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Empire man. Zealot. Almaz BraevЧитать онлайн книгу.

Empire man. Zealot - Almaz Braev

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but for this, they want to get into the elite, the privileged stratum, or the state system, they quickly learn, master new skills, and imitate the formal standards of idea and responsibility.

      The Zelot is a superman, a hero, a prophet, the most gifted among the traditional elite. A zealot is an ambitious but disinterested person, he is a fighter against the traditional elite (Zerots), with Pharisee officials (Remids, Zeremids), with the people, if the peoples are obsessed with dark passions.

      Chapter VII

      Land and water. What the empire consists of.

      Once upon a time, Xerxes sent the Greeks a parliamentarians. The The parliamentarians told the Greeks “Land and water!”

      The Greeks responded: We will not give anything.

      Greece has been unable to create an Empire in every sense of the meaning of the word. Although the main criterion of the empire is the seizure of land, a large territory, super the area, although perhaps only a small part of this area is suitable for cultivation and exploitation.

      For the pagan superman, the utilitarian part of his conquests is not really important, for the superman, the super territory, the super territory is important as a guarantee that this Zelot will be compared to the gods. If his descendants will be represented as gods, then superman has fulfilled his supertask.

      Although in the pursuit of size, the zealot often forgets to start a family. This is how he wants to appear as God. So great is his super-task in him. In fact, that is why he is a superman. All the conquered peoples, every Zeref, would be against the rule of a new ruler. And their own rulers themselves want to be gods, calling on their people to go with them to fight against the stranger, scaring the Zerefs that they will no longer be able to pray to their gods, the gods which will die together with the aborigine and will not be able to help their people create families, have children. You will be enslaved! And the slaves have no family, no children!

      What could be clearer than such a bleak prospect? And if the local natives go to battle with a foreign Zelot, what else can they do? With the mass of their small family interests, as if to block the ambition of another zealot, and to support the egoism of its own aristocracy.

      But superman is superman because superman must be confronted by such a superman, otherwise, no mass of his relatives and people will save the local zealot from defeat. So the huge human mass of the peoples conquered by the Persians could not protect Darius III from death. Because Darius III was not a superman. And the mass of his Zerefs found a loophole for their small tasks.

      Who cares who rules us? If the new Zelot promises the Zerefs not to touch anyone, just to change the administration, why should they fight with him, so they will solve all the Zerefs and sell their old master? Then such peoples can be taken with bare hands. Although the military leaders of Darius tried to lead the conquered peoples to battle with a cruel whip. Cruelty is also valid. Under the penalty of punishment, the Zerefs also go into battle. They do not yet know who will defeat their Zerots-their own king or someone else’s king. Every local dictator is obliged to conceal any of the defeat of his troops. So that the peoples conquered by him do not run over to the victor in advance in their small souls.

      Napoleon, for example, could have taken Russia after the Battle of Borodino. The battlefield remains for the winner. Napoleon then took Moscow, which was abandoned by the Russian tsar and administration. If in the time of Napoleon there was a modern connection and the whole people would have learned about the tsar’s abandonment of Moscow, then Kutuzov would have had no place to recruit soldiers, some of them would have fled in different directions, and the horses would have died, the peasants would have beaten Kutuzov’s rear services, and not Napoleon’s quartermasters. The Zerefs don’t care who rules them. Just to create a family and continue your family they don’t need anything else.

      Then it was still unknown what tasks the local administration sets each zerot hopes to make friends with a new conqueror. The only one who remains with the unfortunate local dictator is his relatives, the same small cell of the meaning of life of all traditional people.

      Yes, yes! After a huge desire for glory equal to the size of the conquered territory, the empire lives only in one human institution – in the family. Family is the only meaning of life for all traditional people without discrimination. If there is no family in the form of meaning for life, then do not look for an empire here. It was only in the 19th century that German thinkers started talking about the need for living space for Germans.

      But the rational, perhaps the most rational people in the world – the Germans did not come up with the idea that to conquer the living space you need a superman. They only saw vast areas of land. The huge areas of land were necessary for the German people. From the fact that the land is the main criterion for the well-being of the nation, we can immediately say that we are talking only about the empire. From here, the main criteria of the empire it there are land and family are immediately formed! These two criteria are inseparable.

      If there is no land, then there is no possibility for the growth of a new population. If there is no family, the institution of the family is destroyed, discredited, people have turned into egoists, they have ceased to answer to their relatives, and therefore to the people, then why do they need land? The people that do not have people with super-responsibility can never become imperial people.

      Similarly, cultured people will not be able to become imperial. The over-cultured Greeks failed to create an empire, for example. Alexander the Great did not create an empire because he wanted a lot of land. This ambitious superman wanted only one thing-fame. The Greeks built an empire on the corpse of the Persian Empire. And in general, to create an empire, the people must be the necessary way of life. Only savage peoples with the cult of the family created large empires. We will not consider all the victories of savages over cultured peoples.

      It would seem that the cultured peoples had better equipment, were organized and were led by educated strategists. But all this was a pointless exercise before the onslaught of any savage horde. All the barbarians, vandals, Horde people thought about how to feed their families. All civilized societies think about how to have a good time. To not get bored, to enjoy life. Enjoy your life! (Seize the moment! How similar it is to the modern cliche “every second of your precious life is precious”).

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