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The Holy Spirit and the Reformation Legacy. Группа авторовЧитать онлайн книгу.

The Holy Spirit and the Reformation Legacy - Группа авторов

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more important than their mutual tensions and disagreements in detail.”185 It is the “more important” theological message arising from the canon as a whole that Brevard Childs’ hermeneutical paradigm seeks to rescue back for the communities of faith, both in the academy and the church.

      The Reformation Legacy in Pneumatic Hermeneutics

      Although Luther’s Reformation paradigm was foundational for Protestant hermeneutical development from the sixteenth century onward, this paradigm was derailed in the eighteenth-century European Enlightenment in which biblical hermeneutics were not only secularized but also divorced from theological reflection. Recent developments in canonical criticism not only hark back to Luther’s Reformation hermeneutics but also seek to render the biblical message meaningful for the contemporary communities of faith, for the meaning of Scripture extends hodie ueque ad nos (even to us today). Luther’s integrative hermeneutica sacra is particularly instructive for the contemporary Church, which, on the one hand, studies the Bible with cold objectivity as though the Bible has no divine relevance for the Church today; while on the other hand, the Pentecostal-Charismatic wing of the Church, whose pneumatic hermeneutic apparently underrates the value of scientific tools of textual exegesis and tendentiously privileges pneumatology over Christology in its theological reflection, has a lot to learn from Luther’s hermeneutica sacra.


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      Brueggemann, Dale A. “Brevard Childs’ Canon Criticism: An Example of Post-Critical Naïvete?” Journal of Evangelical Theological Society 32 (1989) 311–26.

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      Cameron, Euan. The European Reformation. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1991.

      Carroll, Robert. “Canonical Criticism: A Recent Trend in Biblical Studies?” Expository Times 92 (1980) 73–78.

      Childs, Brevard S. Biblical Theology in Crisis. Philadelphia: Fortress, 1970.

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      Clines, David J. A., and J. Cheryl Exum. “The New Literary Criticism.” In The New Literary Criticism and the Hebrew Bible, edited by J. Cheryl Exum and David J. A. Clines, 19–38. Valley Forge, PA: Trinity, 1994.

      Darr, John. “Glorified in the Presence of Kings: A Literary-Critical Study of Herod the Tetrarch in Luke–Acts.” PhD diss., Vanderbilt University, 1989.

      De Villiers, Peter G. R. “Perspectives on Canon History and Canonical Criticism in the Light of Biblical Spirituality.” Scriptura 91 (2006) 11–26.

      Doermann, Ralph W. “Luther’s Principles of Biblical Interpretation.” In Interpreting Luther’s Legacy, edited by F. W. Meuser and S. D. Schneider, 111–23. Minneapolis: Augsburg, 1969.

      Ellis, Earle E. Prophecy and Hermeneutics in Early Christianity.

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