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A Man You Can Trust. Jo McNallyЧитать онлайн книгу.

A Man You Can Trust - Jo McNally

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and Amanda’s stone mansion next door to the resort. The private drive was visible in the view from above their front door. “I really need to talk to Blake about those cameras. I don’t like the feeds popping up in some stranger’s office.”

      “Hasn’t resort security always been responsible for the house, too?”

      “I was never crazy about that, but Blake insisted. And it was different when it was Paul, whom I’d known from the first week I was here. And then Ken. I mean, he’s like having a favorite uncle watching over the house. But some hotshot ex-cop from LA watching me and the kids coming and going?” Amanda shuddered. “I don’t think so. Have you met him yet?”


      “The new guy? Superhero cop coming to save us all? The one who has my husband drooling?”

      “No, I haven’t met him yet.” Cassie set a stack of legal pads on the corner of the desk, opposite the corner Amanda now occupied as she devoured a cookie. “What do you know about him?”

      “What don’t I know? He’s all Blake talked about this weekend. ‘Nick is so brave!’ ‘Nick is so brilliant!’ ‘Oh, no! What if Nick doesn’t like it here?’ ‘What if Nick leaves?’” Amanda acted out each comment dramatically, and Cassie couldn’t help laughing. “But seriously, he really wants this guy to work out. You know Blake—he believes in preventing problems before they happen, and that wasn’t Ken’s strong suit. He’s so anxious for this guy to be happy here that he actually suggested we skip our trip to Vegas so he could be here all week for Nick! That was a ‘hell no’ from me. We haven’t been away together without the kids in ages.” Amanda finished off the last of her cookie, licking her fingers. “And this girl is ready to par-tay in Vegas, baby! Whatcha doin’?”

      “Blake said Nick dropped off these boxes. I’ll unpack them, and he can organize later.” Cassie pulled the top off one of the boxes on the credenza. It was filled with books on criminal science and forensics. She put them on the bookshelves in the order they were packed. Police work was usually a life’s calling. What made this guy walk away from it?

      She stopped after pulling the cover off the second box. It contained more books and binders, but sitting on top was a framed photo. She lifted it out and Amanda came around the desk to study it with her.

      It was a wedding portrait. The tall man in the image looked damned fine in a tuxedo, like a real-life James Bond. His hair was dark and cropped short, military style. His features were angular and sharp, softened only by the affectionate smile he was giving the bride. Her skin was dark and her wedding gown was the color of champagne. Her close-cropped Afro highlighted her high cheekbones and long, graceful neck. She was looking up at the man proudly, exuding confidence and joy. Cassie felt a sting of regret. When was the last time anyone thought that about her?

      “Wow—are those two gorgeous or what?” Amanda took the silver frame from Cassie and whistled softly. “I wonder who it is.” She turned the frame over as if there might be an answer on the back.

      “I’m assuming it’s Nick West and his wife.”

      “No. Blake told me he’s single.”

      “Maybe she’s an ex?”

      Amanda rolled her eyes. “Who keeps photos like this of their ex? Maybe it’s not him at all—could be a brother or a friend. But if it is Nick, he’s hot as hell, isn’t he?”

      Cassie took the picture back and set it on a shelf. “I hadn’t noticed.”

      “Yeah, I call BS on that. There isn’t a woman under the age of eighty who wouldn’t notice how hot that guy is. You’d better be careful, especially now that you’re living in the love shack.”

      “The what?”

      “Nora’s apartment—we call it the love shack. First it was her and Asher. Then Mel moved in there and met Shane. And now you’re there, so...”

      Cassie’s aunt had sold her coffee shop in the village to Amanda’s cousin Nora a few years ago but still worked there part-time. The apartment above the Gallant Brew had been a godsend when it came vacant shortly after Cassie’s arrival. But a love shack?

      “I don’t believe in fairy tales. And even if Nora’s place did have magic powers, they’d be wasted on me.” She started to pull more books out of the box, but Amanda stopped her.

      “Hey, I’m sorry. I don’t mean to push you. Sometimes my mouth gets ahead of my brain. But someday you’re going to find someone...”

      Cassie shook her head abruptly. “That ship has sailed, Amanda. I have zero interest in any kind of...whatever.” She glanced back to the photo and studied the man’s dark eyes, sparkling with love for the bride. Her heart squeezed just a little, but she ignored it. “I can’t take the chance. Not again.”

      “Not every guy is Don. In fact, there are millions of guys who aren’t Don.”

      Amanda meant well, but they were straying onto thin and dangerous ice here. Cassie had wedding photos, too. They were packed away somewhere, and they showed a smiling couple just like this one. She’d been so innocent back then. And stupid. She was never going to be either again.

      “Look, I have a ton of work to do, and this guy—my coworker—is going to be here any time now. No more talk about love shacks and hotness, okay?”

      Amanda stared at her long and hard, her blue eyes darkening in concern. But thankfully, she decided to let it go. She picked up the basket of cookies. “Fine. I have to finish packing for the trip anyway. I’ll leave these out on the coffee counter.” She started to walk away, then spun suddenly and threw her arms around Cassie in an attack hug. “We leave in the morning, but we’ll be back next week. If you need anything at all—anything—you call Nora or Mel and they’ll be there in a heartbeat.”

      Cassie bit back the surprising rebuke that sat on the tip of her tongue. She was fed up with everyone hovering and fretting, but she knew it was her own damn fault. How many times had she called Amanda those first few months, crying and terror-stricken because of a bad dream or some random noise she heard? Sure, she’d changed her name and moved about as far away from Milwaukee as she could get, but Don was an ex-cop with all the right connections. That’s why she kept a “go-bag” packed and ready at her door. She took a deep breath, nodded and wished Amanda a safe and fun trip. But after she left, Cassie was too agitated to sit at her desk. She ended up back in Nick West’s office, unpacking the last box.

      A little flicker of anger flared deep inside. It had been nudging at her more and more lately, first as an occasional spark of frustration, but now it was turning into a steady flame. She wanted her life back. She wanted a life where she could rely on herself and stand up for herself. She looked at the wedding photo again. She wanted a life where she smiled more. Where she didn’t jump every time someone...

      A shadow filled the doorway.

      “Hey! Whatcha doin’ in here?”

       Chapter Two

      Nick West knew he’d startled the woman, but he was just trying to be funny. It was a joke. He figured the auburn-haired stranger would jump, then they’d both have a good laugh as he introduced himself. Humor was always a good icebreaker, right?

      He never figured she’d send a stapler flying at his head.

      He managed to swat it down before it connected with his face, but it ricocheted off the corner of his desk and smacked him in the shin.

      “Ow!” He hopped on one leg. “Damn, woman! I was just kidding around.” He rubbed his throbbing shin, unable to keep from laughing at the way his joke had backfired on him.

      But the woman wasn’t laughing. She was wide-eyed and pale, her chest rising and falling sharply. Her eyes were an

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