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Data Analytics in Bioinformatics. Группа авторовЧитать онлайн книгу.

Data Analytics in Bioinformatics - Группа авторов

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       Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

      ISBN 978-1-119-78553-8

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      Machine learning has become increasingly popular in recent decades due to its well-defined algorithms and techniques that enable computers to learn and solve real-life problems which are difficult, time-consuming, and tedious to solve traditionally. Regarded as a subdomain of artificial intelligence, it has a gamut of applications in the field of healthcare, medical diagnosis, bioinformatics, natural language processing, stock market analysis and many more. Recently, there has been an explosion of heterogeneous biological data requiring analysis, retrieval of useful patterns, management and proper storage. Moreover, there is the additional challenge of developing automated tools and techniques that can deal with these different kinds of outsized data in order to translate and transform computational modelling of biological systems and its correlated disciplinary data for further classification, clustering, prediction and decision-making.

      This edited book is compiled using four sections, with the first section rationalizing the applications of machine learning techniques in bioinformatics with introductory chapters. The subsequent chapters in the second section flows with machine learning technological applications for dimensionality reduction, feature & gene selection, plant disease analysis & prediction as well as cluster analysis. Further, the third section of the book brings together a variety of machine learning research applications to healthcare domain. Then the book dives into the concluding remarks of machine learning applications to stock market behavioural analysis and prediction.

       The Editors

      December 2020


      The editors would like to acknowledge and congratulate all the people who extended their assistance for this book. Our sincere thankfulness goes to each one of the chapter’s authors for their contributions, without whose support this book would not have become a reality. Our heartfelt gratefulness and acknowledgement also go to the subject matter experts who could find their time to review the chapters and deliver those in time to improve the quality, prominence as well as uniform arrangement of the chapters in the book. Finally, a ton of thanks to all the team members of Scrivener Publishing for their dedicated support and help in publishing this edited book.



      Introduction to Supervised Learning

       Rajat Verma, Vishal Nagar and Satyasundara Mahapatra*

       PSIT, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, India


      Artificial Intelligence (AI) has enhanced its importance through machines in the field of present business scenario. AI delineates the intelligence illustrated by machines and performs in a contrasting manner to the natural intelligence signified by all living objects. Today, AI is popular due to its Machine Learning (ML) techniques. In the field of ML, the performance of a machine depend upon the learning performance of that machine. Hence, the improvement of the machine’s performance is always proportional to its learning behavior. These Learning behaviors are obtained from the knowledge of living object’s intelligence. An introductory aspect of AI through a detailed scenario of ML is presented in this chapter. In the journey of ML’s success, data is the only requirement. ML is known because of its execution through its diverse learning approaches. These approaches are known as supervised, unsupervised, and reinforcement. These are performed only on data, as its quintessential element. In Supervised, attempts are done to find the relationship between the independent variables and the dependent variables. The Independent variables are the input attributes whereas the dependent variables are the target attributes. Unsupervised works are contrary to the supervised approach. The former (i.e. unsupervised) deals with the formation of groups or clusters, whereas the latter (i.e. supervised) deals with the relationship between the input and the target attributes. The third aspect (i.e. reinforcement) works through feedback or reward. This Chapter focuses on the importance of ML and its learning techniques in day to day lives with the help of a case study (heart disease) dataset. The numerical interpretation of the learning techniques is explained with the help of graph representation and tabular data representation for easy understanding.

      Keywords: Artificial intelligence, machine learning, supervised, unsupervised, reinforcement, knowledge, intelligence

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