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The Montessori Elementary Material. Maria Montessori MontessoriЧитать онлайн книгу.

The Montessori Elementary Material - Maria Montessori Montessori

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teach teacher
sing singer
work worker
cater caterer
wring wringer
conduct conductor
direct director
launder laundry
seam seamstress
song songstress
priest priestess
mister mistress
cow cowherd
piano pianist
art artist
pharmacy pharmacist
drug druggist
physic physician
prison prisoner
house household
earl earldom
king kingdom
count county
real reality
modern modernness
good goodness
sad sadness
aloof aloofness

      The child's exercise with the two alphabets will be as follows:

frutto frutteto
canna canneto
oliva oliveto
quercia querceto

      For English:

song songster songstress
art artist artless artful

      List III


      nodo (knot): annodare, snodare, risnodare

      scrivere (write): riscrivere, trascrivere, sottoscrivere, descrivere

      coprire (cover): scoprire, riscoprire

      gancio (hook): agganciare, sganciare, riagganciare

      legare (bind): collegare, rilegare, allegare, slegare

      bottone (button): abbottonare, sbottonare, riabbottonare

      macchiare (spot): smacchiare, rismacchiare

      chiudere (close): socchiudere, schiudere, richiudere, rinchiudere

      guardare (look at): riguardare, traguardare, sogguardare

      vedere (see): travedere, rivedere, intravedere

      perdere (lose): disperdere, sperdere, riperdere

      mettere (put, place): smettere, emettere, rimettere, permettere, commettere, promettere, sottomettere

      vincere (overcome): rivincere, avvincere, convincere, stravincere

      For English:

      cover: uncover, discover, recover

      pose: impose, compose, dispose, repose, transpose

      do: undo, overdo

      place: displace, replace, misplace

      submit: remit, commit, omit, permit

      close: disclose, foreclose, reclose

      arrange: rearrange, disarrange

      The child's exercise with the two alphabets will be as follows:


      For English:


      List IV


      cartapecora (parchment)

       cartapesta (papier maché)

       falsariga (guide)

       madreperla (mother-of-pearl)

       melagrana (pomegranate)

       melarancia (orange)

       biancospino (hawthorn)

       ficcanaso (busybody)

       lavamano (wash-stand)

       mezzogiorno (noon)

       passatempo (pastime)

       ragnatela (cobweb)

       madrevite (vine)


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