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      Wesleyan University Press

      Middletown, Connecticut


      © 2015 Ben Doller

      All rights reserved

      Manufactured in the United States of America

      Designed by Mindy Basinger Hill

      Typeset in Sina

      Wesleyan University Press is a member of the Green Press Initiative. The paper used in this book meets their minimum requirement for recycled paper.

      The author extends appreciation and grateful acknowledgment to the editors and staff of the following publications in which poems from this book appeared, often in different forms and under alternative titles: Academy of American Poets Poem of the Day, Apartment, The Brooklyn Rail, The Boston Review, Fence, Jupiter 88, Poor Claudia (Phoneme), The LA Telephone Book, Mantis, Textsound: an Online Audio Publication, Vertebrae, and The Volta.

      W. S. Merwin, “Your way,” translated from the Crow,

      from Selected Translations 1948–2011.

      Copyright © 2013 by W. S. Merwin.

      Reprinted with the permission of The Permissions

      Company, Inc., on behalf of Copper Canyon Press,


      Doller, Ben.

      [Poems. Selections]

      Fauxhawk / Ben Doller.

      pages cm. — (Wesleyan poetry series)

      ISBN 978-0-8195-7586-9 (cloth : alk. paper) —

      ISBN 978-0-8195-7587-6 (ebook) I. Title.

      PS3554.O97428A6 2015

      811'.54—dc23 2015020799

      5 4 3 2 1


      This project is supported in part by an award

      from the National Endowment for the Arts.

      Cover images – (top) Google earth image © 2013 GeoEye, (bottom) Google earth image. Courtesy of Clement Valla.

       for Alphabet

       Your way

       is turning bad

       and nobody but you

       is there


      from Crow Versions, “Plenty-hawk”


       1 The Fauxhawk

       4 Run

       6 Cybermonday

       8 [ey]

       10 Lacanian Inc.

       14 Ikeahacks.com

       16 Axe Body Spray

       19 Irony&Archery

       20 [bee]

       22 Parochial Poetry

       23 Polynomial Poetry

       25 Neurobiological Poetry

       26 Umbillicall

       27 [see]

       29 Dummy

       30 Obviously

       32 The Foreign Correspondent

       33 Earing


       35 Hello


       47 Pain


       65 Google Drive

       83 Notes



      don’t go squawk in the forceps shop

      go (up) (get born) amok!

      rundown your block in a toque or in a flock of spots all tigerlilylike

      or just stop giving order

      to don’t go get shot

      you’re not and never

      will be hawk

      rather one of those delicious birds

      who chooses walks

      I taught I taw tis evening evening’s cotillion, thing-

      craft as a comet complex, copper-cropt-cop buzzard, in its sliding

      through the slipstream sonic boom booms the freon-drawn air, and wilding

      right there, how it sang upon the scene a careening screaming

      in its targeting! Then on, on on it flings

      as its steel hurl rolls hard towards a compound: the remote eyeing

      reset the map-scale. My flesh in writhing

      groaned for a drone,—the R/C of, the detachment of the sling!

      Bully booty and power and tact, oh, flair, guide, BOOM!, here


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