The Seventeenth Highland Light Infantry (Glasgow Chamber of Commerce Battalion) (WWI Centenary Series). John W. ArthurЧитать онлайн книгу.
successful bargaining for eggs, chickens and wine, for to make purchases at all was even at that early date a matter for rejoicing. The pipers delighted with their playing the heart of Madame la Comptesse at her chateau at Turancourt where Brigade headquarters were stationed.
On the 28th, a bitterly cold day, the Battalion marched eleven miles via Coisy and Ranneville to Molliens-au-Bois, and there they stayed until the morning of December 1st, when they were joined by M. Duchamps, interpreter. Molliens-au-Bois lies about eight miles north of Amiens, but the outstanding feature was that, from the high ground above there was got the first glimpse of the illuminations provided nightly by the Bosche, all along the battle front.
On 1st December they left at 8.15 a.m., in company with the 16th H.L.I., and on the way a Company of the 17th Northumberland Fusiliers joined the column, which now was moving into the front area.
During the afternoon of that day, the Officers and N.C.O.s of “A” and “B” Companies went from Bouzincourt into the front line trenches, just north of Albert, and were attached for instruction to the 7th Gordons and the 7th Black Watch of the 51st Division, and on the following day these two Companies joined their Officers in the front line for one night. The trenches were in a very bad condition after hard frost and heavy rain. Parts of the trenches were collapsing under the severe conditions and cases were reported from neighbouring units of men being drowned in the mud and water.
On the 3rd and 4th December “C” and “D” Companies from Millencourt went through a similar programme. On the 6th the front line only of Sectors F1 and F2 were taken over, and then on the 8th the whole Battalion took over Sector F1—some 2,000 yards of system from just north of La Boisselle towards Authuille (Blighty) Wood. The front line and communication trenches were knee deep in water and the trench shelters were poor. Rats galore and of enormous size added to the amenity of the district.
Ruins of Bethune.
On the 4th of December the 17th suffered their first casualty by enemy action, Pte. J.M. Harper, “A” Company, being wounded by a rifle grenade.
The next day Ptes. A. Taylor and R. Cross, of “D” Company, were wounded while bringing up rations. On the afternoon of the 11th, the Battalion, having completed its course of practical instruction, was relieved, and returned, two Companies to Bouzincourt, two to Millencourt. During the relief the enemy shelled the position heavily, and the Battalion was fortunate in escaping with only one casualty, Pte. R. M’Kelvie of “B” Company. The next day the Battalion marched back to Molliens-au-Bois, via Senlis and Beaucourt, to recuperate after their opening experience of active trench warfare conditions. The mud and water and the delapidated condition of the trenches were indeed an eye-opener to the men, as much as the comparative absence of “enemy activity.” As they tramped back to Molliens, they passed some Companies of the 15th H.L.I. en route for their first spell, and their blank astonishment at the muddy appearance of the returning 17th Battalion was much appreciated by the war-worn veterans!
All ranks received a good reception from the villagers, and the next few days were spent in resting, inspections and training. Considerable time was taken up in making duck-boards from the smaller trees of a wood near the village until this exercise was stopped by the forester. A few secured the grant of leave to Amiens, a privilege greatly enjoyed. The work of the organisations home in Glasgow and the interest taken in the Regiment and the men of the 17th Battalion soon became manifested by the arrival of parcels to such an extent that the postal arrangements were severely strained!
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