informed.” He crossed his arms over the front of his tailored suit jacket. “Now, I’d like to go down to lockup and speak to Connelly.”

      A protective rush seized Finn’s chest like a vise. No freaking way was he allowing this jerk to get within ten feet of Sarah. She was already emotional enough as it was, stuck in jail and separated from her daughter. Even a second with this pompous ass would undoubtedly fuel her anger. And when Sarah was angry, she ranted. And when she ranted, she often said things she shouldn’t, things like, oh, If you don’t leave my daughter and me alone, you’ll regret it.

      His lungs burned as he inhaled. Christ, she didn’t know how bad this was. That one threat, whether she meant it or not, might very well seal her fate.

      Unless Finn did something to help her.

      But what?

      Frustration coiled around his insides like barbed wire. Now that Parsons had entered the picture, saving Sarah would be drastically tougher. Not that he even had a plan. What he did have, though, was determination. Like he’d promised her, he was going to fix this, no matter what she said. He’d move heaven and earth for her. Sacrifice anyone or anything for her.

      And maybe if he did that, maybe if he managed to get her out of this, he could finally, finally earn her forgiveness.

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