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English for tourism and cultural science. М. М. БитюковаЧитать онлайн книгу.

English for tourism and cultural science - М. М. Битюкова

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To have on display the rarest works of painting – выставлять на показ редчайшие картины

      22. To include a close-up view of – включать вид крупным планом на что-либо

      23. To occupy an outstanding place – занимать выдающееся место

      24. To play a major role – играть ведущую (значительную) роль

      25. To remain smth. – оставаться чем-то

      26. To rise in arms against – восстать с оружием в руках против

      27. To suggest smb. do smth. – предложить кому-либо сделать что-либо

      28. To symbolize the unity of some nations – символизировать единство нескольких наций

      29. To win unfading glory for – снискать (завоевать) неувядаемую славу для

      Tasks on the text

      1. Make up special questions concerning the information about Moscow based on the text.

      2. What do these numbers and dates refer to according to the text?

      3. True or False? If the statement is false correct it.

      1) 1137 is considered the year of Moscow foundation.

      2) Moscow became the capital of the state twice: in the 15th and in the 18th centuries.

      3) The first very important defeat of Hitler’s army was in Moscow.

      4) You can get acquainted with the variety of Moscow streets during the General Sightseeing Tour of the city of Moscow.

      5) You can see some of the city’s architectural sights from the river during the tour of Moscow’s Architecture.

      6) Most of the buildings of the Dosnkoy Monastery are in the Moscow Baroque style.

      7) There are a lot of splendid estate-museums in Moscow: Tsaritsyno, Kuskovo, Archangelskoye, Yasnaya Polyana and many others.

      8) In the Boshoi theatre you can enjoy to the utmost opera and ballet productions famous all over the world.


      Choose one or two of the following questions and discuss them in pairs. Then share your ideas with the whole group.

      1) Do you like going sightseeing in our capital city? What is your favourite place? Why do you like it?

      2) Is it possible to visit all Moscow museums in a day or two? Why/Why not?

      3) Have you ever been on any excursion in Moscow? What were your impressions? Would you recommend them to our foreign guests?

      4) Do you like going to the theatres? When did you last go there? What theatre were you in? What did you see?

      5) What fact from the history of Moscow do you consider the most interesting or amazing? Why does it impress you?

      Tasks on Vocabulary

      1. Fill in the gaps with a suitable word from the box.

      1) The palaces and cathedrals of the Kremlin contain … of old art.

      2) Moscow is situated at the … of trade routes in the heart of the Russian lands.

      3) The city … the unity of many large and small nations and nationalities of the country.

      4) From Vorobyovy Hills you can enjoy a … panorama of Moscow.

      5) St. Basil’s Cathedral is a unique exquisitely … monument of the 16th century.

      6) This oldest district … a whole collection of architectural monuments of the 16th-19th centuries.

      7) This person used to be an … figure in Russian cultural and political life.

      8) This museum has a fabulous collection of Russian porcelain, antique …, pottery and glass.

      2. Match English words and combinations with the Russian equivalents.

      3. Translate the following sentences into English using the words and combinations from Vocabulary.

      1) Они были взволнованы великолепной панорамой города, которая открывалась со смотровой площадки (viewing point) в самом центре.

      2) В этом музее можно найти информацию об одной из выдающихся персон в культурной жизни нашей страны.

      3) Усадьба расположена в живописном окружении, рядом с прудом, в 16 км от города.

      4) Фонтан на центральной площади города символизирует единство нескольких наций, которые когда-то входили в состав нашего государства.

      5) Тур по памятным местам дает посетителям возможность увидеть самые незабываемые места города.

      6) В прошлом месяце в музее изобразительных искусств выставляли напоказ редчайшие картины художников-импрессионистов и нам дали возможность увидеть эти прекрасные полотна.

      7) Эта сокровищница древнерусской культуры и искусства была упомянута в летописях, которые хранятся в Историческом музее Москвы.

      8) Во время экскурсии по городу мы познакомились с памятниками архитектуры и предложили друзьям посетить несколько музеев на их выбор.

      Creative Tasks

      Look at the information about the Richards family below and prepare an itinerary for a weekend break in Moscow for the whole family.

      Mr. and Mrs. Richards and their two boys aged 13 and 15 are planning to spend a weekend in Moscow. They will arrive at the airport on Friday evening at 20.30 and leave at 21.45 on Sunday.

      Mr. Richards is interested in the 16th century history and painting. He prefers bus trips, but will tolerate walking on foot.

      Mrs. Richards enjoys

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