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Follow Your Heart. Gail OdomЧитать онлайн книгу.

Follow Your Heart - Gail Odom

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and was missing his wife. Sam asked about Nellie and if she would be in soon for her weekly shopping. Della assured him that she would be in. It was known about the town that Sam had taken a fancy to Nellie. Someday, he would get enough nerve to ask Nellie to marry him. It wasn’t all one sided either. Nellie had a sparkle in her eye for Sam too.

      After her visit with Sam, Della hurried on her way. Jim Langford would be in his law office by now. Della hurried her step as she passed the bank and came to the door of the law office. She took a deep breath as she walked in.

      Jim Langford was sitting at his desk, going over some legal documents as Della walked in. He knew Della from when her parents Jake and Jane Butterfield first came to Rosewood. He had taken care of some legal matters for them.

      He was very happy to see Della and took her hand to show her to a chair. He asked what brought her out so bright and early. Della got right to the point. She asked if the Bagwell place had been sold yet.

      Jim Langford was quiet as he sat down. He told her that no one had been in to inquire about the Bagwell place. He studied Della’s face and saw a look of determination on it. He could tell she was serious. He told Della that she was the first inquire of the place. Della sat back and told Jim that she was afraid that someone might have already bought it. Della told Jim that she wanted to buy the Bagwell property.

      Jim Langford was taken back for a moment. Considering her past, it was quite odd, but here she was sitting before him. Yes, indeed, she was serious. Della was unsure of his silence until Jim spoke and told her that he saw no problem in her buying the Bagwell place. Della was thrilled!

      Jim went straight to work, drawing up the bill of sale and other legal documents that were needed. He gave her some friendly advice on hiring someone to help fix up the place. It was hard work, but he had a feeling that she could do it.

      Della took no time to sign her name to the document. Jim shook her hand and told her the best of luck with her new home. Jim had suggested that she may need to open an account at the bank to keep her documents safe and establish an account to keep her finances safe. She thanked Jim for his help and advice.

      Della walked out of the office with paper in hand. She had her home! She felt like she was walking on air. She was very happy and knew she was doing the right thing.

      As Della left the office, Jim Langford walked to his window and watched Della walk next door to the bank. He was happy she was making a change in her life. It took courage to make the change, and he believed she would make it. His smile soon faded as he saw Stewart Granger riding into town. He knew that Granger was interested in the Bagwell place for quite some time. He was always hounding Tom for it. Jim Langford rubbed the back of his neck. He knew he was coming in. It was too late now. Courage…yes…Della was going to need a lot of it and more, especially after Granger found out he missed his chance by seconds!

      Della, of course, was unaware of Stewart Granger and his plans. She knew him from being a regular at the Desert Rose. He always made her feel uncomfortable, and she always avoided him. Gracie was the one who would keep him company. They seemed to tolerate each other, both having the same cold indifference. Granger always looked at Della as if he was seeing someone else. Della knew just to stay away from him.

      Robert Sessions owned the bank. He was a portly man with balding hair. A cigar would always be in his mouth, lit or not, and a watch chain hanging from his vest pocket. He loved money and was always ready to make some, honest or not. He was known to agree with Stewart Granger in all matters when it comes to land deals. His wife Annabelle was what you might call the town gossip. Not much got by her or the town for that matter. She was a warm, friendly person.

      Della was unsure of herself when she walked into the bank. She looked around for a moment when Annabelle Sessions asked if she needed any help. Della said yes and that she needed to open an account. Annabelle directed Della over to Robert’s desk and introduced them.

      Della took a seat in the chair in front of his desk. Della told Robert Sessions that she wanted to open an account, and also, she had some documents that she wanted to put in a safe box. Robert told her he would be happy to help her. He proceeded in filling out the necessary paperwork which she signed. He asked her what sort of documents that she needed a safe box for. Della told him that she just bought the Bagwell property, and she needed to have her deed put in a safe place.

      You could hear a pin drop! Robert Sessions cleared his throat and asked Della if he heard right. Della assured him that she did buy the land. She handed him the deed. Robert took it from her hands, and sure enough, Della Butterfield was now the owner of the Bagwell place. He finished the paperwork that was left. Della signed what she needed and placed her document in a safe box that she locked and kept the key.

      Della shook Robert Sessions’s hand and thanked him for his help and turned to leave. As Della was leaving, Annabelle Sessions was taking it all in. This was big news! Imagine a woman buying land and a saloon girl at that! Also, right under the nose of Stewart Granger! Rosewood would know all the details before dark! Truth be known, Annabelle had a soft heart. She wasn’t like her husband, and she let him know it at times.

      Stewart Granger, in the meantime, was paying a visit to Jim Langford. Granger had walked in and went straight to the point with Jim. He told him he was there to buy the Bagwell place. Now Jim took a long breath and told Granger to have a seat. Granger sat across from Jim and waited for Jim to speak. He told Granger that the Bagwell place was already sold. Granger jumped up and demanded to know when it was sold and who bought it. He was furious!

      By this time, Jim had come to his feet and told Granger to calm down. He flew further in his rage when Jim Langford told him that Della Butterfield had just bought the property. Now this was too much for Stewart Granger. A woman had bought the Bagwell place out from under him and Della Butterfield at that! All his plans had gone up in smoke.

      Jim Langford warned Stewart Granger that he had better not do anything to harm Della or go near the Bagwell place. He told him that if anything happened, he would hold Granger responsible. Stewart Granger was furious!

      He stormed out of Jim’s office, hitting his leg with his quirk, just as Della and Robert Sessions were coming out of the bank. Della had her back to him, which was a good thing for the look that Stewart Granger gave to Della Butterfield sent shivers down your spine. Della was lucky she didn’t see it. She told Robert Sessions goodbye and headed across the street to the livery.

      Stewart Granger brushed by Robert Sessions as he stormed into the bank. Sessions followed him in for a very brief volley of words. It wasn’t long before Granger stormed out. Granger jumped on his horse and rode it out in a cloud of dust! Everyone stopped and took notice.

      Jim Langford was at his window and watched Granger ride out as did Robert Sessions. Both men knew that trouble was coming.

      Now Dr. Baker was standing in the doorway of the livery. He was wondering what all the fuss was about. He was uneasy about what he just saw. Something told him that Della was involved. Della was heading his way. He would soon learn what was going on.

      Travis had been in the loft of the livery. He had watched with gritted teeth. Men like Stewart Granger were mean and got what they wanted no matter who was hurt. He could tell by the face of Stewart Granger. Revenge was written all over it. Travis plunged the pitchfork into the hay.

      Chapter 6

      Della was in for trouble. Travis didn’t want any kind of trouble. Yet his mind and heart were pulling him into two different directions. Help or stay out of it? He wanted his dream home and a soul mate. It was something he hungered for.

      Travis followed Della with his eyes as she came upon the livery. Overhearing one’s conversation was the last thing he ever wanted. Their voices drifted up to the loft, making it hard not to do so. He drifted off at the sound of her voice. It was a soft sound that went through him like a torch. He was falling fast for Della. Her flashing green eyes and dark hair made his blood burn.

      Della greeted Dr. Baker with a warm hello. In turn, the doctor asked how Miss Nancy was doing and what got her up so early. He was anxious to find out what was going

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