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Chosen by the Lieutenant. Anne HerriesЧитать онлайн книгу.

Chosen by the Lieutenant - Anne Herries

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friend about Shearne’s behaviour at the picnic. It seemed not quite nice to blacken the gentleman’s name, and the probability that the two would not meet again before Cynthia was safely engaged or wed made her think it unnecessary.

      Cynthia sighed, but cheered up as Amanda told her that Jane was going to make a new gown and had promised to help her adjust hers. She was always interested in clothes and soon the conversation passed on to a promised visit to Bath in the autumn.

      ‘Mama says she shall take me to Bath at the end of September,’ Cynthia told her, sitting forward eagerly. ‘You will come with us, Amanda? I was going to invite you to stay before, but you already have so many engagements.’ She pouted. ‘You must not desert me because you have so many friends.’

      ‘Of course I shall not,’ Amanda said and smiled in sympathy. ‘You have more than I, I am sure. I imagine most of them have called to see how you go on and brought you small gifts?’

      ‘A few gentlemen, yes,’ Cynthia agreed, but sighed. ‘I’ve had flowers and a book of poems, but no ladies have called—apart from my cousins, of course. You are the only one to visit me and actually sit with me, Amanda.’

      Amanda was shocked, though she did not let it show. ‘I suppose the young ladies are afraid of contracting your illness.’

      ‘One or two send notes, but they do not know I have had more than a wretched chill. Mama has told no one but you, Amanda. She said you were to be trusted, but she did not want the news spread all over town.’ Cynthia pleated the white linen sheet between her fingers. ‘I am so miserable. I thought the marquis liked me, but apart from one posy, I have heard nothing from him.’

      Amanda hesitated. Should she tell her friend that he was a desperate flirt and not to be trusted? Yet she was already feeling low and Amanda had no wish to distress her.

      ‘I believe he may have gone out of town,’ she offered uncertainly. ‘I have not seen him for a few days.’

      ‘Oh—well, perhaps he has,’ Cynthia said with a dismissive shake of her head. ‘Lieutenant Phipps has sent me several lovely bouquets and a box of bonbons. He is very kind, I think.’

      ‘Yes, he is,’ Amanda said, her heart sinking a little. If Cynthia decided that she would have him, her own faint hopes would founder immediately. ‘He has enquired after you several times, I believe?’

      ‘At least twice this week and the same last week,’ Cynthia said, her brow creased in thought. ‘Sometimes I think I would do anything to be married and my own mistress. Mama is good to me, but she smothers me—and I have been driven to distraction these past few days. I do not know what I should have done without your visits.’

      ‘I was happy to visit. It is such a shame that you should have caught the chicken pox at such a time when you had been enjoying your visit to town so much.’

      ‘Mama says we shall go to Bath in September, as I told you—but it is not the same as London. If I do not find a husband soon, I must wait until next spring.’

      ‘Oh, I should not despair,’ Amanda said in a rallying tone. ‘I am certain once it is known that you are out and about again, you will have visitors.’

      ‘Do you think so?’ Once again Cynthia looked wistful. ‘I’m not sure people like me as much as they like you. Everyone always looks pleased when you walk into the room, while...some ladies dislike me, I think.’

      ‘I suppose some are jealous,’ Amanda admitted. ‘You are very beautiful, Cynthia, and so many gentlemen choose to form a part of your court. You cannot wonder if a few girls resent you—you have both wealth and beauty.’

      ‘As do you,’ Cynthia retorted. ‘You have lots of women friends, and gentlemen, too. They all genuinely like you. My aunt told me that you are now the most popular lady at all the best affairs.’

      ‘I’m sure that isn’t true,’ Amanda replied. ‘Most of the people I know became my acquaintances when I went everywhere with you. Had you not taken me up, I dare say I should hardly have been noticed.’

      ‘That is what Mama says,’ Cynthia said and blushed. ‘I told her she is wrong. Oh, at first, perhaps, people might not notice you, but when they know you—they like you and want to be your friend.’

      ‘How kind you are to me,’ Amanda said. ‘Everyone asks me how you are. I tell them you are a little pulled down by the chill, which was severe, and they all tell me to send their good wishes.’

      ‘Matrons and friends of Mama’s,’ Cynthia said. ‘Shearne did not ask you how I went on, did he?’

      ‘The marquis never notices me,’ Amanda said. ‘To be honest, I do not much like him, Cynthia. He is a rake and I think he flirts with lots of young ladies and means no good to any of them.’

      Cynthia looked away and did not answer. After a moment, she began to talk of fashions, showing Amanda a magazine her aunt had brought her.

      * * *

      They spent the next hour or so poring over various fashion plates and Amanda told her that Jane Field was going to help her design her new gowns.

      ‘Jane has a real eye for style,’ Amanda said. ‘She thinks I would look better in a simple cut without the knots of ribbons Mama likes for me. I think I shall take her advice.’

      ‘You always look nice to me,’ Cynthia replied, a wistful expression in her eyes. ‘Do not become so fond of Jane’s company that you forget me.’

      ‘I should not do that, Cynthia. You are my friend and I have so much enjoyed my visit to town—and that is very much due to your kindness in taking me up.’

      ‘You make me ashamed,’ Cynthia said, her cheeks pink. ‘When I first took you up, Amanda, I did so because I thought I showed to advantage in your company.’

      ‘Yes, I was little competition for you,’ Amanda said and laughed, her eyes bright. ‘I believe I realised that, my dear friend, but I think that after a while you came to value me for my wit, despite my lack of height and too many inches about my waist.’

      ‘It’s strange,’ Cynthia replied thoughtfully. ‘When one comes to know you, my dearest Amanda, one no longer notices. You were such good company, and everyone laughed and smiled when you were there.’

      ‘As they do when you are,’ Amanda reassured her. ‘You are much missed, believe me.’

      ‘Thank you for remaining my friend.’ Cynthia clasped her hand emotionally. ‘I know I have been proud and cold...’

      ‘Towards some I believe you may have,’ Amanda said, ‘but not to me. What is this, Cynthia? You must not doubt yourself. When you are feeling more yourself, you will soon have all the friends and admirers you could wish for.’

      ‘I believe I shall always have your friendship,’ Cynthia said. ‘You will come to Bath with us later in the summer?’

      ‘We shall see each other at Lord Brockley’s estate. Major Brockley is one of your admirers. I know that you will receive his invitation soon—and now I must go, for I have a fitting this afternoon.’

      ‘How I wish that I could come with you.’

      ‘I shall call again as soon as I am able,’ Amanda promised and took her leave.

      She was thoughtful as she made her way home, her maid walking silently at her side. Cynthia had ruled supreme in the drawing rooms for some weeks, but it seemed she’d had fewer visitors than might have been expected. Her lack of female friends had clearly made its mark on her and she had realised that her aloof manner had brought its own reward.

      Amanda would speak to Jane and ask her to visit Cynthia. Jane had not thought she would be welcome to the proud beauty, but she would go if Amanda asked it of her—and take a little gift, which Amanda would provide.

      Perhaps she ought to have told Cynthia of Shearne’s behaviour to Jane, and also that the last

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