Blockchain Data Analytics For Dummies. Michael G. SolomonЧитать онлайн книгу.
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Data is the driver of today’s organizations. Ignore the vast amounts of data available to you about your products, services, customers, and even competitors, and you’ll quickly fall behind. But if you embrace data and mine it like it contains valuable jewels, you could find the edge to stay ahead of your competition and keep your customers happy.
And the potential value you can find in data gets even more enticing when you incorporate blockchain technology into your organization. Blockchain is a fast-growing innovation that maintains untold pieces of information you could use to decrease costs and increase revenue. Realizing blockchain data value depends on understanding how blockchain stores data and how to get to it.
Blockchain Data Analytics For Dummies introduces readers to blockchain technology, how it stores data, how to identify and get to interesting data, and how to analyze that data to find meaningful information. You learn how to set up your own blockchain analytics lab and local blockchain to learn and practice blockchain analytics techniques. After you set up your analytics lab, you find out how to extract blockchain data and build popular analytics models to uncover your data’s hidden information.
About This Book
Blockchain technology is often described as the most important and disruptive technology of our generation. At its core, blockchain technology provides a novel way to add data to a ledger of transactions that is shared by other users whom you do not trust. Blockchain technology has the potential to change the way we conduct business at every level. And, while managing transactions between any two or more parties, any data related to the transaction gets stored on the shared ledger that can never be changed or deleted. The availability of unmodified history of transactions can be a huge advantage